
  • Episode 6: Old Dad, New Dad. My Kids Took My Job Feat: Carlos Perero

    Our pal Carlos Perero, who some would call the King of Casselberry and Mall Ratz Improv icon, stops by the pod to dazzle us with his improv skills and his hair. After a little Pixar trivia we tell the story of Phil, whose life is turned upside-down when his boss is more impressed with his daughters than him. Can he win back his job? His kids? His wife? His house-boy?

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    45 分
  • Episode 5: Vertical and the Mirror of Amshtershtam Feat: Stephanie Mills

    Our friend Stephanie Mills of MidNite Snax Improv wows us with her Star Wars expertise, helps the coach of a high school basketball team find his smile and makes sure that horse gets what's coming to him.

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    55 分
  • Episode 2: Humdrum & Thread

    Marko tells the story about the altercation that lead to his comedy career. We also learn who Marko's best friend is. Oh what a tangled thread we stitch.

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    47 分
  • Episode 1: Stairs & Jellyfish

    Jamie tells us two stories. Apparently there are clubs in Kansas (bars) and how she missed the opportunity to be peed on.

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    52 分
  • Episode 7: Simpletown Delaware The Musical Feat: Mallory Ertel

    Mallory Ertel, possibly one of the most delightful humans to be born and an incredible actress stopped by the studio to play some musical theater trivia and help us tell the story of a town run by children, that is also a reality show, that is also a musical. Can this town of kids take down a mutant custodian?

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    51 分
  • Episode 4: Congratulate & Pretend

    Marko tells the story of the times his father saw him live on stage. He's still processing the feedback. And Adri asks the age old question. Are horse hooves used to make glue?

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    1 時間 1 分
  • Episode 3: Kiss & Corporate Metal

    Adri tells us about her lip tattoo and Jamie takes us back to her heavy metal days. Please excuse the fan noises.

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    1 時間 1 分