
  • The Syrophoenician Woman
    33 分
  • Work is a Gift from God

    So…is work truly good (even being a dishwasher or a rickshaw driver or a deodorant tester)? And where in the Bible is that stated? Let's look at the END of work by which I mean, the purpose, aim or goal of work as depicted in these final chapters of the Bible. Let's look at:

    1. Believers Will Work in the Afterlife
    2. Work Will Be Redeemed
    3. Work Is a Gift From God
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    35 分
  • The Rest of the Story

    Today we consider the passing of time and the rhythm of work and rest in the various increments and cycles – days, weeks, months, years, decades and lifetimes: "Work and the REST of the Story!"

    Just two points today:

    1. Principles for the Rest of the Story
    2. Promises to Sustain the Practice of Rhythm
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    40 分
  • Congregations of the Called

    The NT writers address these roles repeatedly in order to say, "These roles/functions are important – the way you carry out your daily tasks as believers in Jesus will be different from the ways your non-Christian neighbors do it… here's how, here's why and here's the ultimate purpose…"

    So, let's look at this enormous thrust and theme in the NT and see what we may have missed in our own assessment of Christianity and our own approach to life:

    1. The Lord's Strategy
    2. The Required Energy
    3. The Church's Synergy
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    37 分
  • The Fruit of Our Labor Belongs to God

    When you think of the generosity mandates in the Bible – there are a lot of them and they're heavy! So, think about those each command as a burden loaded into a big wagon (charity, hospitality, kindness, tithing, diligence, good works) – they're all piled high in a cart you have to pull! BUT there's a horse available to pull that wagon AND there's tack, a harness and reins and a bridle) a way to hitch the cart of obligation TO the power of the horse. Those are our three points: 1) The Cart 2) The Horse 3) The Hitch

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    40 分
  • Our Work: A Help to Others

    Jeremiah's experience informs our idea of the Christian life and instructs us how to think creatively about our daily employment as promoting the good of our neighbors even as we live in a strange land.

    Let's look at:

    1. A Letter from Beyond
    2. Living In Tents Is Always Intense
    3. The Exile Lifestyle
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    34 分
  • Working In Union With Christ

    There are two points I want to use to lead us this morning- from Paul's instruction to the Colossians. 1. The Work of Union with Christ…. 2. Working in Union with Christ.

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    32 分
  • The Pursuit of Excellence, Faithfulness and Rest

    Today, we begin to look at some of the practical ways in which this view of Work plays itself out in our own work and callings… In particular, how are we to think about the "KIND" of work we do? The Quality of work we do? What are we to think about Excellence…. And Productivity… and being fruitful in our work? And finally, if our work is to be of quality and excellence and productive? Where do we get the strength and resources to accomplish that? What is the foundation of this kind of work?

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