Join us today in
It's 5:17 in the morning, and I find myself. I find myself looking at the stars.
I find myself while looking at the stars.
There's a mystery there. What's out there? What is it that I cannot possibly see?
What is it that I cannot possibly see that beckons me?
That's the mystery. And that is the mystery of life.
The unseen.
The Unseen is also where you see from.
How I see the world is determined by who I am. Being. Who I am being in the world.
H. G. Wells wrote War of the Worlds. And so many people live having a war within their worlds.
A war that's so subtle. A war that's so strenuous and stressful. Sometimes obviously, sometimes obtusely.
And that's not what you came here for.
Neville Goddard says you came here for divine experience. You came here to know imagination.
Imagination is your savior,
and most people use it for escape.
All the greats in history have brought forth something from the mystery, from the unseen, something that they knew deep inside, something that they knew from part of them that just felt, maybe even looked, way out there.
From what I can tell, you are God having the adventure of a lifetime. You are how God has the adventure of a lifetime. You get to forget. You get to remember.
You get to invite.
And today, I'm inviting you.
I'm inviting you, first of all, to go outside when it's dark.
To stare at the stars. And to explore the invisible that's staring beyond the visible. I invite you. I'm inviting you to explore more with us. There are many opportunities to do that.
Click one of the links. I'm inviting you to discover the dance of you. To live a life with delight. Because you are the sunshine.
You are the light of the world.
And that's my message for you today.
I'm curious, where,
where did you go? Did you allow yourself to wander in the wonderful?
And bring that into your being. So you can Explore and expand who is really seeing.
I invite you. See ya.