Man’s earthly beginnings are documented in the book of Genesis After the first man and woman were created, the inference is they were created to live forever in a state of innocence and would populate the earth with additional people. Because they disobeyed God and sinned, mankind was plunged into a position of attempting to reconnect with God. God set forth the mechanism for all of us to do this and He has set the ground rules for it to happen. The terms, “Salvation” and “Redemption” enter the picture because man now has to be redeemed from our sinner status
It is clear that God did not desire to completely discard human beings, but decided to reach out to reconcile the relationship between us and Him. Thousands of years later, we have questions regarding His motives, His system of redemption, and how we MUST respond to it. The bottom line is that Jesus loves us and is constantly reaching out for relationship. Our faith is relevant because of how we must respond to His overtures toward us.
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