In this episode, I talk about how a lot of women you’ll meet in life will NOT be attracted to you (and that’s okay). I also talk about how the women who don’t like you most likely have personalities or interests that you yourself wouldn’t like.
Why care about this? Because, you don’t need all women to like you to be happy. You just need one woman to be happy and this rule will help you stay on-task until you meet her.
Episode Notes:
RR48: Remember that there’s a market for everything, and there’s a market for you.
- Your personal “brand” is is made up of all the things about you that are different from other people.
- Many women who will like you quickly share some of your brand values.
- Women who share none of your brand values might make you unhappy over time.
- Don’t get too upset when you fail with women who share NONE of your brand values.
- When you show up prepared, getting together with a woman who shares your brand values can be easy.
Quote to Remember:
“You don’t need all women to like you to be happy; you just need one. One is all you need.”
Learn more about the Reboundy Program: https://reboundy.com/