Ep #43: Life can feel chaotic. Work, bills, family, social pressures, the impending doom you might feel in the pit of your stomach because the world is spinning faster and faster as technology follows Moore's Law - and let's not leave out politics, considering what occurred just a few days ago. I hope you can manage your conversations around the election in a way that doesn't ruin friendships - nor keeps you in an echo chamber. Regardless of everything happening around you, your mental and emotional wellness will be a desired priority in your life to maximize your overall health.
In this week's episode, we welcome AmCon's own Chad Davis from the Southeast region to discuss mental health and wellness. He has years of experience in this field as a mental health counselor and leads our mental resilience training subgroup inside the common interest groups. Go join and check out that group if you are interested in more information we discuss during this episode.
When you’re ready to build the skills, network, and confidence to be prepared for whatever comes next, join us at AmericanContingency.com. We’re here when you’re ready. We’ll keep the fire going for you so you can find your way.