Welcome to Episode 10 of Past Your Prime!
In this episode, Craig and Alex dive deep into knee pain, busting common myths, discussing why it’s not as simple as "just stretch" or "strengthen your hips," and breaking down what actually works. Plus, we take you behind the scenes for a live knee assessment and explore real strategies for managing knee pain long-term.
🔹 Injury Updates:
- Craig’s neck is dramatically better (this time, he’s actually sticking to his home plan).
- Alex’s wrist is improving, but his TFL is flaring up after extra plyos and an extra gym day.
- Alex officially ran for 10 minutes straight—cue the apocalypse survival plan.
🔹 Key Topics in This Episode:
1️⃣ Why Knee Pain is More Complex Than You Think – It’s not just about hip strength or valgus control.
2️⃣ Myths About Knee Pain – Stretching, YouTube "quick fixes," and the hip obsession.
3️⃣ Live Knee Exam Breakdown – Craig walks through ligament tests, meniscus checks, and how to actually diagnose knee issues.
4️⃣ What Really Works for Knee Pain – Tissue capacity, movement analysis, and strategic rehab.
5️⃣ Why Ice & Kinesio Tape Are Overrated (Hot Take Alert!)
6️⃣ The Importance of Artificial Stabilization – When braces, straps, and taping actually help.
7️⃣ Best Exercises for Knee Pain – Quad activation, meniscus mobilization, and isometrics for athletes.
8️⃣ Why Knee Pain Keeps Coming Back – And how to actually stop the cycle.
🎥 Want Us to Break Down Your Knee Pain? Drop a comment and let us know! Craig is ready to deep dive into a case study.
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Follow along for more real-talk on injuries, training, and aging like a boss.
PYP, baby! 👊
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