In this episode of Junk Drawer, Keith delves into the inexplicable and eerie events troubling the Thibodeaux family in New Orleans. Their story revolves around their young daughter, Amelie, who has been noticing strange sounds seemingly emanating from beneath her bed. Initially dismissed as a product of her imagination, the strange occurrences around their home soon escalated, pushing the family to seek the help of a paranormal investigator. The investigator, Dr. Jean-Baptiste Beaumont, suspects that a creature from Creole folklore, a Troll-sous-le-lit, might be feeding off the fear and chaos in their home. Despite various attempts to cleanse their home, the Thibodeaux family remains trapped in a situation that transcends conventional understanding. Keith shares the fascinating yet unsettling details, sparking curiosity about myths and reality while inviting listeners to tune in for the next episode where they'll explore solutions for the family's haunting dilemma.