
  • Unexpected Episode (Youtube Audio)

    Hey there, everyone! In this “episode” of ‘The Purpose Of Life Podcast’ I cover a wide variety of topics, which all pertain to God - Jesus Christ, walking out one’s faith in Him, and much more.

    Touching briefly, and sharing wisdom on - for the purpose of edification in the Body of Christ - things such as; the profound & divine reflection of the changing seasons of earth and our lives as people - as well as reflecting the spiritual seasons in which we find ourselves throughout our lives, and the conditions, signs and “changing foliage” that indicate such changes soon coming to pass in our lives -, the universal experience of being limited to humanity in our flesh, and all the ailments and afflictions that come with it, being torn down by the world ( & so-called “life”) while also, at times, feeling as though our circumstances are vehemently tumultuous, and the soul-imploding sensation that we simply are not allowed to be human, and that our capabilities are not enough to match the ever-growing fight(s) we have before us in life.

    Touching, also, on such topics, as ; Love, and what Love truly is, how it works, and where it originates from, how to “Seek God’s Face”, how to surrender to God, how to go about seeking God, and also receiving work from Him to do for His Glory, Kingdom and Honor, when you’re eager to get to work (especially when you’ve been out of work), the realities of some pursuing a call/work “for The Lord” that He had indeed not called them to do, as well as sharing personal experiences and contracted tidbits of my testimony. (Which IS to come!!)

    Mentioned also, is the ways by which to access The Podcast’s Epicenter/Ecosystem:


    To read the “Pod’s” mission statement/the host’s call-to-action, so-to-speak, you may navigate to the “About” Page of the website, or simply include “/about” at the end of the link provided.

    To browse the ‘The Purpose Of Life Pod’ Shop

    You can, navigate to the “Shop” page via the website link provided, or by simply including “/shop” at the end of the link provided.

    To read from the blog page, navigate to “Blog Page” or simply add “/blogpage” to the end of the link provided. God Bless You!

    Recorded with the initial intention of merely being the first of a series sought to go on into the foreseeable future - a series comprised of monthly check-ins with myself as I walk in faith in Christ’s guidance and promises, and in obedience to His Word & Instructions - as I began to speak in regards to my own personal accord, the Lord began to urge me to “Record, and upload” what I was recording simply for the purpose of personal consumption and edification moving forward into the new year, 2025. Thus, in obedience to His voice, this is the result.

    Organized, authentic, intentional, Holy Spirit-Led, and concise episodes ahead. That is, of course, with the occasional impressions of the Lord’s pertinences and emphasis for an impromptu upload.

    In Jesus’ Holy, Glorious, Almighty and Powerful Name. God Bless you. In Jesus’ Glorious and Holy, Precious and Mighty Name. Amen, and Amen.

    - David Jones, Host & Owner of The Purpose Of Life Pod & Podcast and all works pertaining to the provided contents.

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  • The Purpose Of Life Podcast Trailer

    The Purpose Of Life Pod Trailer Is but only a taste of the vast territory that will be explored, discussed and uncovered throughout the course of this show. Prophecy, truth, and the Word of God are the first and foremost, hard-to-swallow, and soul-replenishing topics that will be conveyed, all by the leading of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus' Holy name. Amen and Amen.

    God Bless you all. Thank you very much.

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