
  • Sabbath - Rest

    In the second installment of our spiritual disciplines series on Sabbath, Pastor David teaches on rest as a tool of resistance and contrasts the Exodus narrative with parallels in our cultural moment.

    Today's Message Text: Genesis 2:2-3, Exodus 5:5-9, Deuteronomy 5:12-15

    Main Idea: Are you tired? Weary? Worn out? Exhausted? We live in a culture where chronic low grade exhaustion has become the norm. But it doesn’t have to be this way. God created rest and modeled a rhythm of regular rest to us. The Bible calls it Sabbath, and it’s something Jesus regularly did. Sabbath is much deeper than just a day off, and it’s more enjoyable than maybe we’ve heard.

    Thanks for listening in to The Ridge's Sunday Audio podcast! Although we do hope you are blessed by listening to this message, we also believe it's important to belong to a local body of believers. If you live in our area, we would love to worship with you on Sunday mornings at 8:00a, 9:30a, or 11:15a!

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    35 分
  • Sabbath - Stop

    This week's sermon kicks off a series around the spiritual discipline of sabbath. In this message, Pastor David introduces the topic and contrasts the biblical model of rest with the modern culture's promotion of unending work and productivity.

    Today's Message Text: Matthew 11:28-30, Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 20:9-11

    Main Idea: Are you tired? Weary? Worn out? Exhausted? We live in a culture where chronic low grade exhaustion has become the norm. But it doesn’t have to be this way. God created rest and modeled a rhythm of regular rest to us. The Bible calls it Sabbath, and it’s something Jesus regularly did. Sabbath is much deeper than just a day off, and it’s more enjoyable than maybe we’ve heard.

    Thanks for listening in to The Ridge's Sunday Audio podcast! Although we do hope you are blessed by listening to this message, we also believe it's important to belong to a local body of believers. If you live in our area, we would love to worship with you on Sunday mornings at 8:00a, 9:30a, or 11:15a!

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    35 分
  • The Five Solas - Sola Scriptura

    The Protestant Reformation was a widespread theological revolt in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries against the abuses and totalitarian control of the Roman Catholic Church. The reformers protested unbiblical practices and promoted a return to sound biblical doctrine. At the heart of their reforms were the Five Solas (latin for "alone"). In the final message of this series, Pastor Dylan brings us home by teaching on Scripture Alone, or Sola Scriptura.

    Today's Message Text: 2 Timothy 3:16-17

    Main Idea: "Sola Scriptura" asserts that Scripture alone is the ultimate and infallible authority for Christian faith and practice, serving as the sole standard against which all teachings and beliefs are measured. This principle underscores that the Bible, as God's divinely inspired Word, is essential for teaching, correcting, and guiding believers into righteousness, emphasizing its transformative power in shaping and directing Christian life.

    Thanks for listening in to The Ridge's Sunday Audio podcast! Although we do hope you are blessed by listening to this message, we also believe it's important to belong to a local body of believers. If you live in our area, we would love to worship with you on Sunday mornings at 8:00a, 9:30a, or 11:15a!

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    33 分
  • The Five Solas - Soli Deo Gloria

    The Protestant Reformation was a widespread theological revolt in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries against the abuses and totalitarian control of the Roman Catholic Church. The reformers protested unbiblical practices and promoted a return to sound biblical doctrine. At the heart of their reforms were the Five Solas (latin for "alone"). In this message, Pastor Chan teaches about the fourth of these five doctrinal standards: Soli Deo Gloria.

    Today's Message Text: Isaiah 6:3 + Selected Scriptures

    Main Idea: Soli Deo Gloria has reference to our salvation in Christ. The salvation of sinners was God’s idea, the accomplishing of that salvation was God’s work, the granting of that salvation is God’s grace, and the fulfillment of that salvation is God’s promise. From beginning to end, salvation brings glory to God alone. Rather than striving to elevate ourselves, keep a list of rules, or guard our own interests, our goal is to glorify the Lord. The idea of Soli Deo Gloria is found in 1 Corinthians 10:31: “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

    Thanks for listening in to The Ridge's Sunday Audio podcast! Although we do hope you are blessed by listening to this message, we also believe it's important to belong to a local body of believers. If you live in our area, we would love to worship with you on Sunday mornings at 8:00a, 9:30a, or 11:15a!

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    30 分
  • The Five Solas - Solus Christus

    The Protestant Reformation was a widespread theological revolt in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries against the abuses and totalitarian control of the Roman Catholic Church. The reformers protested unbiblical practices and promoted a return to sound biblical doctrine. At the heart of their reforms were the Five Solas (latin for "alone"). In this message, Pastor Mark teaches about Christ's authority in the life of a believer, an idea summed up in the third Sola: Solus Christus.

    Today's Message Text: Luke 14:25-35

    Main Idea: Jesus says that being His disciple requires a radical commitment to Him above everything else. He even says that we can't be His disciple is He is not the top priority (even above our family and our own lives). Jesus uses strong words and vivid examples to show how serious following Him is. He makes it clear that nothing should compete with His authority in a believer's life; total surrender and full allegiance to Him are necessary. The passage ends with a warning about salt losing its flavor, showing that without complete devotion to Christ alone, a disciple's effectiveness and purpose are lost.

    Thanks for listening in to The Ridge's Sunday Audio podcast! Although we do hope you are blessed by listening to this message, we also believe it's important to belong to a local body of believers. If you live in our area, we would love to worship with you on Sunday mornings at 8:00a, 9:30a, or 11:15a!

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    36 分
  • The Five Solas - Sola Fide

    The Protestant Reformation was a widespread theological revolt in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries against the abuses and totalitarian control of the Roman Catholic Church. The reformers protested unbiblical practices and promoted a return to sound biblical doctrine. At the heart of their reforms were the Five Solas (latin for "alone"). Pastor Chan teaches on the second of the five solas in this message: Sola Fide.

    Today's Message Text: Romans 3:27-31

    Main Idea: Sola fide emphasizes salvation as a free gift, not based on human effort or good deeds, but rather the justification of God. When we trust Christ as Savior, God declares us "not guilty" of sin in His eyes. It is an act entirely of God, performed by God on the basis of Jesus' death on the cross, and is received by us through faith. Nothing we do contributes to our own justification. It is entirely an act of God on the sinner's behalf. Romans 3:28 says For we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law.

    Thanks for listening in to The Ridge's Sunday Audio podcast! Although we do hope you are blessed by listening to this message, we also believe it's important to belong to a local body of believers. If you live in our area, we would love to worship with you on Sunday mornings at 8:00a, 9:30a, or 11:15a!

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    28 分
  • The Five Solas - Sola Gratia

    The Protestant Reformation was a widespread theological revolt in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries against the abuses and totalitarian control of the Roman Catholic Church. The reformers protested unbiblical practices and promoted a return to sound biblical doctrine. At the heart of their reforms were the Five Solas (latin for "alone"). This message introduces us to the Solas and dives into Sola Gratia, which teaches us that salvation is brought about by "grace alone."

    Today's Message Text: Ephesians 2:8-9

    Main Idea: Salvation is proof of God’s undeserved favor; we are rescued from God’s wrath by His grace alone, not by any work we do. God’s blessing in Christ is the sole efficient cause of salvation. This grace is the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit who brings us to Christ by releasing us from our bondage to sin and raising us from spiritual death to spiritual life.

    Thanks for listening in to The Ridge's Sunday Audio podcast! Although we do hope you are blessed by listening to this message, we also believe it's important to belong to a local body of believers. If you live in our area, we would love to worship with you on Sunday mornings at 8:00a, 9:30a, or 11:15a!

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    22 分
  • Ecclesiastes - Part 17

    In this final message in our verse-by-verse study through Ecclesiastes, Pastor Mark brings us full-circle with the Teacher's conclusions about where true meaning is found in a seemingly meaningless world.

    Today's message text: Ecclesiastes 12:9-14

    The book of Ecclesiastes explores the meaning of life. The Teacher looks at different things like money, pleasure, work, and wisdom and finds that they don't bring lasting happiness. In the end, he says that life is short and often confusing, but real meaning comes from fearing God and doing what He says. By accepting that we can't control life, enjoying what we have as a gift from God, and trusting His ways, we can find peace and purpose in life.

    Thanks for listening in to The Ridge's Sunday Audio podcast! Although we do hope you are blessed by listening to this message, we also believe it's important to belong to a local body of believers. If you live in our area, we would love to worship with you on Sunday mornings at 8:00a, 9:30a, or 11:15a!

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