The Root Chakra, also known as Muladhara— is the foundation of your energy system. Let’s break down the role this chakra plays in your sense of security, stability, and connection to the physical world. Think of it as the roots of a tree: strong roots help you stand tall, but tangled or weak ones can make life feel unstable.
You’ll learn how to recognize the signs of a blocked Root Chakra—like constant anxiety, fatigue, or feeling disconnected—and what life looks like when this chakra is open and balanced. From calm confidence to physical vitality and a deep trust in the universe, balancing your Root Chakra transforms how you show up in the world.
Whether life feels wobbly or you’re ready to ground yourself more fully, this episode is packed with insights to help you reconnect to your foundation. Tune in and get ready to feel grounded, secure, and present!
Hold onto your root chakra, it’s time to Hurry Up And Meditate!