Tommy Petersen, Coach, West Lake Rolling Thunder Mountain Bike Team joins us to talk about his experiences coaching the West Lake Rolling Thunder Mountain Bike Team.
Episode Highlights
- Enthusiasm for outdoor activities and mountain biking.
- Overview of the Westlake High School Mountain Biking Team.
- Inclusivity in mountain biking - financial aid and scholarships.
- Mountain biking season schedule.
- Details on race logistics and team organization.
- Balancing safety and thrill in mountain biking.
- Emotional and inspiring stories from races.
- Logistics of managing a large team during races.
- Emphasis on clean and fair competition.
- Promoting mountain biking as a lifelong sport.
Episode Resources
- Connect with Neil Bryce, Jeff Beck and Greg Spencer
Left of the Lake Podcast: https://www.facebook.com/groups/288869046622439/?ref=share - https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/?next=/leftofthelake/
- https://www.saratogasprings-ut.gov/284/Recreation
- Connect with Tommy Petersen
- https://www.westlakemtb.com/