Bruce and Cindy McMartin tell the story of their life work on two sides of the globe as they worked alongside their students in missions.
Bruce & Cindy met at Multnomah Bible College and married after graduating in 1975. They have 3 grown children.
Bruce earned a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary and a D.Miss from Western Seminary.
Bruce & Cindy were accepted as appointees to Haiti with Unevangelized Fields Mission (now Crossworld) and began full-time service in Haiti in 1982. They were both involved in training and developing Haitian leaders, and both taught in the Evangelical Theological Seminary of Port-au-Prince.
Both Bruce & Cindy played a role in helping to sensitize the Haitian church and believers to the needs of the lost world and their responsibility to be a part of obeying the Great Commission. A Haitian Mission Organization was birthed, and 3 teams were sent to Senegal (2004, 2005, 2011) and today there are 7 full-time Haitian missionaries serving in Senegal, W. Africa.
In 2014, Bruce & Cindy left Haiti and moved to Senegal to serve alongside Haitian missionaries. Senegal is a more unreached country, so the challenges are great. The major religion is Islam, and the Evangelical church is small.
Bruce & Cindy have just returned to the USA and are transitioning to making disciples in a new environment.
• CultureBound