Welcome to the new podcast The Little Hair Podcast. Comedian Rob Little and Syndicated DJ Hairball John get together as great friends do and talk shit and have a blast doing it! Come join them!
Website: http://www.TheLittleHairPodcast.com
Email: theguys@thelittlehairpodcast.com
Facebook: @TheLittleHairPodcast
Instagram: @TheLittleHairPodcast
TikTok: @TheLittleHairPodcast
YouTube: @TheLittleHairPodcast
Rob's social media:
Home Page: http://www.roblittle.com
Facebook: @OfficialRobLittle/
YouTube: @RobLittle
Instagram: @RobLittleComedy
TicTok: @RobLittle
Hairball John's social media:
Home Page: https://hairballjohn.com/
Facebook: @HairballJohn
YouTube: @HairballJohn8762
Instagram: @HairballJohn
Support the Show.