
  • Life Is Relationship Episode 20-Why Asking For Help Shows Strength

    Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it's rather a sign of great strength.  Being able  to ask for the help shows your humanity and vulnerability. Everyone needs someone at some point on their life journey. 

    Put pride and ego aside and share your problem with someone. It can sometimes feel that you are alone or that you have to deal with your problem by yourself, but you are not alone, you will find others in the same situation as you are, if you have the courage to share your problem. Someone will be willing to help you if you reach out.

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  • Life Is Relationship Episode 19- There Are No Perfect Relationships

    There are no perfect relationships! If you think there are, you will be terribly disappointed. Relationships need commitment and work. Your relationship is not bad because you argue or have disagreements, disagreements are quite normal, the key is how long does it take you to come back to balance after an argument? When you are committed to your partner, you can solve any problem together. I believe that there are no perfect relationship,  because there are no perfect people. Everyone comes to the relationship with something, with their own set of issues. Each person in the relationship is responsible for doing the work needed to heal those issues.  So the relationships most likely to work will be those relationships where both partners are making conscious efforts to work on themselves.

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  • Life Is Relationship Episode 18-Does A Title Make The Person?

    Are you a better person because of the title you hold? Are you happier, do you have the answers to life's questions or mysteries because of your title? These are some of the questions I tackle in this podcast episode.

    In life we give so much of our power away to people who have titles that are perceived to be important. These titles are what society perceives to be valuable. Some titles have more value than others and those who hold these titles are treated differently because of their title. 

    However, are these people better than anyone else? Are they happier, more compassionate, more loving and caring than the rest of us? I don't think so!

    Listen to the full podcast to get more of my insights on this subject.

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  • Life Is Relationship Episode 17- How To Live An Authentic Life

    How can you live your most authentic life? But before we dive in, we must first ask the question: What does authenticity mean? Well for me authenticity means being as honest with yourself as you possibly can about all aspects of your life and your self. Authenticity also means acceptance of yourself. To be truly authentic means you have to have accepted who you are, where you are in life, your status, background, history, where you come from, where you live etc etc...

    If you're hiding and are ashamed of any of these parameters, then you may have to start creating lies about one or more of these factors. You first start lying outside of yourself about the thing you are ashamed of by lying to friends, colleagues and society. You then justify the lies by reasoning or lying to yourself about them. And so the cycle continues. 

    Listen to the full podcast to learn more.

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  • Life Is Relationship Episode 16- What Do You Want To Change In Your Life in 2023?

    The old year is over and the new year is now underway, so I want to ask the question: What would you like to change in your life in 2023?  Did you make New Year's resolutions that have already gone by the way side? 

    Well, if that's the case, I  think a good place for you to start if you want to make lasting changes, would be to try to understand what the hindrances are that  are stopping you from making the changes you long for. Changing something in your life that isn't working requires patience, persistence and consistent effort. When you take small, but consistent steps towards your goal, you will surely be successful.

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  • Life Is Relationship Episode 15-Why We should Forgive

    Forgiveness is the best gift you can give yourself. Learning to forgive is not for the benefit of the other, but rather for your benefit. Forgiveness releases and free's you, so practice forgiveness, so you can live your life in lightness and love.

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  • Life Is Relationship Episode 14-Learning To Trust And Follow Your Intuition

    You can think of your intuition as your inner knowing or 6th sense. It's the little voice that nudges you when you're doing something wrong, when you're going in the wrong direction and even when you're going in the right direction. Learning to listen and trust this inner knowing, opens up a whole new world of possibilities.

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  • Life Is Relationship Episode 13: Getting To Know Your Inner Child

    When you heal your inner child, life becomes more joyful. Discovering who and what your inner child is, is a process. A process that takes you back to your childhood, to the child you left behind. That child is still within you. Healing this wounded child gives space for your playful side to flourish, giving you the ability to laugh without limitations or inhibitions.

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