Chris Carstens unpacks the "ars celebrandi" called for by Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis. A proper ars celebrandi 1) sees God as the proper subject of the liturgical "masterpiece," 2) encourages liturgical ministers to depict this great, divine beauty through docility to the Holy Spirit's inspiration and the Church's rites, and 3) forms the baptized to see God's glory revealed in the liturgical rite through a mystagogical catechesis. In short, when a liturgy centers on God, celebrates the rite in such a way that God's glory appears (as on Mt. Tabor), and trains the people to encounter Christ in the rite--true beauty appears in our midst and in our world. The Institute for Liturgical Formation will focus on these three aspects: 1) theology of the liturgy (the Trinity's presence and action in the liturgy), 2) the ritual celebration of the liturgy (how the Church's ministers understand and execute the liturgy), and 3) the participation and spirituality of the liturgy (how God's people engage and pray the liturgy).