
  • 36. Pelvic Health Q&A: Pelvic Floor Relaxation, Posture, Pregnancy, and More

    Today’s episode is featuring Roxi SOLO - she’s taking the reins for this one, and answering some listener questions!

    In today’s conversation, Roxi is diving into a pelvic health Q&A session. She’s addressing topics surrounding pelvic floor relaxation, correct posture while holding your kids, key considerations for pelvic floor changes post-hysterectomy, what movement and posture can look like during pregnancy, and more.

    While this episode isn’t *quite* like a typical one, we hope you enjoyed it - especially if you’ve been curious about pelvic health or pregnancy wellness. We hope you took away a few nuggets that can benefit you in YOUR life!

    Also - keep your questions coming, because we LOVE receiving them. We plan to do more Q&A episodes in the future (with Megan of course)!!

    In this episode, we’re covering:

    • Ways to help with relaxing your pelvic floor
    • Factors to consider when holding your kids
    • How a hysterectomy may impact your pelvic floor + ways to strengthen post-hysterectomy
    • Keeping good posture during pregnancy
    • Tips for finding YOUR balance with movement & exercise during pregnancy
    • ‘Bracing’ during pregnancy

    **Disclaimer: The information shared in this podcast is NOT meant to be taken as individual or medical advice. These conversations are for educational purposes only. Please seek the advice of your physician or healthcare provider regarding any medical condition or treatment.


    • Follow on Instagram @the.pelvis.project
    • Follow Megan on Instagram @kansaspelvichealth
    • Follow Roxi on Instagram @goodlifepelvichealth
    • Check out Megan's website
    • Check out Roxi's website
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    27 分
  • 35. Imperfect Wellness: Embracing Balance, Self-Compassion, and Realistic Health Goals

    Today’s episode topic is one of our favorites to discuss, and one of the biggest reasons as to WHY we started our podcast: imperfect wellness.

    Wellness isn’t about striving for ‘perfection’, but rather, embracing balance, self-compassion, and realistic goals in our mental, physical, and emotional health.

    Even though NOBODY is perfect, it can be super easy to fall into the all-too-familiar ‘comparison trap’. We see what everybody else is doing on social media, and we automatically think that we’re not doing good ‘enough’, right?!

    In today’s conversation, we’re sharing more about our journeys with ‘imperfect wellness’, 4 key principles of imperfect wellness, and tips to help you embrace this into YOUR life. While we’ve struggled with perfectionism tendencies and fear of failure, we’ve also learned that giving ourselves grace, compassion, and allowing ourselves to adjust (or simply ‘rest’ more) during certain seasons is SO necessary!

    We hope this episode encourages you to find more joyful + sustainable ways to navigate your wellness journey. It’s time to break free from the pressures of perfectionism, and embrace imperfect wellness in ALL areas of your life!

    In this episode, we’re covering:

    • What ‘imperfect wellness’ means to us
    • Why 2 things can be true at once
    • Realizing that failure does NOT have to be the ‘worst thing ever’
    • Key principles of imperfect wellness
    • Practical tips to help you embrace imperfect wellness

    **Disclaimer: The information shared in this podcast is NOT meant to be taken as individual or medical advice. These conversations are for educational purposes only. Please seek the advice of your physician or healthcare provider regarding any medical condition or treatment.


    • Follow on Instagram @the.pelvis.project
    • Follow Megan on Instagram @kansaspelvichealth
    • Follow Roxi on Instagram @goodlifepelvichealth
    • Check out Megan's website
    • Check out Roxi's website
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    31 分
  • 34. Understanding Erectile Dysfunction: A Deep Dive into Male Pelvic Health with Bill Taylor

    We’re honored to welcome an amazing guest, Bill Taylor, onto the podcast today!

    Bill Taylor has been a Physiotherapist for almost 40 years, with over 25 years experience in the treatment of pelvic dysfunction. He is widely recognized in the UK (and internationally), as being one of the leading pelvic health physios, who also specializes in male pelvic floor dysfunction.

    He works full-time in male AND female pelvic health, and is the Clinical Director of his own clinic, Taylor Physiotherapy, in Edinburgh, Scotland.

    We were fortunate enough to connect with Bill at PelviCon last year - he is truly a wealth of knowledge, and a GIFT to the pelvic health space.

    In today’s conversation, we dive deep into male pelvic health, and a topic that is often both hidden + overlooked - erectile dysfunction. Bill shares invaluable insights on the physiological, psychological, and emotional aspects of ED, as he has extensive experience treating men across the globe.

    Erectile dysfunction is not a one-size-fits-all; it's very multifaceted, with lifestyle habits + the mind-body connection coming into play.

    Whether you're a pelvic health provider looking for innovative treatment strategies, or someone experiencing these issues firsthand, this is an enlightening conversation that will no doubt transform the way you view pelvic health!

    In today’s episode, we’re covering:

    • Bill’s unexpected journey into pelvic health
    • Why erectile dysfunction is such a complex issue
    • Taking a trauma-informed therapy approach with patients experiencing erectile dysfunction
    • Signs of cardiovascular issues in patients with erectile dysfunction
    • The internal assessment piece + treating patients successfully who opt OUT of this
    • Increasing pelvic floor ‘awareness’ for men + the impact of functional training on erectile health
    • Why orgasm & ejaculation aren’t the same thing + how genetics influence this
    • Learning to successfully manage anxiety with ED
    • Prioritizing patient consent + maintaining safety as a therapist when treating male patients

    **Disclaimer: The information shared in this podcast is NOT meant to be taken as individual or medical advice. These conversations are for educational purposes only. Please seek the advice of your physician or healthcare provider regarding any medical condition or treatment.


    • The Body Keeps the Score
    • Follow Bill on Instagram @taylorphysiotherapy and @billtaylor3311
    • Learn more about Bill and his clinic by visiting his website
    • Follow on Instagram @the.pelvis.project
    • Follow Megan on Instagram @kansaspelvichealth
    • Follow Roxi on Instagram @goodlifepelvichealth
    • Check out Megan's website
    • Check out Roxi's website
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    1 時間 33 分
  • 33. Taking a Collaborative Approach to Maternal Mental Health with Maureen Francois

    We’re excited to be kicking off 2025 with an incredible guest, Maureen Francois, for today’s episode!

    Maureen Francois is a wife, mom of 4 daughters, licensed therapist based in Salina, KS, and the co-owner and founder of Wild Hope counseling therapy practice. Maureen has a love for maternal mental health; she is passionate about helping women discover their resilience, and manage their depression, anxiety, stress, and trauma in motherhood.

    Maureen also specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing), and is a Registered Play Therapist.

    Motherhood is glorified in our society; we’re made to believe we can ‘do it all’, without help from anyone. It’s time that we CHANGE this narrative, and stop comparing ourselves to other moms who we think have it ‘all together’ (newsflash - they don’t either)!

    We know you’re going to love this enriching conversation with Maureen, and be empowered to get support in ALL aspects of your health!

    In today’s episode about taking a collaborative approach to maternal mental health, we’re covering:

    • Maureen’s journey as a therapist + her passion for maternal mental health that led to her co-founding Wild Hope
    • The importance of giving people choice when it comes to their mental health
    • The significance of getting prenatal mental health support + collaborative relationships with other providers
    • Seeking therapy as preventative wellness care vs. reactive care
    • Reasons that may be keeping women from seeking therapy
    • Shifting your view on getting support with your health + moving away from that ‘comparison’ mindset
    • Realizing there isn’t one ‘thing’ that is going to change everything for you, and the process won’t always be fun or appealing
    • EMDR therapy + how to know if this would be beneficial for you

    **Disclaimer: The information shared in this podcast is NOT meant to be taken as individual or medical advice. These conversations are for educational purposes only. Please seek the advice of your physician or healthcare provider regarding any medical condition or treatment.


    • Follow Maureen & the Wild Hope team on Instagram @wildhopekc
    • Learn more about working with Maureen by visiting her website
    • Follow on Instagram @the.pelvis.project
    • Follow Megan on Instagram @kansaspelvichealth
    • Follow Roxi on Instagram @goodlifepelvichealth
    • Check out Megan's website
    • Check out Roxi's website
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    43 分
  • 32. Reflecting on 2024: Finding Hope and Embracing Imperfect Wellness in the New Year

    It’s hard to believe, but this is our final episode of 2024!

    As we’re wrapping up the year, we wanted to share a kind of a ‘recap’ of what life has been like lately. In today’s conversation, we’re reflecting on 2024, and the hope we have for a fresh, new year ahead.

    Like many of you, we’ve also experienced the ups and downs the holiday season brings. It’s super easy to get caught up in the ‘comparison’ mindset in our world today, but even MORE during this time of year. You feel hopeless at times, and you think others around you have it allll figured out, but…that’s actually not true. That’s also not going to serve you well!

    Make sure you’re checking in with yourself throughout the year (something we’re both working on), and get support where you need it. Choose to embrace your imperfections along the way, because those are the things that make you, YOU!

    We hope this episode brings you some hope and encouragement for the new year. Merry Christmas to you - we are SO grateful you’re a part of our podcast community, and we’re excited to be back in 2025!

    In today’s episode about reflecting on 2024, we’re covering:

    • Why we tend to fall into ‘hopelessness’ much more easier in our world today
    • Getting stuck in the comparison mindset + how shifting your mindset impacts SO much
    • The importance of checking in with yourself throughout the year, and not just at the beginning of a new year
    • Embracing (im)perfection in the new year + what really makes you, YOU
    • The idea of ‘habit stacking’ when you’re wanting to make small, gradual changes
    • Why our hope ultimately lies in Jesus

    **Disclaimer: The information shared in this podcast is NOT meant to be taken as individual or medical advice. These conversations are for educational purposes only. Please seek the advice of your physician or healthcare provider regarding any medical condition or treatment.


    • Follow on Instagram @the.pelvis.project
    • Follow Megan on Instagram @kansaspelvichealth
    • Follow Roxi on Instagram @goodlifepelvichealth
    • Check out Megan's website
    • Check out Roxi's website
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    28 分
  • 31. Pelvic Prolapse Insights: Symptoms, Treatment, Management, and More

    Today’s episode isn’t the *most* exciting topic to talk about (especially if it’s something you’ve experienced personally), but it’s a big one!

    Pelvic organ prolapse (commonly referred to as ‘prolapse’), is often misunderstood. Prolapse can feel like a ‘scary’ word..but it doesn’t have to be a scary reality for you!

    In today’s conversation, we’re talking about pelvic prolapse, and what the various types can mean for you. We’re diving into risk factors for developing prolapse, signs and symptoms, treatment options (like pessaries), the importance of regular vulva ‘checks’ on yourself, and more.

    Prolapse can bring up sooo many emotions - we’ve been there too, and the ‘freak out’ is real! Thankfully, it’s NOT a death sentence, and is very treatable. There’s a lot we can do as pelvic health providers (nope - surgery doesn’t have to be your *only* option).

    We hope our pelvic prolapse insights really sheds some light on this subject, and encourages you to get the right kind of support - you deserve it!!

    In today’s episode, we’re covering:

    • Why prolapse feels like such a scary & heavy topic for women + the importance of knowing WHO you’re learning this information from
    • What pelvic organ prolapse is + similar terms you’ll hear referring to this
    • Possible risk factors for developing prolapse
    • The variety of emotions that can arise when dealing with prolapse + our personal experiences
    • Signs & symptoms of prolapse + why doing vulva ‘checks’ matter
    • What the diagnosis + assessment process for prolapse entails
    • Treatment options for prolapse + how a pessary can help
    • What prevention + ongoing management for prolapse looks like
    • Realizing that prolapse isn’t something you’re ‘stuck’ with forever + choosing to get treatment earlier, rather than later

    **Disclaimer: The information shared in this podcast is NOT meant to be taken as individual or medical advice. These conversations are for educational purposes only. Please seek the advice of your physician or healthcare provider regarding any medical condition or treatment.


    • Follow on Instagram @the.pelvis.project
    • Follow Megan on Instagram @kansaspelvichealth
    • Follow Roxi on Instagram @goodlifepelvichealth
    • Check out Megan's website
    • Check out Roxi's website
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    42 分
  • 30. Why One Pelvic Floor Visit Isn’t Enough: The Importance of Consistent Care

    Today’s episode topic is one that’s cropped up quite a bit recently for both of us, so we knew we had to dive into it here!

    In today’s episode, we’re discussing why one pelvic floor visit isn’t enough, and the importance of consistent care. We’re sometimes asked if coming in for *one* visit and doing the follow-up care on your own will work, but the truth is..it won’t.

    The comprehensive nature of our pelvic floor therapy evaluations are super important; we take our work very seriously, and put a great deal of time, effort, and energy into our clinics. While we can learn a lot from the initial session with a patient, the follow-up visits are KEY; this is where the magic happens!

    Pelvic floor issues are never a ‘single issue’ type of treatment, and change takes time - especially if you’ve had this dysfunction going on for a while. The work you do in pelvic floor therapy is not going to be a ‘quick fix’, and the commitment piece is VITAL if you’re looking to have lasting results.

    We’re committed to every single person who walks into our room, and will always provide the best care and guidance possible. If you’re struggling with pelvic floor issues or are simply looking to optimize your health & wellness, we hope you find this episode valuable + are reminded that one pelvic floor visit is NOT enough!!

    In this episode, Why One Pelvic Floor Visit Isn’t Enough, we’re covering:

    • Why the comprehensive nature of the pelvic floor therapy evaluations matter + should be appreciated
    • Reasons why one pelvic floor therapy session is NOT enough
    • Understanding that certain care and treatments are going to take time
    • Why your follow-up appointments are essential
    • Realizing that nothing necessarily has to be ‘wrong’ in order for you to do pelvic floor therapy + why the commitment piece is important
    • Expectations vs. reality of your initial visit
    • What to do between therapy sessions

    **Disclaimer: The information shared in this podcast is NOT meant to be taken as individual or medical advice. These conversations are for educational purposes only. Please seek the advice of your physician or healthcare provider regarding any medical condition or treatment.


    • Episode 5 | The Pelvic Health Evaluation: The Conversation Surrounding Your Initial Consultation, Follow-Up Visits, and More
    • Follow on Instagram @the.pelvis.project
    • Follow Megan on Instagram @kansaspelvichealth
    • Follow Roxi on Instagram @goodlifepelvichealth
    • Check out Megan's website
    • Check out Roxi's website
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    29 分
  • 29. Enhancing Vaginal Health During Menopause: The Role of Pelvic Floor Therapy

    Today’s episode is covering a pretty hot topic - menopause!

    As women, we will ALL be experiencing menopause at some point in our lives, so it’s exciting to see it *finally* getting the attention it deserves.

    As pelvic floor physical therapists, we’ve seen firsthand the transformative effects of pelvic floor muscle training, combined with vaginal moisturizers. In today’s episode, we’re talking about the role of pelvic floor therapy in managing menopausal symptoms. We’re diving into how genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) affects women, why vaginal moisturizers can be a gamechanger, recent, groundbreaking research done on menopausal women combining pelvic floor therapy + vaginal moisturizer, and more.

    Women are continuing to be researched more and more, which is very exciting; up until recently, that wasn’t the case. We’re honored to be part of a field that plays a key role in treatment for periods like postpartum and menopause, and really, long-term wellness!

    We recognize that menopause can bring a whole slew of symptoms for the body, but it doesn’t have to feel super discouraging, either. We hope this episode shows you that you CAN navigate this life stage with grace and confidence, and that getting personalized, expert support will go a long way, too!

    In today’s episode about enhancing vaginal health during menopause, we’re covering:

    • Doing pelvic floor therapy in combination with topical estrogen
    • Genitourinary syndrome (GSM) of menopause + how it can affect women during this time
    • Benefits of using a vaginal moisturizer
    • What a 2020 research study showed for patients doing pelvic floor therapy in combination with vaginal moisturizers
    • The importance of seeking pelvic floor therapy during menopause + other major life transitions for women

    **Disclaimer: The information shared in this podcast is NOT meant to be taken as individual or medical advice. These conversations are for educational purposes only. Please seek the advice of your physician or healthcare provider regarding any medical condition or treatment.

    Connect with us:

    • Follow on Instagram @the.pelvis.project
    • Follow Megan on Instagram @kansaspelvichealth
    • Follow Roxi on Instagram @goodlifepelvichealth
    • Check out Megan's website
    • Check out Roxi's website
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