Hello, welcome back to Thought Bubbles! This week Kaytie will be embarking on a journey to know less about the world. Not in the “I am aiming for complete blissful ignorance” way, but in the “I am going to cut out irrelevant media and focus on living my life and being the best person I can be in real time and real space without thinking about world politics or what the popular girl from high school is eating for lunch” type. You know? The first app to be axed in this experiment is Tiktok. For a while, I justified spending 2-3 hours on the app every day because I told myself I was using it, unironically, for educational content. I was watching content from “stocktock”, “fintok” and “techtok”, but I was watching mindless content as well. Needless to say, I am ready to stop being delusional and reclaim my time. Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter fall in the category of “I go here when bored of Tiktok”. I reckon that IG will be the most difficult to stay off of here since I like to take my fashion inspo from IG sometimes. That being said, I’m sure a week will do no harm to my fashion sense. Also hot take: Snapchat is outdated. Another hot take: Twitter is outdated and Elon Musk owning it doesn’t change a thing. Robinhood is a funny situation because I do have real money invested in it. That being said, I am a dollar cost average, buy and hold investor, so watching the graphs tick up and down is probably doing more harm to my mental health than good. See ya after the recession, Robinhood. Signing off on this very long caption! I plan to come back everyday to update my thoughts. Catch you later, Kaytie