
  • Inside "Elul Nigun" with Eitan Katz

    Song: Elul Nigun

    Composition & Inspiration by Eitan Katz

    ELUL! Those four letters have have the power to transform a person as he heads towards the Yom Hadin. The Elul Nigun has been a very popular song over the last few years, not only because it's a catchy tune and upbeat. It's also because one can tap into deeper connection with Hashem even in the most simplistic way. In this episode, Eitan Katz shares his insights into this nigun and why it resonates amongst so many of us.

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  • Inside "Akiva Nichamtanu" with Baruch Levine

    Song: Akiva Nichamtanu

    Sung by Baruch Levine

    Inspiration by Baruch Levine

    As we stand here right after Tisha B'av, we can't help but wonder if this will actually be the last Tisha B'av.

    Every year we yearn and try to better ourselves with the hope that Hashem will bring us out of this galus, but then Tisha B'av comes again and we're left asking ourselves "What now?!" But just as quickly as the fast ends, a new hope arises with the famous words "Nachamu Nachamu Ami". What is this nechama, this consolation? Baruch Levine takes us into the well known gemara with Rabbi Akiva and the famous words "Akiva Nichamtanu! Akiva Nichamtanu!" through his beautiful song. May this year actually be the last Tisha B'av we ever have to mourn, and may the redemption turn this day of sorrow into a day of great celebration.

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  • Inside "Yidden" With Chaim Ghoori

    Song: Yidden

    Sung by Chaim Ghoori & Mendy Worch

    Inspiration by Chaim Ghoori

    Over the last year we have seen an incredible amount of ahavas yisroel. When we are able to put our differences aside and look deeper into another Yid, we will find someone who is so precious and so pure. Rarely a song comes out and shines this light on every Yid the way the song "Yidden" does. Produced by Thank You Hashem, it is a song that has helped Yidden around the world see the greatness of their fellow Jews, as well as the greatness within themselves.

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  • Inside "Tefillas HaShlah" With Yitzy Waldner

    Song: Tefillas HaShlah

    Composed by: Yitzy Waldner

    Sung by: Yitzy Waldner & Yaakov Shwekey

    Inspiration by: Yitzy Waldner

    Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan is a special day to daven for the spiritual success of our precious children.

    Written by the Shlah Hakadosh, Rav Yeshaya Halevi Ish Horowitz, over 400 years ago, this tefilla speaks of the yearning and hope of every Jewish parent, to have righteous and successful children.

    I reached out to composer Yitzy Waldner to talk about his personal inspiration behind the beautiful song "Tefillas HaShlah" he wrote for his daughter's wedding, and subsequently sang with Yaakov Shwekey on his "Musica" album.

    May we all be zocheh to raise zerah chaya v'kayama and have only nachas from our children.

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  • Inside "Bar Yochai" with HaRav Shimon Lavi zt"l

    The Classic Bar Yochai

    Insight & Inspiration by Rabbi Moshe Ginian

    Written by HaRav Shimon Lavi zt"l

    Lag Ba'omeris is here! Music is back! But let's take a minute to delve into this classic song that Jews throughout the world sing on this holy day. May the power of this day bring redemption to all of Klal Yisroel b'mheiru b'yameinu amen.

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  • Inside "Vehi Sheamda" with Yaakov Shwekey
    Vehi Sheamda Composed by Yonatan Razel Sung by: Yaakov Shwekey Insights & Inspiration by: Yaakov Shwekey As we prepare for Pesach amidst so much turmoil in the world, and specifically the danger in which Klal Yisroel faces from so many of its enemies, we can't help but thank Hashem for all the chessed He has done for us recently. Time and time again Hashem has protected us from annihilation, but we are seeing in our generation the crystal clear hashgacha of Hashem in protecting His people. May this month of Nisan and the Yom Tov of Pesach bring us the ultimate redemption!

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  • Inside "Thank You Hashem" with Joey Newcomb

    Thank You Hashem

    Sung By: Joey Newcomb

    It's Purim season! A very special time to recognize all the good Hashem does in our life and all the miracles we need to be grateful for.

    In this episode, Joey takes us behind the scenes where the song originated and how the title of the song is really the essence of who the Jewish People are.

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  • Inside Beri Weber's "Riboin"


    Composed by: Yossi Muller Sung by: Beri Weber Tapping into the great kindness Hashem does for us on a daily basis, composer Yossi Muller gives a beautiful insight into the popular song Ribon. With Beri Weber's angelic voice and stunning performance on this song, the message takes on a completely different meaning.

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