
  • Busting the Myth on Trading Health for Wealth
    28 分
  • 3 Keys to A Healthy Thriving Luminary Entrepreneur
    19 分
  • Law of Attraction is Not the Only Answer

    Why the Law of Attraction Isn't the Only Answer for your Life and Business...

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    20 分
  • How Toxic Relationship Dynamics Effect Your Business

    This is a BIG topic, so hang on tight. 


    What is a toxic relationship? Why are we seeing more of them within out lives and social media? 


    What happens in these dynamics? 

    1- You move into Fight or Flight - you become defensive, combative and your energy contracts. 

    2- You Freeze - energetically you freeze and it's like bracing for impact. This is a push-pull energy and typically you will lack clarity in decision making. 

    3- You become drained of your energy. The dynamics creates a siphoning of energy and you'll feel weakened in general because you are always giving your energy away by being caught off guard and being entangled within the toxic relationship.


    There are many more situations that occur within these relationships the above are three very common scenarios. 


    We LOVE providing tools and solutions for how to start gaining ground and clarity in these situations. 

    1- Breathing & Visualizations can help you prepare for the fight, flight situation. When you can gain tools of becoming more space and/or coming back into your body this will greatly help in staying more grounded. 

    2- Building strength with simple decisions - keep it simple, what yes/no areas of your life can you strengthen when making decisions feels hard. 

    3- Clearing, grounding, calling back your energy - these are HUGE for stopping any energy draining and siphoning that occurs. Create a new routine where you do this EVERY day. Even twice a day, morning and night will be very beneficial. 


    We speak a lot about this in our social media pages and group. Please reach out and message us in facebook if you have questions! 




    Join us over on facebook: https://bit.ly/LuminaryEntrepreneur

    If you wish to work with us further, find more ways here: https://linktr.ee/luminaryventures


    We by NO means will cover this topic in its entirety. Please note that if you are in a physically unsafe relationship please seek professional help and do not rely on this podcast to cure your situation. Additionally this podcast is by no means meant to treat, cure, diagnosis or be the sole solution to your situation. 

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    29 分
  • Intuition is your Super Power in your Business PART 2



    We will dive into how intuition is a super power in your business. 

    How do you get clear on what is your intuition, how do you hear it and how can you trust it? 


    Cultivation of hearing, knowing and seeing it AND THEN you follow it! 


    Do you question your intuition or do you follow it? 


    You'll find ways that indecision affects your decision making and follow through. 


    Watch how your business shifts when you connect your business more directly to God! 


    What are the ways that you are willing to add in more intuition and decision making into your business? We'd love to hear it!


    Find us in social media and at our website we love to hear how the podcast is serving you. 


    Join us over on Facebook: https://bit.ly/LuminaryEntrepreneur

    If you wish to work with us further, find more ways here: https://linktr.ee/luminaryventures

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    24 分
  • Energy Keys for your Biz during Overwhelming Seasons

    There are seasons that can feel really overwhelming and we wanted to bring some tools so that you have more space to continue to create in your life and biz with more ease than stress. 


    #1: Become a master to your time and energy 

    What are you available for? 

    Where are you losing time? 

    Begin to bring more awareness to these areas and create more streamlined ways in how you utilize time. 


    #2: Energy Tolerance

    Those areas where you are allowing things to drain your energy. Identify where and what they are and decide if you are available for these anymore. The first step comes with identification. What energy traps are currently existing in your reality? 


    #3: Physical Body Expenditures

    What perpetuating cycles are you continuing to create that are actually exhausting you? This can be an overbooked family and business schedule with not enough down time to nourish and replenish. Where can you start to create a schedule that feeds and provides energizing instead of draining you physically and emotionally? 


    What are the things required in your life and business that will set you up for success? Create a list of these and begin to create this as your reality. 


    We hope you found some nuggets in this podcast and we look forward to seeing you in our community! 


    Join us over on facebook: https://bit.ly/LuminaryEntrepreneur

    If you wish to work with us further, find more ways here: https://linktr.ee/luminaryventures

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    30 分
  • Intuition is your Super Power in your Business Part 1

    Thanks for joining us today!


    1: What is Intuition? Where might you have shut it off as an unreliable source of information? Where can you start to trust it again? 


    2: How do you distinguish it? What is YOUR most powerful way of receiving your intuition? 


    3: Decision making with intuition vs an emotional response


    If your intuition is in your comfort zone you are likely not being true to what you are hearing. 


    We hope you found some nuggets in this podcast and we look forward to seeing you in our community! 



    Join us over on facebook: https://bit.ly/LuminaryEntrepreneur

    If you wish to work with us further, find more ways here: https://linktr.ee/luminaryventures

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    27 分
  • How to Use Rejection as a Catalyst in your Business

    Rejection can be taken very personally and shut down how you run your business. 

    Katie Edwards Corbin and Doctor G share the ways in how to move through the rejection in order to bring your business to the next level. 


    How can you use rejection as a catalyst and redirect in your business? 


    What areas or past rejections did you shut down from and in looking back what could you re-create as a redirect from that? 


    Rejection is a very human experience, what were the most painful moments? 

    Can you lean into those moments? 

    Once you start to familiarize yourself with those moments you can really get comfortable with that feeling and realize you are safe in that uncomfortable feeling and allow the exponential growth to come through.


    What if you could sit with rejection and move through it as a sign that you are close to an uplevel?


    The persistence in the long term vision is going to trump the instant gratification of avoiding rejection. 


    How can you strengthen your vision in order to persevere rejection?


    We hope you found some nuggets in this podcast and we look forward to seeing you in our community! 


    Join us over on facebook: https://bit.ly/LuminaryEntrepreneur

    If you wish to work with us further, find more ways here: https://linktr.ee/luminaryventures


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    22 分