Welcome to the first episode of ThePineappleQuest! In this episode our guest Dija Karim and host Nyoxani explore the implications of current surnaming practices on gender equality. Then we discuss possible alternatives. Enjoy the episode and always watch out for that pineapple! Overview 0:00 - 3:35 Introduction 3:36 - 7:20The state of affairs on how surnames are given/ current surname practices 7:21 - 9:50 Introduction of the surname questionnaire and initial results 9:51 - 16:05 Is there a problem with the current surnaming practice? What are the impacts? 16:06 - 20:29 What people find relevant in choosing surnames - survey results 20:30 - 27:40 On Functional Fixedness 27:41 - 30:27 Thoughts on some legal practices on surnaming practice 30:28 - 40:20 Alternatives in surnaming traditions 40:21 - 44:10 Who is responsible? 44:11 - Surnaming practices in different cultures 46:40 - End final thoughts and Recap Survey Results: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14w86FYONNXPD6wAs0r8paIWpI5eFcHSuszZAcT79hzk/edit?usp=sharing References and Recommendations: Nugent, C. (2010), Children’s Surnames, Moral Dilemmas: Accounting for the Predominance of Fathers’ Surnames for Children. Gender & Society, 24(4), 499–525. https://doi.org/10.1177/0891243210376380 Pilcher J. (2017), Names and "Doing Gender": How Forenames and Surnames Contribute to Gender Identities, Difference, and Inequalities. Sex roles, 77(11), 812–822. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11199-017-0805-4 Pilcher, J. (2016), Names, bodies, and identities, Sociology, 50, 764–779. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0038038515582157 Credits Guest: Dija Karim Host: Nyoxani Sound: Dollymanfilms Edit: Nyoxani, Lenni Bühl, Dollymanfilms Many thanks to: Dija Karim, Lenni Bühl, Dollymanfilms, Local Wave, Alan Fathulla, Maria Burbach