
  • How Do You Raise a Unique Child? (With Sally Clarkson)

    How do you raise children to value their uniqueness while also growing in maturity? Sally Clarkson returns to the show to discuss with Joseph Holmes and Nathan Clarkson the new book by Sally and Nathan: "Uniquely You"

    Discrimination against left-handed people: https://www.press.jhu.edu/newsroom/stuttering-and-retraining-left-handed-children-mid-century-us#:~:text=By%20the%20second%20decade%20of%20the%20twentieth,retraining%20left%2Dhanders%20had%20negative%20consequences%2C%20especially%20stuttering.&text=Terman%20(1877%2D1956)%20concluded%20that%20a%20third%20to,attempts%20to%20transform%20left%2Dhanded%20children%20into%20right%2Dhanders.

    Howard Gardener's Multiple Intelligences: https://www.niu.edu/citl/resources/guides/instructional-guide/gardners-theory-of-multiple-intelligences.shtml

    Mental illness vs neurodiversity debate: https://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/mental-disorder-or-neurodiversity "Gentle Parenting" creates unhappy children: https://ifstudies.org/blog/do-your-political-beliefs-affect-your-parenting- Blesses:

    Finding Forrester (Movie) A Wrinkle in Time (Book)

    Anne of Green Gables (Book)


    A Wrinkle in Time (Movie)

    Anti-Family Trends in Pixar Films (Movie)

    Websites: Nathan Clarkson: nathanclarkson.me Joseph Holmes: josephholmesstudios.com Sally Clarkson: sallyclarkson.com

    Buy "Uniquely You" today: https://www.amazon.com/Uniquely-You-Exploring-Extraordinarily-Distinctive/dp/0802432786/ref=sr_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.FLcU4czIiBsDVW0-BpzfHq3dMhqKT9xdOS7adg1hFrVBwKbNFU303KovJtg_yaYhaHXp8OeXQ9FovH4JL_HdY8IkLJ5kIUGRiHccIXp0L3rMwN3ZroPoO7r0AhYIMfM2DsIz3LIU7UsJejV-zAC-nWCV4nSEE7tPq2oenPkJ9DWVwl6P364nvIjha3VvZCPK0oHEtGjRNtFQJh2Zi-KVcG_j2-xi2rLbGfYC-FDg_jU.Pi6PI6MI84yTG4gWtYRCTE_TobJhNqyCjBhcSXIE0Xs&dib_tag=se&keywords=uniquely+you&qid=1736131771&sr=8-1

    続きを読む 一部表示
    40 分
  • How Do We Follow Through on Our Goals?

    In the first Overthinkers episode of the new season, Joseph Holmes and Nathan Clarkson discuss how to follow through on our goals. Studies show that most people who set goals in the new year don't follow through on them. How do you become the exception? Well, there's studies on that too! Joseph and Nathan go through some of the best strategies on the internet--and their own experience--to help set us all off on the right foot in the new year. Podcast Sources:

    Only 8 percent of adults achieve their goals: https://summer.harvard.edu/blog/how-high-school-students-can-set-and-accomplish-their-goals/#:~:text=But%20a%20recent%20survey%20by,the%20best%20versions%20of%20ourselves.

    Only 6.5 percent of adults were still trying for their goals after 6 months: https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/new-study-shows-only-6-of-people-achieve-their-goals-and-reveals-their-secret-formula-1032687000

    Less than half of Americans were very satisfied with their lives: https://www.newsweek.com/americans-are-less-satisfied-their-lives-1868560

    Arthur Brooks on healthy vs unhealthy goal setting: https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2021/03/how-follow-your-dreams-and-get-happier/618384/?fbclid=IwY2xjawGz3wBleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHdBtSJE1sCkpBIWT2jx47PxvsuteMDLMii2pVMQWWr1GLvABLiQ2q_y3uw_aem_BL6ZVahAoLk4Im8SvCoB1A

    Rising rates of depression: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/our-changing-culture/201510/are-mental-health-issues-the-rise

    Blesses and Curses:

    Bless Subliminal - Book Transformers One - Movie


    The Law of Attraction - Book

    Reagan - Movie Blink Twice - Movie

    Websites: Nathan Clarkson: nathanclarkson.me Joseph Holmes: josephholmesstudios.com

    続きを読む 一部表示
    59 分
  • How Do You Get Through Going Home for the Holidays?

    Lots of people are stressed out by being with family for the holidays. Some are even planning not to spend holidays with their family. But is that a good idea? Nathan Clarkson and Joseph Holmes give their tips on having a positive trip home for the holidays. Links to outside references:

    15 million long-distance travelers oer Christmas in 2023: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/millions-americans-expected-to-travel-christmas-new-years-day-aaa/

    How to survive going home for the holidays: https://www.vice.com/en/article/how-to-survive-going-home-for-the-holidays/



    Blesses: Elf The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Curses: The Family Stone Four Christmases National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation A Christmas Story

    続きを読む 一部表示
    55 分
  • What Do We Really Want? (With Strahan Coleman)

    Everyone has deep desires. But what is our deepest desire? And how do we deal with the problem of satisfying that desire. Writer, award-winning folk musician, and spiritual director Strahan Coleman joins Joseph Holmes and Nathan Clarkson to dive into what we want and how we can have it today. Links to resources discussed in the episode:

    Basics of Budhism: https://www.pbs.org/edens/thailand/buddhism.htm

    The Stoics: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/stoicism/

    Augustine and Desire: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/justin-taylor/an-analysis-of-one-of-the-greatest-sentences-ever-written/

    Charlotte Fox's 12 Universal Desires:


    8 Things People Desire But Can't Attain:


    Blesses Book - Georgia Douglas Johnson Poetry Book - The Religious Sense Movie - Deadpool and Wolverine Book - Surprised By Joseph Holmes Movie - The Book of Clarence TV Shows - Agatha All Along Thinker - Teresa of Avila Thinker - St. John of the Cross Book - The Cloud of Unknowing TV Show - Bridgerton Curses Movie - Saturday Night Movie - Joker: Folie à Deux Good Cafes that serve terrible coffee

    Overthinkers Team Contact and Websites: The Overthinkers: theoverthinkersjournal.world

    Nathan Clarkson: nathanclarkson.me

    Joseph Holmes: josephholmesstudios.com

    Strahan Coleman Links and Websites: Thirsting: Quenching Our Soul's Deepest Desire: https://www.amazon.com/Thirsting-Quenching-Souls-Deepest-Desire/dp/0830785205 Beholding Prayer Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/beholding-prayer/id1669562572 Commoners Communion: https://www.commonerscommunion.com/about

    続きを読む 一部表示
    1 時間 2 分
  • Why are Spiritual Rhythms Important? (With Douglas McKelvey)

    Are spiritual rhythms important in everyday life? Not just on Sundays? Joseph Holmes discusses with author and artist Douglas McKelvy his series "Every Moment Holy" about how to bring the sacred into ordinary life. Referenced Links:

    Barna Study - How liturgical are today’s American Christians? https://www.barna.com/research/liturgical-todays-christians/

    Liturgy as an idol: https://au.thegospelcoalition.org/article/liturgy-word-god-enough/

    Liturgy detached from theology: https://www.christianitytoday.com/2022/07/church-liturgy-trends-history-tradition-theology-popular/

    Church makes you give more to charity: https://religionunplugged.com/news/2023/12/12/are-religious-areas-more-charitable

    Frequent church attendance means better mental health: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/frequent-churchgoers-better-mental-health/ Blesses Book - Desiring the Kingdom Movie - Wildcat Anime - Barakamon Book - The Book of Common Prayer/The Daily Office Book - Everything Sad is Untrue Curses Book - Living in Wonder Book - The Daily Stoic

    Overthinkers Team Contact and Websites: The Overthinkers: theoverthinkersjournal.world

    Nathan Clarkson: nathanclarkson.me

    Joseph Holmes: josephholmesstudios.com Douglas McKelvey and Every Moment Holy links Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quothdouglas/?hl=en Every Moment Holy Website: https://www.everymomentholy.com/about-the-series

    続きを読む 一部表示
    1 時間 16 分
  • Are Politicians Corrupt?

    Americans' number one fear is corrupt politicians. Why is that? And is that valid? We discuss fear of the government and propose solutions.

    Links to Further Resources

    Chapman University study of Americans’ greatest fears: https://www.chapman.edu/wilkinson/research-centers/babbie-center/survey-american-fears.aspx

    Summary of implications for new US rankings in global corruption: https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/01/28/report-transparency-international-corruption-worst-decade-united-states/

    Christopher Bader interview on Chapman University study: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/19/science/sociology-fear-uncertainty.html

    Liberty of the Ancients vs the Moderns speech: https://fee.org/resources/the-liberty-of-ancients-compared-with-that-of-moderns/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsoe5BhDiARIsAOXVoUvAN9dp6i3daV7OFgzeY5hfEwHv9JPJETxoenffgIjunKHUPd1SGBUaAj3NEALw_wcB

    Federalist 51 - James Madison’s justification for our system of government in men’s natures: https://guides.loc.gov/federalist-papers/text-51-60


    Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

    Death of Stalin


    Trial of the Chicago 7


    The West Wing

    Civil War

    Don’t Look Up


    Overthinkers Team Contact and Websites: The Overthinkers: theoverthinkersjournal.world

    Nathan Clarkson: nathanclarkson.me

    Joseph Holmes: josephholmesstudios.com

    続きを読む 一部表示
    49 分
  • Is Deconstruction a Good Thing? (With Scot McKnight and Tommy Preson Phillips)

    Many Christians are worried about the phenomenon of "deconstruction". But what is "deconstruction" and is it something we should fear or embrace? Author and scholar Scot McKnight and musician and pastor Tommy Preson Phillips join to discuss their new book on deconstruction "The Invisible Jesus: A Book About Leaving the Church and Looking for Christ" References and Resources:

    Deconstruction Definition: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/deconstruction

    What Does Deconstruction Mean? https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/what-does-deconstruction-even-mean

    How many people deconstruct? https://www.barna.com/trends/ex-christians-deconstructing/

    Why We Should Not Redeem Deconstruction https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/redeem-reconstruction/

    Five Reasons Young People are Deconstructing Their Faith: https://careynieuwhof.com/five-real-reasons-young-people-are-deconstructing-their-faith/

    Deconstruction encounters from Pastors: https://www.christianitytoday.com/2022/07/deconstruction-faith-pastors-church-lifeway-survey/

    Rise in family estrangement: https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2021/01/why-parents-and-kids-get-estranged/617612/

    Rise of “everyone’s toxic”: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/09/toxic-person-tiktok-internet-slang-meaning/670599/

    Millennials true religion: customizable beliefs, observation by Dr. Jean Twenge, author of Generations: https://ca.thegospelcoalition.org/columns/ad-fontes/generations-by-jean-m-twenge-review-and-reflections/



    The Great Dechurching

    Mrs. Davis


    First Reformed


    Bonhoeffer (film)

    Contact and Websites:

    Nathan Clarkson: nathanclarkson.me

    Joseph Holmes: josephholmesstudios.com

    Scot McKnight: https://scotmcknight.substack.com/

    Tommy Preson Phillips: http://presonphillips.com/

    続きを読む 一部表示
    57 分
  • Should We Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils?

    Do we have a moral obligation to vote for the lesser of two evils? Do we have a moral obligation not to? Joseph Holmes and Nathan Clarkson discuss in the lead up to the American presidential Election.

    St. Francis advises voting for lesser of two evils, and why: https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/pope-francis-kamala-harris-donald-trump-rcna171092

    History of American “Lesser of Two Evils” debates: https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/lesser-of-two-evils-history-voting/

    Reasons to not vote lesser of two evils:



    Americans disatisfied with choices: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/americans-dismayed-by-biden-trump-2024-rematch-reutersipsos-poll-finds-2024-01-25/

    Federalist 51 - Why lesser of two evils thinking is built into American government:



    The Righteous Mind

    Eye in the Sky


    13 Days

    Curses: X/Twitter/Threads

    God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust


    Contact and Websites:

    Nathan Clarkson: nathanclarkson.me

    Joseph Holmes: josephholmesstudios.com

    続きを読む 一部表示
    54 分