Leonilde Vendramin Toazza, 88 years old, represents one of the many stories of sacrifice and dedication from the Venetian community that emigrated to Brazil. Daughter of Ricardo Vendramin and Regina Scalvi, her family originates from the municipality of Bosco di Nanto, in the province of Vicenza. She now lives in the village of Oitaveta, in the municipality of Nova Prata, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Widowed in 2006, Leonilde shared her life with her husband Honorio Toazza, with whom she had five children. For more than seventy years, she worked on the family farm, growing corn, wheat, soybeans, rice, beans, manioc, and potatoes, as well as managing a vineyard dedicated to wine production. Every morning, she dedicated herself to milking five cows and caring for the farm animals, including pigs and chickens. Her husband Honorio, on the other hand, worked in a sawmill producing Araucaria pine wood, an activity essential for the family’s livelihood. The earnings were used to cover household expenses in a life marked by great economic hardship. Their first marital home was modest, so much so that, on rainy days, it was necessary to place a basin on the bed to catch the water that leaked through the roof. Despite these difficulties, Leonilde faced the hard work in the fields with determination, embodying the strength and resilience of the emigrant community. On February 25, she received a visit from Rino Budel (pictured), a counselor of the Bellunesi nel Mondo Association, accompanied by Davino Contini, secretary of the Bellunese Family "Serra Gaucha." During the meeting, Leonilde shared her life experience, emphasizing the joy and satisfaction of raising her family through the result of hard work. Her calloused hands are the symbol of a life dedicated to the land and family, a story intertwined with the experiences of many Italian emigrants who, with sacrifice and determination, built a new life across the ocean.
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