
  • The Minus One Dilemma: Identifying Organizations Actively Opposing DEIB

    In this episode, Ishreen invites listeners to explore the concept of negative DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging) during a thought-provoking discussion from their inaugural research breakfast. Featuring insights from industry leaders across various sectors, she delves into the potential for organizations to receive a minus one rating for actively opposing DEIB initiatives. Examining the current landscape of DEIB, particularly in light of recent legislative changes in the U.S. that have led some companies to scale back their diversity efforts, the episode challenges listeners to consider the implications of a monoculture in organizational diversity and the necessity of fostering a more inclusive environment.


    • Making diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) integral to an organization is crucial for its success. Once embedded, it becomes nearly impossible to remove, similar to how IT has evolved within businesses.

    • Organizations are at different stages in their DEIB journey, with some potentially operating at a negative level (minus 1.0). This disparity can be influenced by factors such as industry, size, and organizational evolution.

    • Recent legislative changes in the U.S. are causing some companies to scale back their DEIB initiatives. This trend is driven by a backlash from those with privilege and movements that oppose DEIB efforts.

    • A focus on a single type of diversity (e.g., gender) without considering other forms (e.g., learning, technology) can lead to a lack of flourishing within organizations. A diverse approach is essential for innovation and growth.

    • Leaders are encouraged to actively engage in discussions about DEIB, share insights, and implement practical steps to foster an inclusive culture that values all employees and drives business success.


    "Is there such a thing as negative DEIB? ... should we drop below zero and give a minus one rating to those companies that demonstrate active opposition to DEIB?"

    "I actually think some of the organisations are almost at minus 1.0."

    "If you look at what's happening in America, there's legislation that came in at the government level that's now trickling into US-owned companies."

    "When a supposedly serious party proposes removal of DIB legislation as part of their manifesto, you go, what could be the trigger for that?"

    "I think there are organizations that are definitely at minus one. Totally."


    Privilege Survey https://intelligentlinking261447.typeform.com/to/SNkQvD0v

    Website: https://belongingpioneers.com/privilege-research-and-podcast

    Email: equitychampions@belongingpioneers.com


    Ishreen Bradley, a Strategic Pioneer, excels in guiding Professional Leaders through complex challenges with clarity, confidence, and courage. She focuses on cultivating inclusive cultures and authentic leadership, offering senior leaders advice, consultancy, training, and coaching.


    Privilege, Eruption, Culture, Diversity, inclusion, Equity, diverse, cultural, impact, power: https://privilege-eruption.com

    続きを読む 一部表示
    13 分
  • Beyond Compliance: The Evolution of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Workplace

    In this episode, Ishreen continues to discuss the Belonging Pioneers Framework for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB 3.0). Ishreen discusses the evolution of DEIB practices, highlighting the transition from compliance-focused initiatives to a more strategic and holistic approach that fosters innovation and collaboration within organizations. Ishreen emphasizes the importance of creating psychologically safe environments where all employees feel valued and connected to a shared purpose.


    • The podcast discusses the progression of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) from a compliance-focused approach (1.0) to a more strategic and goal-oriented phase (2.0), and now towards a holistic and adaptable framework (3.0).

    • Creating a psychologically safe environment is crucial for employees to feel accepted and to foster a sense of belonging within the organization.

    • Leaders should align their purpose with the organization's purpose, promoting a culture where individual and collective goals are congruent.

    • The DEIB 3.0 framework emphasizes the importance of cultivating a culture of emergence, where the focus is on creating an environment that allows for innovation and collaboration.

    • Business leaders are encouraged to take an active role in driving change within their organizations by implementing the Belonging Pioneers Framework.


    "The legacy of change needs to be driven by you."

    "When you're in compliance, the maximum benefit you can get is some form of stability."

    "We need to take a holistic approach... everybody has an experience of winning."

    "You're starting to build your reputation in this area, and you've got certain minimum standards that are being met."

    "When you're up here, you're agile, you're innovative, ideas are coming out, and they're being implemented."


    Privilege Survey https://intelligentlinking261447.typeform.com/to/SNkQvD0v

    Website: https://belongingpioneers.com/privilege-research-and-podcast

    Email: equitychampions@belongingpioneers.com


    Ishreen Bradley, a Strategic Pioneer, excels in guiding Professional Leaders through complex challenges with clarity, confidence, and courage. She focuses on cultivating inclusive cultures and authentic leadership, offering senior leaders advice, consultancy, training, and coaching.


    Privilege, Eruption, Culture, Diversity, inclusion, Equity, diverse, cultural, impact, power: https://privilege-eruption.com

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    8 分
  • Unlocking the Benefits Wheel: Maximising DEIB Outcomes in Organisations

    In this episode, Ishreen introduces the DEIB 3.0 Pioneers Movement, a transformative initiative aimed at fostering diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in the workplace. She highlights the need for action-oriented strategies to break the cycle of talk without action that has plagued DEIB efforts, leading to budget cuts and backlash. Ishreen and her team delve into the concept of relative privilege, exploring how it impacts workplace dynamics and the effectiveness of DEIB programs.


    • The DEIB 3.0 Pioneers Movement aims to shift the conversation around diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging from mere discussion to actionable strategies that create real change in organizations.

    • The concept of relative privilege is central to understanding the barriers to achieving DEIB goals. It emphasizes that every individual has varying degrees of privilege based on their circumstances, which can impact their experiences in the workplace.

    • The podcast highlights ongoing research into privilege and its effects on workplace dynamics, with a commitment to refreshing this research annually to provide updated insights and strategies.

    • The movement advocates for a win-win approach to DEIB, moving beyond compliance and competitive advantage to foster a more integral and inclusive organizational culture.

    • Organizations that implement effective DEIB programs can experience a range of benefits, including improved creativity, decision-making, employee loyalty, and brand reputation. However, many organizations have yet to explore the full spectrum of potential benefits.


    "Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging has got itself stuck in a loop of talk with not enough action, leading to a backlash and cuts in budgets."

    "We think privilege is the root cause for why we've got a lack of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging in the workplace."

    "The decisions that were being made to access those benefits were being driven by leadership inside organisations that were potentially divisive rationale."

    "If you could get the productivity and the sickness and absence, why not the cultural awareness benefits?"


    Privilege Survey https://intelligentlinking261447.typeform.com/to/SNkQvD0v

    Website: https://belongingpioneers.com/privilege-research-and-podcast

    Email: equitychampions@belongingpioneers.com


    Ishreen Bradley, a Strategic Pioneer, excels in guiding Professional Leaders through complex challenges with clarity, confidence, and courage. She focuses on cultivating inclusive cultures and authentic leadership, offering senior leaders advice, consultancy, training, and coaching.


    Privilege, Eruption, Culture, Diversity, inclusion, Equity, diverse, cultural, impact, power: https://privilege-eruption.com

    続きを読む 一部表示
    13 分
  • DEIB 3.0: Transforming Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Workplace

    In this episode, Ishreen introduces the concept of DEIB 3.0, a transformative approach to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in the workplace. Highlighting a collaboration with Metro Bank, she shares insights on their purpose-led partnership with the England and Wales Cricket Board, aimed at increasing female participation in cricket through the Women and Girls Fund.


    • Ishreen introduces DEIB 3.0, a new approach to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging that aims to create inclusive cultures where employees feel valued and connected to a shared purpose.

    • The current backlash against DEIB initiatives is attributed to resistance from existing power structures, particularly among white men who perceive these initiatives as biased against them. A shift in focus is needed to move towards a win-win dynamic.

    • Metro Bank is highlighted as a collaborator in the DEIB 3.0 movement, showcasing their partnership with the England and Wales Cricket Board to promote women and girls in cricket through a co-developed Women and Girls Fund.

    • The partnership between Metro Bank and the ECB is structured as a six-year commitment, emphasizing the importance of time in making meaningful and lasting changes at the grassroots level.

    • DEIB 3.0 emphasizes collaboration, innovation, and a data-led approach to identify focus areas, ensuring that initiatives deliver social benefits while also achieving return on investment (ROI) targets for all stakeholders involved.


    "We wanted to make sure we were taking the time on how we develop the Women and Girls Fund."

    "We didn't want just any sort of traditional sponsorship. We were really looking for a partnership that was centered around true purpose."

    "To really make any meaningful impact at a grassroots level, it takes time."

    "An over-focus on representation at the cost of equity, inclusion, and belonging is what set up this win-lose dynamic."

    "DEIB 3.0 aims to move DIB from a conversation that has a win-lose dynamic to a win-win approach."


    Privilege Survey https://intelligentlinking261447.typeform.com/to/SNkQvD0v

    Website: https://belongingpioneers.com/privilege-research-and-podcast

    Email: equitychampions@belongingpioneers.com


    Ishreen Bradley, a Strategic Pioneer, excels in guiding Professional Leaders through complex challenges with clarity, confidence, and courage. She focuses on cultivating inclusive cultures and authentic leadership, offering senior leaders advice, consultancy, training, and coaching.


    Privilege, Eruption, Culture, Diversity, inclusion, Equity, diverse, cultural, impact, power: https://privilege-eruption.com

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    9 分
  • The Pioneers Movement: A New Era in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

    In this episode, Ishreen discusses the critical importance of fostering a more inclusive and equitable workplace through the newly launched Pioneers Movement. She explores the challenges organizations face in implementing effective diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) initiatives, particularly the tendency for these programs to create a win-lose dynamic. Ishreen highlights the need for a mindset shift rather than merely policy changes, emphasizing the benefits of an integral approach to DEIB that engages everyone in the organization.


    • Current diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) initiatives often create a win-lose dynamic, where the majority feels threatened. A successful approach should foster a win-win environment that benefits everyone in the organization.
    • The concept of relative privilege is crucial in addressing DEIB challenges. Organizations must raise awareness about how privilege operates within their culture to prevent damaging eruptions that can harm reputation and integrity.
    • Embedding DEIB into the core operations and mindset of the organization for holistic improvement.
    • Organizations are encouraged to adopt an emergent approach to DEIB, focusing on changing mindsets rather than just policies. This can lead to many benefits, including improved creativity, productivity, and employee loyalty.
    • There is an invitation for organizations to engage in ongoing research and discussions about DEIB 3.0, emphasizing the importance of collective effort in creating a more equitable workplace.


    "The challenge with today's diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging initiatives is that they set up a win-lose dynamic where the majority group experiences being threatened rather than benefit from the opportunity of being more equitable and inclusive."

    "The only way you can combat relative privilege is with effective DEIB programs, right? What other tools have you got against it other than raising people's consciousness about how they're behaving?"

    "What we're announcing today is some new research into what we're calling privilege 2.0... Is there an upside to tackling privilege? How can we look at this differently?"

    "Integral DIB is the effort of everyone for the benefit of everyone."

    "We're excited and I think you might be as well. Our first Practitioner Collaboration Breakfast is on the 1st of October, so it's not too late for you to join us."


    Privilege Survey https://intelligentlinking261447.typeform.com/to/SNkQvD0v

    Website: https://belongingpioneers.com/privilege-research-and-podcast

    Email: equitychampions@belongingpioneers.com


    Ishreen Bradley, a Strategic Pioneer, excels in guiding Professional Leaders through complex challenges with clarity, confidence, and courage. She focuses on cultivating inclusive cultures and authentic leadership, offering senior leaders advice, consultancy, training, and coaching.


    Privilege, Eruption, Culture, Diversity, inclusion, Equity, diverse, cultural, impact, power: https://privilege-eruption.com

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    25 分
  • Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga on Strategies for Inclusion & Equity in Society & Work

    This episode features an insightful conversation between Ishreen and Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga (CBK), Sri Lanka's first female President. In this special mini-series celebrating extraordinary women of Sri Lankan heritage, they discuss gender equity, inclusion, and the systemic changes needed in organisations to ensure fairness at work. CBK shares her personal journey, highlighting the importance of education, skills, confidence, and practical leadership training for women. Overall, the conversation provides valuable insights and practical steps for creating a culture of inclusion and equity in the workplace.


    • The importance of education and skills training for women in leadership positions.

    • The need for confidence and self-belief in women to break through barriers in the workplace.

    • The significance of implementing laws, regulations, policies and procedures to ensure gender equity and prevent abuse in organisations.

    • The value of communication, democratic means, and empathy in leadership to address systemic issues.

    • The role of family support, practicality, determination, and resilience in the success of female leaders.


    "I was thrown into it in the circumstances prevailing at the time in my country."

    "The rules and regulations have to be there first, the laws that will have to be at the national level."

    "I do appreciate this conversation. People normally take me for granted as a woman leader and don't ask, how did you get there?"

    "The courage to stick with your decisions, whatever may come, whatever criticism and all that you get, to be convinced that you are right."


    Privilege Survey https://intelligentlinking261447.typeform.com/to/SNkQvD0v

    Website: https://belongingpioneers.com/privilege-research-and-podcast

    Email: equitychampions@belongingpioneers.com

    Useful links: https://linktr.ee/BelongingPioneers


    Ishreen Bradley, a Strategic Pioneer, excels in guiding Professional Leaders through complex challenges with clarity, confidence, and courage. She focuses on cultivating inclusive cultures and authentic leadership, offering senior leaders advice, consultancy, training, and coaching.

    Kami Nuttall, a workplace culture expert with over 20 years of experience, delves into governance, risk management, and the human experience in organizations. Trained by the Anti-Discrimination Foundation and a qualified hypnotherapist, she's passionate about fostering psychologically safe, inclusive workplace cultures. Kami champions accountability, believing organizations should prioritize both employees and customers, creating environments grounded in inclusivity and trust.



    Privilege, Eruption, Culture, Diversity, inclusion, Equity, diverse, cultural, impact, power: https://privilege-eruption.com

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    38 分
  • Celebrating 80 Years of Friendship: A Journey with Dr. Indra Angunawela

    In this heartwarming episode, Ishreen reminisces on the deep and enduring friendship between her mother and Dr. Indra Angunawela, which has spanned from childhood to their eighth decade. Dr. Indra shares cherished memories of their early years, highlighting the strong bond they formed and the efforts they made to stay connected over the years. The episode also explores Dr. Indra's remarkable career in the medical field, touching on her experiences as a pioneering woman in elderly psychiatric health and the importance of cultural sensitivity in healthcare practices.


    • Shared interests are essential for forming and maintaining long-lasting friendships.
    • Making an effort to stay in touch and communicate regularly is crucial for sustaining relationships.
    • Having multiple points of contact, such as shared family connections, can strengthen bonds.
    • Reconnecting through shared activities, like enjoying food together, can help maintain friendships.
    • Understanding and respecting each other, without misunderstandings or conflicts, is key to a lasting friendship.


    "Women have a hard time making hard choices at the outset, in order to balance your career as well as the family."

    "I think I have had the best of both worlds in the sense, researching clinical. So I think when I look back, I think I was really lucky."

    "Food always brings us together."


    Privilege Survey https://intelligentlinking261447.typeform.com/to/SNkQvD0v

    Website: https://belongingpioneers.com/privilege-research-and-podcast

    Email: equitychampions@belongingpioneers.com

    Useful links: https://linktr.ee/BelongingPioneers


    Ishreen Bradley, a Strategic Pioneer, excels in guiding Professional Leaders through complex challenges with clarity, confidence, and courage. She focuses on cultivating inclusive cultures and authentic leadership, offering senior leaders advice, consultancy, training, and coaching.

    Kami Nuttall, a workplace culture expert with over 20 years of experience, delves into governance, risk management, and the human experience in organizations. Trained by the Anti-Discrimination Foundation and a qualified hypnotherapist, she's passionate about fostering psychologically safe, inclusive workplace cultures. Kami champions accountability, believing organizations should prioritize both employees and customers, creating environments grounded in inclusivity and trust.



    Privilege, Eruption, Culture, Diversity, inclusion, Equity, diverse, cultural, impact, power: https://privilege-eruption.com

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    40 分
  • Menopause Awareness in the Workplace: Perspectives from Dr. Marlene Abeywardene

    In this episode, Ishreen speaks to Dr. Marlene Abey-Wardner, an internationally recognised Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist. Dr. Marlene shares her remarkable journey in the medical field, highlighting her passion for women's health and her significant contributions to various medical organizations. Her insights on menopause and women in the workplace shed light on the need for awareness and support for women experiencing menopausal symptoms.


    • St. Bridget's Convent provided an inclusive environment where students of different nationalities and religions coexisted peacefully, fostering lifelong friendships and global citizenship.
    • Hard work, honesty, sincerity, and building relationships through friendship were highlighted as key factors contributing to career success in the medical field and professional associations.
    • Dr. Marlene emphasized the importance of addressing menopause symptoms and providing support for women in the workplace, advocating for education, medical check-ups, and psychological support.
    • Loyalty, sincerity, and being available to help friends in need were identified as essential qualities for maintaining lifelong friendships and contributing to personal happiness and success.


    "I think the secret of anyone's success in life is the way you handle life and the person that you are internally."

    "You asked me what is the secret of my success? Well, I think probably part of what I'd tell you would be because I've always worked hard in my profession and in whatever I do."

    "Many women have struggled through work with hot flushes and mind freezes and, almost not realized that it was due to menopause. And their colleagues had no idea and just thought that they were having a nervous breakdown or something."


    Privilege Survey https://intelligentlinking261447.typeform.com/to/SNkQvD0v

    Website: https://belongingpioneers.com/privilege-research-and-podcast

    Email: equitychampions@belongingpioneers.com

    Useful links: https://linktr.ee/BelongingPioneers


    Dr. Abeyewardene has held the post of Resident Obstetrician & Gynaecologist in the Ministry of Health in various hospitals across the world, in addition to serving as a Consultant. She has spent significant time teaching undergraduate, postgraduate students and training of midwives.

    Dr. Abeyewardene is a Fellow of the Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, and the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists of the UK. She has been an active member of several professional associations and medical bodies holding various key positions in the capacities of president, council member and board member and has represented Sri Lanka in a large number of international forums.
    In addition to many initiatives she has pioneered, she takes the credit of being a founder member of the Menopause Society of Sri Lanka, Founder Member of the Gynaecology Endoscopic Working Party and Prenatal Society of Sri Lanka.

    For her role in assisting the women of Sri Lanka, Dr. Abeyewardene was awarded the FIGO – International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetric award of distinction for services rendered in improving the Reproductive Health of Women. She also received a special service award from the Aids Foundation of Sri Lanka for delivering pregnant mothers with HIV.

    Dr. Abeyewardene joined Zonta Club One of Colombo as a member in 1989 and continues as an active Zontian to date. She enjoys this work as it provides her with an opportunity of being of service to women in spheres other than health.


    Ishreen Bradley, a Strategic Pioneer, excels in guiding Professional Leaders through complex challenges with clarity, confidence, and courage. She focuses on cultivating inclusive cultures and authentic leadership, offering senior leaders advice, consultancy, training, and coaching.


    Privilege, Eruption, Culture, Diversity, inclusion, Equity, diverse, cultural, impact, power: https://privilege-eruption.com

    続きを読む 一部表示
    44 分