
  • 286. Let's Make It Practical - When My Toddler Screams at Me or My Teen is Disrespectful

    Welcome back to the kitchen table. Bethany offers practical strategies and scenarios for handling challenging moments, whether you're managing a toddler’s tantrum or a teenager’s disconnect.

    What does inspection look like on those tough days? For toddlers, it means getting low and getting quiet. Ask gently, “What’s going on in your heart?” Use these moments to introduce the idea that Jesus came to rescue you, helping them connect their feelings with grace.

    For teenagers, inspection involves modeling and discussing values even when they seem disconnected or resistant. Engage in conversations about their beliefs, and avoid shame. Focus on how Jesus brings salvation and heart change rather than condemnation.

    Bethany’s insights provide practical advice for transforming difficult moments into opportunities for growth, keeping Jesus at the center.

    Connect with Bethany here
    Follow her on Instagram @bethanykimsey

    Join Bethany in anchoring your motherhood in gospel truth: https://warriormotherhood.myflodesk.com/reset

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  • 285. The Inspection Conversations at Different Ages

    Welcome back to the kitchen table! Today, Bethany dives into what gospel-centered inspection conversations look like at different ages. You might be thinking, “I couldn’t have this conversation with my kids,” but remember—these talks take practice and repetition, and they may not go smoothly the first time.

    With little ones, begin by asking hard questions like, “What was going on in your heart?” It’s about modeling and practicing these discussions. Engage with them and sometimes even guide them through the process. Lay out the concepts clearly and give them time to respond. The goal is not to make them feel bad but to introduce Jesus into their lives.

    As your children grow into young adults, these conversations shift. They’ll start to take more ownership of their reflections, and you’ll transition from guiding them to partnering in their journey. The foundation you’ve built will help them navigate these discussions with greater independence, always keeping Jesus at the center.

    Connect with Bethany here
    Follow her on Instagram @bethanykimsey

    Join Bethany in anchoring your motherhood in gospel truth: https://warriormotherhood.myflodesk.com/reset

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  • 284. Caring for My Child's Heart While Examining Their Motives

    Welcome back to the kitchen table. As we walk through the inspection phase of gospel-centered conversations with our children, scripture provides us with truths that anchor our hearts and guide us in love and wisdom.

    Proverbs 16:2 reminds us that while we can observe actions, God is the one who truly sees and weighs the heart. Our role as parents is to partner with him, seeking to understand what lies beneath our children’s behavior.

    Hebrews 4:12 encourages us to let God’s word shape our discernment, bringing clarity as we navigate difficult conversations. When we are rooted in his truth, we are better equipped to handle their hearts with care.

    1 Corinthians 13 reminds us that love must guide everything we do. This phase of inspection is an opportunity to reflect Christ's love—offering grace, understanding, and safety as we help our children grow in both wisdom and faith.

    Connect with Bethany here
    Follow her on Instagram @bethanykimsey

    Join Bethany in anchoring your motherhood in gospel truth: https://warriormotherhood.myflodesk.com/reset

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  • 283. Helping My Child Look at Their Heart

    Welcome back to the kitchen table. As parents, it's easy to get caught up in correcting behavior, but we are called to go deeper, to create a space where our children can unpack their hearts before God.

    We want to be intentional about setting the stage for these meaningful conversations. Our goal is for our children to think, "She is here to learn about me" and "She is here to unpack my heart with me." This phase is not about issuing a verdict or layering on guilt and shame, but about helping them unwrap what's going on inside.

    When we guide our children through the inspection phase, we are pointing them back to the gospel, showing them how to align their hearts with God’s truth. This is where real transformation happens—not just correcting behavior, but leading them to the One who truly knows and heals their hearts.

    Connect with Bethany here
    Follow her on Instagram @bethanykimsey

    Join Bethany in anchoring your motherhood in gospel truth: https://warriormotherhood.myflodesk.com/reset

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  • 282. After I Correct My Child, How Do I Reach Their Heart?

    Welcome back to the kitchen table. This week, Bethany is diving into the second part of our Jesus-centered discipline conversation: inspection.

    Inspection is about looking deeper into our children’s hearts to understand the "why" behind their actions. It’s not enough to correct behavior—we have to ask the right questions to unpack it.

    It's not just about correcting behavior but leading our children to understand what’s going on inside. We ask questions like, “What was happening in your heart when this occurred?”. By doing this, we teach them to examine their motives and align their hearts with God’s truth.

    God doesn’t stop at correcting us—he invites us into deeper reflection and growth. In the same way, as we help our children unpack their hearts, we’re showing them how to grow in Christ and embrace his grace.

    Connect with Bethany here
    Follow her on Instagram @bethanykimsey

    Join Bethany in anchoring your motherhood in gospel truth: https://warriormotherhood.myflodesk.com/reset

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  • 281. What Does it Look Like for A Toddler, a Tween, a Teenager

    Welcome back to the kitchen table. In John 20, the story of Thomas gives us a beautiful example of how God approaches correction. When Thomas doubted Jesus' resurrection, Jesus didn’t respond with frustration or rebuke. Instead, he led with a question.

    Bethany encourages listeners that this method of leading correction with a question is something we can apply when guiding our children. At different ages, the approach may look different, but the heart of it remains the same.

    For younger kids, it might look like asking simple questions: "What do you think Jesus would want you to do?" With older children, we can dive deeper, encouraging them to reflect on their actions and how their faith plays a role.

    But the heart of the matter is this: God leads correction with a question, and we are called to do the same, guiding them with love and grace.

    Connect with Bethany here
    Follow her on Instagram @bethanykimsey

    Join Bethany in anchoring your motherhood in gospel truth: https://warriormotherhood.myflodesk.com/reset

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  • 280. How to Correct at Different Ages

    Welcome back to the kitchen table. Bethany is frequently asked, “Can gospel-centered conversations be done with little ones, too?” In this episode, she invites listeners to join her in exploring how even with very young children, meaningful, faith-based discussions can take place.

    With younger children, it is essential to lead the conversation, as they may not yet have the capacity to provide all the answers. Bethany emphasizes that the expectation is not for children to fully grasp everything at once but rather to help them reflect on their actions and experiences.

    The purpose here is not solely to correct behavior, but to foster connection and understanding.Even with little ones, having these gospel-centered conversations can plant seeds of faith.

    Connect with Bethany here
    Follow her on Instagram @bethanykimsey

    Join Bethany in anchoring your motherhood in gospel truth: https://warriormotherhood.myflodesk.com/reset

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  • 279. We Don't Assume We Know How to Correct Our Child

    Welcome back to the kitchen table. In moments of correction with our children, anchoring our conversations in prayer can bring clarity and peace. Bethany encourages us to bring everything before God and seek His wisdom through scripture.

    Where can we anchor in the Bible during these moments? Jeremiah 33:3 reminds us to call to God, and he will answer us, revealing things we do not know. Luke 8:17 highlights that nothing is hidden from God, and Luke 12 urges us to remember that he sees all things. Psalm 139 emphasizes God's intimate knowledge of our hearts.

    As we navigate correction, be active in praying these words over your conversations. Our role is to pray that God gives us the insight we cannot find on our own. Before stepping into correction, ask God to reveal what needs to be seen and give you the wisdom to guide your child with gentleness and understanding.

    Connect with Bethany here
    Follow her on Instagram @bethanykimsey

    Purchase the Warrior Mama’s Prayer Journal

    Join Bethany in anchoring your motherhood in gospel truth: https://warriormotherhood.myflodesk.com/reset

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