13-year-old Anoushka Jolly, the founder, and CEO of InnerArk Blocktech Private Limited, Anti Bullying Squad (ABS), and Kavach, The Mobile App, is from Gurugram. She defines herself as an 8th grader who loves writing, entrepreneurship, and psychology. When she presented her idea on Shark Tank India, she was the youngest contestant. She has gained attention for her concept for the Kavach app, a tool to assist kids her age in combat bullying in schools and colleges. The awareness-building social initiative called the Anti-Bullying Squad seeks to reduce bullying in real life. This online community serves as a hub for experts who collaborate to plan one-on-one counselling sessions against bullying in schools. The platform was created with the intention of drastically reducing instances of the problem, and according to Jolly, with the assistance of schools, NGOs, and professionals, over 2,000 students from more than 100 schools and universities have benefited from ABS.