• What is the Oath of Allegiance?

    In every nation on Earth, allegiance is a fundamental requirement. Whether through an oath to the flag, the constitution, the king, or the land itself, all citizens are expected to swear loyalty to their country and renounce all other rulers and laws. Some do this explicitly when naturalized, while others inherit this allegiance by birth. In this powerful episode of School of Divine Mysteries, Aba Al-Sadiq FHIP gathers with his congregation to reveal the deeper spiritual reality behind this concept. Just as every country demands undivided loyalty, so too does Allah SWT. True believers are called to pledge allegiance to God’s chosen ruler and divine laws, declaring themselves innocent of all man-made authorities and systems. To accept God’s sovereignty means forsaking the false laws and kings of this world. Are you ready to make the pledge?

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    43 分
  • Why The Messenger Is Above The Law

    In this eye-opening episode of The School of Divine Mysteries, Aba Al-Sadiq (fhip) delves into a profound and, for some, controversial subject: the sovereign immunity of God's Messenger. He explores why the Messenger of the Time must be above human law, drawing from history to illustrate this necessity. Through the stories of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Jesus Christ, and other pivotal figures, Aba Al-Sadiq (fhip) unveils the spiritual and moral reasoning behind this concept. What does it mean for a divine leader to transcend worldly laws? And how has this principle shaped religious and social revolutions throughout history? Join us as we uncover the deeper truth behind the authority of God's chosen ones.

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    32 分
  • What the world’s refugees should do

    In this compelling episode of The School of Divine Mysteries, Aba Al-Sadiq (fhip) confronts one of the greatest humanitarian crises of our time—the refugee crisis. With millions displaced due to war, oppression, and economic hardship, nations around the world struggle to find a lasting solution. But is there a divine answer to this crisis? Aba Al-Sadiq (fhip) delves into the teachings of the Abrahamic faiths, revealing God's stance on refugees and the responsibility of humanity toward them. He exposes the failures of modern political systems to address this issue and presents the perfect, God-given solution—one that transcends borders, ideologies, and self-interest. This is an episode that challenges perspectives and offers a radical yet compassionate answer to a crisis that affects us all. Don't miss this eye-opening discussion!

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    51 分
  • Where Is God's Kingdom?

    In this episode of The School of Divine Mysteries, Aba Al-Sadiq FHIP delves into the long-awaited promise of a divine just state—God’s Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven. Across faiths, believers anticipate a ruler sent by God to establish justice and prosperity, whether it be the Mahdi in Islam, the return of Jesus in Christianity, or the coming of the Messiah in Judaism. But could it be that this Kingdom is already present in a way many have overlooked? Through scriptural clues and prophetic wisdom, we uncover a profound truth hidden in plain sight.

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    33 分
  • If Poverty Were a Man, I Would Have Killed Him

    In this eye-opening episode of The School of Divine Mysteries, Aba Al-Sadiq (FHIP) delves into a profound narration from Imam Ali (FHIP), where he declared: "If poverty were a man, I would have killed him." This powerful statement reveals the divine stance on poverty—Allah (SWT) despises it, and it is not part of His vision for humanity. But if God is just, why does poverty and injustice persist? Today, Aba Al-Sadiq (FHIP) uncovers the deeper mechanics of how God designed this world to function and why He cannot be blamed for the inequalities that plague mankind. Who, then, is responsible? And how can we align with the divine system to eradicate injustice? Join us for this enlightening discussion that challenges misconceptions and reveals the divine wisdom behind the world's struggles.

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    49 分
  • The Supersoul and the Divine Avatar

    In this episode of School of Divine Mysteries, Aba Al-Sadiq (FHIP) returns to a profound question raised in the previous episode: If the Supersoul is present in everything, why do we need to follow an Imam, a Caliph of Allah, or an avatar of the Supersoul? Don’t we all have direct access to it? The answer, as Aba Al-Sadiq explores, is both deep and transformative. Drawing from the teachings of Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, he uncovers the mystery behind divine guidance and why it is channeled through specific human beings appointed by the Divine. This episode challenges the idea that we are all God, shedding light on the truth that, although God resides within us, only divinely chosen figures have the right to speak on God's behalf.

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    31 分
  • Allah & The Holy Spirit in Hinduism - الله والروح القدس في الهندوسية

    In today’s episode of The School of Divine Mysteries, Aba Al-Sadiq (FHIP) and his disciple Tiffany embark on a journey of spiritual discovery, exploring the profound concept of the "Supersoul" and its significance across faiths. This discussion delves into the shared essence that connects humanity to the divine and reveals the universal message at the heart of the Mahdi’s revolution. Join us for a captivating and transformative episode.

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    47 分
  • Krishna & Mohammed ﷺ Teach About the Atom World

    In this enlightening episode of the School of Divine Mysteries, The Qaim Aba Al-Sadiq (FHIP) delves into the profound teachings of Krishna and Mohammed (PBUH). Unveiling a hidden harmony between the spiritual philosophies of the Hindus and Muslims, the episode explores the mystical nature of the soul as presented by these two great prophets. With wisdom that transcends time and boundaries, Aba Al-Sadiq (FHIP) invites viewers to ponder the deeper truths of existence and the shared divine legacy of humanity.

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    41 分