I want to introduce Dr. Ken Peters, PhD—an international economist and biotech expert turned thriller author—whose new novel, The Seed Sanctuary, combines real-world biotechnology with gripping storytelling. The Seed Sanctuary is set in 2030, where a revolutionary Super Agri-seed could solve global food insecurity caused by climate change. The story follows a Mossad agent uncovering a covert plot to destroy the seeds, plunging millions into starvation—a fast-paced thriller in the vein of Michael Crichton or John Grisham. With over 30 years of experience advising foreign governments on healthcare policies and founding a NASDAQ-listed biotech company tackling pandemic diseases, Dr. Peters brings unmatched authenticity to his writing. His work has earned recognition in The Wall Street Journal and the Dx Health Care Awards. Dr. Peters can share actionable ways to address food insecurity and climate change using his “SEEDS” framework: S-Support Sustainable Agriculture and advocate for farming practices that preserve natural resources. E-Educate Communities and promote awareness about climate-resilient crops and nutrition. E-Empower Innovation and invest in biotech solutions like drought-resistant seeds. D-Diversify Food Sources and encourage local food production to reduce reliance on imports. S-Strengthen Global Collaboration and support international efforts to combat climate-related challenges. @https://authorkenpeters.com/ https://www.instagram.com/kenmpeters/ https://www.facebook.com/Ken-Peters-100687352730715#TheSeedSanctuary #KenPetersSeeds#SeedPreservation #SustainableFarming #HeirloomSeedshttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=255141#CommunityGardening#SeedSavingTips #GrowYourOwnFood#PlantDiversity