
  • Can Yağız -ep. 2

    Michael Shawn interviews Can Yağız, a Turkish artist who studied at Yale and taught at University of New Haven. They get into Can's background, their friendship, and artistic expression.

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    37 分
  • What is The New Diversity Podcast, and Why Release it Now? -ep. 1

    In this introductory episode, Michael Shawn breaks down the purpose, mission, and key objectives of the New Diversity Podcast. Plus we'll here from a special guest, Can Y to help form our thoughts.

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    38 分
  • The New Diversity Podcast Trailer!

    Welcome to the New Diversity Podcast, a podcast where we interview people in our state who represent all levels of diversity. We’re talking race, sex, gender, and ethnicity; but we’re not stopping there. At the end of the day, every single person has a unique culture that influences their unique voice. And, here at the New Diversity Podcast, we believe that each voice matters! So join us as we become better humans by listening to one another, learning to understand the other, humanizing each of our neighbors, and enjoying all of our cultures!

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