In the fourth episode of The Redfish Podcast we sit down to talk about the latest commission meeting regarding redfish from the first week of July and finally get to speak on a decision made by the commission that is the first of its kind in the past 35 years. With absolutely so much to talk about with that last meeting and the steps we have coming in the future, we tabled some of our normal segments for a future podcast and got down to the meat of what is to come regarding this latest notice of intent, the good and the bad things we have to look forward to, as well as a bit of "panic news' that has been leaking from the side of legislature that is against the movement to make redfishing here the best that it possibly can be. Tune in and don't be left out of the loop. Of course, as always, feel free to hit us up (TheRedfishPodcast@gmail.com) with any comments questions or concerns you may have as we are really looking for your input based upon this latest podcast as well as the latest results to come out of the capitol. Be on the lookout for another one soon and don't forget to use that hashtag #OneForLouisiana because you may find yourself in line for some recognition and cool prizes. Thanks and looking forward to seeing ya on the water...
Captain Shane Mayfield
IG LouisianaFishingTrip
FB Adventure South Guide Service
Captain Dave Best
IG The_Southern_Fly
FB The Southern Fly
Captain Ty Hibbs
IG Whatever_Bites/ Louisiana Sightfishing
FB Louisiana SIghtfishing
Music: Back o' Town Two Step by The Joy Drops
American Saltwater Guide Association
Redfish Stock Assessment done by Tony Friedrich
Remember to send us any questions, comments or concerns to TheRedfishPodcast@gmail.com and also don't forget to use the hashtag #OneForLouisiana . We're looking forward to hearing back from y'all and until next time, thanks for listening!