On this episode we read The Way of Kings, a book so massive we really only talk about the plot of the book in the last third of the episode.
We split this episode in half because of how big this book is. It's slow, methodical, and we talked about it for 8 and a half hours.
Happy New Year folks, I wish you a wonderful and safe start to 2025.
Next Month: We read the entirety of Towers of Midnight, Episode Airs: January 28th.
Content warnings for this episode: ableism, addiction, age gap, betrayal, bleeding, body horror, body modification, broken bones, caste systems, child abuse, child death, christian imagery, classism, colonization, death, decapitation, discussion of sexuality, disembowelment, domestic violence, exsanguination, gaslighting, genocide, human sacrifice, insanity, knives, maiming, marital rape, mind control, misogyny, mormonism, murder, mutation, mutilation, racism, rape, rape culture, religious conversion, religious extremism, self harm, settler colonialism, sexual content, sex work, slavery, slave races, stabbing, strangulation, suicide/suicidal ideation, surgery, terminal illness, undeath, wounds and infection
Correction: Graham does not have the most liked 1 star review of Tress of the Emerald Sea anymore, there are several other reviews that have dethroned them.
Correction: about 34 minutes in, Graham says 4,000 years but means 1,000.
Correction 1:36:50 It is the Stormfather speaking to Kaladin who says this, not a Dalinar vision.
The Mormon Church’s tax exempt status in 1978 came under threat because of their views on race and excluding black men from the priesthood. The president of the church received a divine revelation.
MASSIVE SPOILER WARNING FOR BOOKS 1-4 OF THE STORMLIGHT ARCHIVE: The Most Mormon Magic System: How Brandon Sanderson Turned Agency into Fantasy by Liz Busby
Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card - Normally we'd link this on our bookshop, but it second hand or get it from the library.
This show is created by Graham Gillman, Taylor Lane, and Jack McLaughlan.
Our theme music is "goodnight kiss" by 2mello off the album midnight broadcasts. (https://2mello.net/)