Healing is already hard, but when you are surrounded by people who don't want to heal it's even harder. How are you supposed to heal if those around you don't want you to? Healing is something we all need to do and I understand how hard it is when there are people around you who try to hold you back. Sometimes they don't even realize that they are doing it. Healing is a difficult journey and sometimes you have to do it by yourself, especially in the beginning. Honestly, you are never done healing. Every day you get better and better. You start becoming more of who you are as you peel the layers back. Don't let anyone or anything stop you from discovering who you are meant to be. Healing around those who refuse to heal teaches you many lessons as well. In the healing process, we all go through this situation where those around us will trigger our old habits. Can you stop that old habit from triggering? You may have a setback and that is okay it's not the end of the world. You just continue working on yourself.