• 25. Acts 13:32-52

    A verse-by-verse study of Acts 13:32-52, which provides us with a deep theological explanation of the coming of the Messiah.

    May the Lord bless your study of His Word!

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  • 24. Acts 11:25-30; 12:24—13:31

    A verse-by-verse study of Acts 11:25-30 and 12:24—13:31.

    We will look at several significant events that took place in the years AD46-49.

    During this time the first Gentile church was established and Paul set out on his first missionary journey, a trip that had great success, but was filled with near-death experiences for the missionaries.

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  • 23. James 5:12-20

    A verse-by-verse study of James 5:12-20.

    We conclude our study of the Letter with a study of 5:12-20, where James teaches us about integrity, prayer, and how to heal relationships.

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  • 22. James 4:13—5:11

    A verse-by-verse study of James 4:13—5:11.

    We will look at three subjects that all of us deal with every day:

    how to prepare for the future, how to use the wealth God has entrusted to us, and the value of patience.

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  • 21. James 4:1-12

    A verse-by-verse study of James 4:1-12 on a subject all of us are familiar with: conflict.

    We’ve experienced it with others and even within ourselves.

    James explains the source of conflict and how to respond when it happens.

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  • 20. James 3:1-18

    A verse-by-verse study of James 3:1-18, which offers invaluable counsel on wisdom and how to attain it.

    In vv 1-12 he talks about a subject all of us get in trouble with from time to time: our words.

    Then in vv 13-18 he talks about two kinds of wisdom: the wisdom from above and the wisdom from below.

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  • 19. James 2:14-28

    A verse-by-verse study of James 2:14-28 and what James says about people who say they have faith in Christ but have no evidence of it in their lives.

    This passage has created lots of confusion and heated debate because many people assume that James is contrasting faith and works, but that is not what he is doing it all.

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  • 18. James 2:1-13

    A verse-by-verse study of James 2:1-13

    James talks about the sin of discrimination and the value of disconnecting from the world’s pecking order and living under the “Royal Law.”

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