The New Year isn't just about resolutions with titles, scales, or to-do lists—it's about redefining who you want to be. This episode explores how focusing on "who" over "what" can create a life aligned with your deepest purpose.
Let's dive into creating the life you’re meant to live. Reflect, dream boldly, and trust the process—you’ve got this!
Key Takeaways
-Define Who You Want to Be
-Measure Success by Purpose and Fulfillment
-Embrace Faith and Courage in Life's Transitions
**Feel like you “don’t have time” to even think about goal setting and working towards your dreams? Be sure to grab the free download “Top 10 Time Freedom Tips” Here
**Does your new year include a new job or career change? Take a look at the "I want to quit my job checklist" to help you prepare for your confident job quit. Download here
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