
  • Choose Joy & Access Your River of Bliss! - Part 5

    Host Helen Lee delves into the current solar and cosmic activities impacting individuals worldwide, and discusses the dismantling of old, lower vibrational energies within individuals and global systems, emphasising the need to focus on centring oneself, embracing soul power, and embodying light to contribute to the transformation of humanity worldwide.

    Helen encourages you to shift from scarcity consciousness to an abundance mentality, choose joy, and align with higher vibrations to create a new world of love, peace, joy and abundance. She highlights the upcoming Sixth Golden Age in 2032 and urges individuals to raise their consciousness, release old patterns, and integrate incoming light codes.


    • The current solar and cosmic activities are pushing out old, lower vibrational energies from individuals and systems worldwide.
    • It is essential to focus on being centered, balanced, and in soul power to embody and emanate great light for massive transformation.
    • Humanity is urged to shift from scarcity consciousness to an abundance mentality by aligning internally with higher vibrations and creative power.
    • Choosing joy and love, honouring oneself and others, and taking personal responsibility for wellbeing are crucial for navigating the challenges ahead.
    • By raising consciousness, integrating incoming light, and releasing the old, individuals can contribute to the collective shift towards a higher consciousness and the Sixth Golden Age.


    "The so-called darkness of all that is archaic and unconscious has to be dismantled. That is what the immense amount of light relentlessly flooding our planet and our beings is for."

    "We don't realise that if we fully claim our soul power, our divine power, which is our true power, and we gather together to collectively co-create the world we want in absolute alignment with God, the Universe, the Creative Power that operates everything in existence, whatever you wish to call it or him or her, we can completely change everything."

    "I consciously choose to create a new life now that is high vibrational, filled with great health and vitality, love and abundance, peace and joy, laughter and fun, creativity and innovation, caring for and uplifting ourselves and others, and so on."

    "We can certainly work towards bringing more love and joy into all our relationships and innovate together to come up with creations that help humanity in different ways and actively contribute towards creating a wonderful new world where we think we instead of just me and what's in it for me."


    To become a member of the Transform and Thrive Club and benefit from powerful monthly live sessions on Zoom video calls and multimedia coaching, check out and sign up here:









    Founder & Principal Coach of Lee Heiss Coaching, Helen Lee coached thousands of clients worldwide and multinationals in Asia-Pacific in the last three decades. She created a powerful ontological coaching methodology that ignites the true greatness or invincibility in people. Thoroughly tested and honed over 20 years, this methodology consistently and rapidly produces desired results.

    Helen was also a journalist who later ran her own communications consultancies in Australia and Asia. The Business Times listed her in its “Who’s Who of Women Shaping Singapore” while The Straits Times named her “The Leader Prodder” in a feature on Singapore’s top coaches.

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    16 分
  • Choosing Joy and Accessing Your River of Bliss - Part 4

    Host Helen Lee shares her recent experience in Bali, where she had deep physical healing sessions to support her body that was greatly impacted by the massive amount of solar flares from the day she got on the plane. She emphasises the importance of choosing joy and aligning internally to raise consciousness and vibration and reflects on the uplifting impact of her interactions with the Balinese people and culture, highlighting the essence of simplicity, authenticity, and heart-centred energy. She envisions a world where love, kindness, and abundance prevail, urging listeners to embrace honesty, transformation, and co-creation for a harmonious and caring global community.


    • There is importance to be found in consciously choosing joy as a way to navigate through life's challenges and raise one's vibration.
    • Embrace inner transformation to align with higher consciousness and vibration levels, leading to personal growth and well-being.
    • Encourage the co-creation of a world filled with love, kindness, peace, and abundance, where all beings can thrive.
    • Emphasise the significance of honesty, integrity, and authenticity in personal growth and relationships for true transformation.


    "It was an X6.3 solar flare, the most powerful of three flares occurring over 24 hours arising from the gigantic sunspot that space weather posts label as dangerous and describe as being so large you can see it with eclipse glasses and no magnification."

    "Life will be most interesting from here on and I'm excited to increasingly be in my new life that I have been consciously creating and planning for a long time."

    "New Earth will happen when there is a critical mass of us living free and joyous. And we can all contribute towards creating it, for sure."

    "Let's create a truly, truly wonderful, balanced, and genuinely caring world together and great fulfilment and dreams come true for ourselves and others."


    To become a member of the Transform and Thrive Club and benefit from powerful monthly live sessions on Zoom video calls and multimedia coaching, check out and sign up here:









    Founder & Principal Coach of Lee Heiss Coaching, Helen Lee coached thousands of clients worldwide and multinationals in Asia-Pacific in the last three decades. She created a powerful ontological coaching methodology that ignites the true greatness or invincibility in people. Thoroughly tested and honed over 20 years, this methodology consistently and rapidly produces desired results.

    Helen was also a journalist who later ran her own communications consultancies in Australia and Asia. The Business Times listed her in its “Who’s Who of Women Shaping Singapore” while The Straits Times named her “The Leader Prodder” in a feature on Singapore’s top coaches.

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    19 分
  • Choose Joy & Access Your River of Bliss! - Part 3

    Host Helen Lee discusses the impact of the solar maximum and how it is affecting individuals on a deep level. She emphasises the importance of choosing joy and accessing one's river of bliss during these challenging times, delving into the concept of personal responsibility, emotional and spiritual maturity, and the need to align inner consciousness with outer actions.

    Helen encourages you to accept your flaws with honesty and love, and move beyond limitations to experience true joy and freedom.


    • The current solar maximum is impacting individuals with high-frequency solar activities, leading to the dismantling of old patterns and the uploading of higher consciousness light codes.
    • It is essential to do inner work regularly and bring higher consciousness from meditation into daily life to navigate through the challenging times.
    • Choosing joy and accessing the river of bliss involves being aware of triggers, letting go of frustration, and maintaining boundaries while promoting inner alignment and higher consciousness.
    • Embracing maturity involves taking personal responsibility, being mindful, conscious, and responsible for one's actions and state of consciousness.
    • The journey towards enlightenment and true joy involves being present, mindful, and aware in all actions, aligning outer purpose with inner purpose, and infusing consciousness into thoughts and actions.


    "The immense light is both dismantling the old within everyone as well as uploading light codes of infinitely higher consciousness that humanity has had until now."

    "Do your inner work regularly and bring the higher consciousness from your meditation into your daily life."

    "We are called to take personal responsibility at a time when all human consciousness is being massively raised, particularly if we think we want to lead others in our collective way forward."

    "Actions truly speak louder than words, which are worth nothing unless we have the integrity to act or behave accordingly, in great if not absolute congruence."


    To become a member of the Transform and Thrive Club and benefit from powerful monthly live sessions on Zoom video calls and multimedia coaching, check out and sign up here:









    Founder & Principal Coach of Lee Heiss Coaching, Helen Lee coached thousands of clients worldwide and multinationals in Asia-Pacific in the last three decades. She created a powerful ontological coaching methodology that ignites the true greatness or invincibility in people. Thoroughly tested and honed over 20 years, this methodology consistently and rapidly produces desired results.

    Helen was also a journalist who later ran her own communications consultancies in Australia and Asia. The Business Times listed her in its “Who’s Who of Women Shaping Singapore” while The Straits Times named her “The Leader Prodder” in a feature on Singapore’s top coaches.

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    22 分
  • Choose Joy & Access Your River of Bliss! - Part 2

    In this very special 100th episode of the Transform and Thrive podcast, Host Helen Lee celebrates the second anniversary of the show with the Choose Joy revival. Over the course of more than three weeks, Helen has been sharing daily posts on choosing joy and encouraging listeners to live a joyous life no matter the circumstances. In this episode, Helen discusses the concept of accessing the river of bliss within ourselves and experiencing joy consistently.

    She emphasises the importance of going beyond our human selves and merging with our true divine nature. Helen also shares her personal journey of making a sacred vow and surrendering to divine alignment, which led to profound transformation and abundance in her life. She invites listeners to join her for a live Zoom event where she will provide an interactive presentation and coaching conversation, a meditation on choosing joy, and a lucky draw for memberships to her Transform & Thrive Club.


    • The 100th episode of Transform and Thrive celebrates the Choose Joy revival, which includes daily posts on choosing Joy.
    • The Choose Joy live Zoom event includes an interactive presentation and coaching conversation, a meditation on Choose Joy, and a lucky draw to win memberships of the Transform & Thrive Club.
    • Helen created the Transform & Thrive Show and membership club to help individuals and organisations go beyond challenges and flourish.
    • Accessing the river of bliss and choosing Joy is possible by going beyond our human self and merging with our true divine nature.
    • Being in alignment with our higher selves and the divine allows us to experience true joy, abundance, and fulfillment.


    "We must consciously choose Joy now, Choose Ease & Grace, Love & Abundance."

    "The more attached we are to (desired) outcomes, the more we're giving our power away."

    "The idea is to be simple, to be simple and happy."

    "Freedom is a condition of happiness, true happiness."

    "The more non detached, unattached you are to something, the more room and space you give for it to occur."


    To become a member of the Transform and Thrive Club and benefit from powerful monthly live sessions on Zoom video calls and multimedia coaching, check out and sign up here:









    Founder & Principal Coach of Lee Heiss Coaching, Helen Lee coached thousands of clients worldwide and multinationals in Asia-Pacific in the last three decades. She created a powerful ontological coaching methodology that ignites the true greatness or invincibility in people. Thoroughly tested and honed over 20 years, this methodology consistently and rapidly produces desired results.

    Helen was also a journalist who later ran her own communications consultancies in Australia and Asia. The Business Times listed her in its “Who’s Who of Women Shaping Singapore” while The Straits Times named her “The Leader Prodder” in a feature on Singapore’s top coaches.

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    40 分
  • Choose Joy & Access Your River of Bliss! - Part 1

    Host Helen Lee explores the concept of choosing joy and how it can transform our lives, discussing the integration of light codes and high frequencies downloaded into our systems, the importance of being flexible and adaptable, in the present moment, and the power of focusing on creating joy and abundance of all kind.

    Helen emphasises the need to connect with our soul and consciousness, and shares practical tools for transcending challenges and accessing true joy. She also highlights the shift towards a new era of ease and grace, where we can live in alignment with our divinity and experience endless possibilities of joy, peace, and abundance.


    • Helen emphasises the significance of choosing joy and creating abundance in our lives.

    • We must embrace the need to connect with our soul and consciousness to experience true joy and transcend challenges.

    • We must step out of the old programming and embrace our divinity and true power.

    • Focus on taking personal responsibility, setting boundaries, and surrounding ourselves with thoughtful and honest individuals.


    "We are integrating all the light codes and high frequencies downloaded into our systems in super intense January when the sun exploded a lot and solar flares are not only still continuing, but keep getting larger."

    "2024 promises to be incredible if we really listen and follow what life and these powerful new and mega high frequencies are demanding of us."

    "We are meant to be our soul selves, first and foremost, to be the divinity, the spirit that we are, the consciousness that we are."

    "We are meant to ascend beyond rescuing anyone. The onus is on everyone to take personal responsibility for our own lives, for the decisions we make and actions we take."


    To become a member of the Transform and Thrive Club and benefit from powerful monthly live sessions on Zoom video calls and multimedia coaching, check out and sign up here:









    Founder & Principal Coach of Lee Heiss Coaching, Helen Lee coached thousands of clients worldwide and multinationals in Asia-Pacific in the last three decades. She created a powerful ontological coaching methodology that ignites the true greatness or invincibility in people. Thoroughly tested and honed over 20 years, this methodology consistently and rapidly produces desired results.

    Helen was also a journalist who later ran her own communications consultancies in Australia and Asia. The Business Times listed her in its “Who’s Who of Women Shaping Singapore” while The Straits Times named her “The Leader Prodder” in a feature on Singapore’s top coaches.

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    33 分
  • Enlightening 1.5 Billion People With Dame Marie Diamond! - Part 3

    Host Helen Lee continues her interview with Dame Marie Diamond, an internationally known feng shui and energy master. They discuss the massive transformation and challenges that lie ahead for individuals and society, as well as the big solutions and changes that can be made.

    Marie emphasises the importance of taking action and making conscious choices for ourselves, our communities, and our planet. They also explore the potential benefits of artificial intelligence and new technology in addressing climate change and finding sustainable energy sources. Marie shares her optimism for the future and encourages listeners to embrace personal responsibility and contribute to the positive transformation of humanity and the world.


    • Marie emphasises the importance of taking personal responsibility for our own transformation and making positive changes in our lives.
    • Collaboration and collective action: We must embrace the need for collaboration and collective action to create a better world, emphasising the power of individuals coming together to make a difference.
    • There are potential benefits in artificial intelligence and new technology in finding solutions for global challenges, such as climate change and energy sources.
    • We must treat ourselves AND others with love and respect, focussing on the importance of leading by example and creating positive change through our actions and interactions with others.


    "I'm actually very excited about it because I do believe that AI thinks faster than we can do with our human brain." ~ Marie Diamond

    "We need to not just become aware, we need to act upon that awareness. And that must be crucial." ~ Marie Diamond

    "We can only do this successfully and en masse if we can come from a deeper and greater source of Higher Intelligence from within us, from our own Soul, from God or the Universe." ~ Helen Lee

    "2024 will mark the start of the big changes to come, although if you were observant and intuitive enough, you'd know they began some time ago already." ~ Helen Lee


    To become a member of the Transform and Thrive Club and benefit from powerful monthly live sessions on Zoom video calls and multimedia coaching, check out and sign up here:









    Founder & Principal Coach of Lee Heiss Coaching, Helen Lee coached thousands of clients worldwide and multinationals in Asia-Pacific in the last three decades. She created a powerful ontological coaching methodology that ignites the true greatness or invincibility in people. Thoroughly tested and honed over 20 years, this methodology consistently and rapidly produces desired results.

    Helen was also a journalist who later ran her own communications consultancies in Australia and Asia. The Business Times listed her in its “Who’s Who of Women Shaping Singapore” while The Straits Times named her “The Leader Prodder” in a feature on Singapore’s top coaches.

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    24 分
  • Enlightening 1.5 Billion People With Dame Marie Diamond! - Part 2
    Host Helen Lee continues her interview with Dame Marie Diamond, a renowned feng shui master and expert in the Law of Attraction who was able to fulfil her original goal of reaching 500 million people, after being featured in The Secret and also instrumental in making the movie a global success. They discuss topics such as war and conflict, the state of human consciousness and spiritual awakening, and Marie's focus for the upcoming year. Marie shares her insights on the role of women in speaking up against injustice, the need for balance and harmony in our homes and hearts, and her mission to bring feng shui to the mainstream. Helen also highlights Marie's dedication to helping others and her belief in the power of feng shui to create positive change. Together, they explore the importance of aligning our energy centres and finding inner peace as a catalyst for personal and global transformation. You can find out more about Marie through her website www.mariediamond.com and sign up for her free app, her podcast, TV show and courses there. And to attend THE CHOOSE JOY REVIVAL! Masterclass that Helen will be conducting on Sat, Feb 3, check out details in the "Valuable Resources" below. It is a free Zoom event and you stand to win free sessions with Helen as well! KEY TAKEAWAYS Marie believes that by creating balance in our homes, we can create balance in our hearts and ultimately contribute to a more balanced world.Marie sees a positive shift in the younger generation, with more openness to concepts like manifestation and the Law of Attraction.She emphasises the importance of aligning our head, heart, and gut energy centres to achieve balance and harmony within ourselves.Marie's focus for the future is to bring feng shui to the mainstream and help more people find abundance, peace and balance in their lives. BEST MOMENTS "I see the younger generation going there. And I see that when I'm speaking on podcasts and radio shows, younger generations are just really reacting because they believe they need to listen to the elders." - Marie Diamond "I do believe if you create balance in your home, you will create balance in your heart. And so for me, that's my big focus for next year (2024) is to contribute to the mainstream, being as much as I can on mainstream media to just bring this angle in, so that I am not reacting to their opinions." - Marie Diamond "Balance in home, balance in heart multiplied by many people, then, we have balance in the world." - Helen Lee "I have successfully practised feng shui principles in my own home with the help of a great feng shui master, and must say that it really helps to create greater peace and prosperity." - Helen Lee VALUABLE RESOURCES THE CHOOSE JOY REVIVAL! MASTERCLASS will be presented by Helen Lee on Zoom on Sat, Feb 3rd, at:10pm SGT (Singapore), 9am EST (New York), 6am PST (Los Angeles), 2pm GMT (London) and 3pm CET (Paris).Steps To Register To Attend "The Choose Joy Revival Masterclass & Stand To Win AWESOME PRIZES! Help Helen help YOU and people all over the world to truly transform and thrive immeasurably by taking the following steps: Subscribe to her podcast TRANSFORM & THRIVE on APPLE PODCASTS: https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/transform-thrive/id1603267475Leave a review for her podcast. We've only had 5-star reviews so far, so please help us keep our rating at 5 stars and help me help our world TRANSFORM & THRIVE greatly!Take a screenshot of your review and send it to us at enquiries@leeheiss.com And confirm your attendance at our Masterclass on Sat, Feb 3 at your time (check the list above for the CORRECT TIME for your time zone).We will send you my Zoom login details, make sure you get it but give us time to email back to you. PRIZES Your name will then be included in a lucky draw that will take place at the end of THE CHOOSE JOY REVIVAL event. First PrizeThe first prize is 6 months of our “Transform & Thrive Membership Club” which means you get to attend six 1.5 to 2hr group sessions from April to September this year. Second Prize For the second prize, you’d win 3 of these group sessions you can attend from April to June. This Prize The third is one group session in April. You will receive Helen's powerful GOLDEN GLOBE Key to Mastery and begin to learn her tried-and-tested methodology which will do wonders for you, IF you use it conscientiously and consistently in the way she shows you! This Key to Mastery used to be shared only with her one-on-one clients and much later, included those who do a certain number of group sessions. She personally and powerfully helps transform people at these sessions so that they can thrive greatly - especially when they FULLY COLLABORATE with her, rather than resist the process. For Regular Members To become a member of the Transform and Thrive Club and benefit from powerful monthly live sessions on Zoom video calls and multimedia coaching, check out and sign up here: www.transformandthrive.club www.leeheiss.com ...
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  • Enlightening 1.5 Billion People with Dame Marie Diamond! - Part 1

    Host Helen Lee welcomes special guest Dame Marie Diamond, a renowned feng shui master and expert in the law of attraction, who shares her journey and how she aims to reach people worldwide with her wisdom and teachings.

    Marie was featured in the movie "The Secret" and was, in fact, "The Secret Behind The Secret" and to find out why she was called that, as she was behind its phenomenal global success, check out Episodes 54 to 56 which is based on the interview with her early last year. It covers many interesting and important details not included in this interview, including information on what to expect in the next 20 years.

    In this episode, Marie discusses the various projects and activities that take her work mainstream through books, TV shows, and interviews, and emphasises the importance of contributing to humanity and raising human consciousness. Marie also provides insights into the upcoming Year of the Wooden Dragon and the next five years, highlighting the need for integrity, responsibility, and, if investing, safer, long-term rather than risky investments.


    • Dame Marie Diamond has already surpassed her initial goal of reaching over 500 million people and is now aiming at enlightening 1.5 billion people through her work in the next 20 years.
    • The Year of the Wooden Dragon is a year of expansion, creativity, and adventure. It is a time to focus on prosperity and family.
    • Marie emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for oneself, including health, money, and relationships.
    • Long-term investments are recommended in the financial world during the Year of the Wooden Dragon, while caution is advised with social media and cryptocurrency.
    • Marie believes that there is a shift happening towards a greater focus on community and contributing to the greater good. This shift will grow over the next 20 years.


    "I ask the Universe, you know, how can I enlighten more than 500 million people. Show me how."

    "I woke up with this very clear words - go mainstream.... I decided how can I go more mainstream with creating more books."

    "I think we're getting there... people start saying, like, what can I do for somebody else? What can I do for my community? How can I contribute?"

    "In the Year of the Wooden Dragon, we need to start going back to what really matters to us... getting clarity in what you want to grow."

    "I think there's a need for people to see that we need each other... there's a new awareness, a new consciousness."


    To become a member of the Transform and Thrive Club and benefit from powerful monthly live sessions on Zoom video calls and multimedia coaching, check out and sign up here:









    Founder & Principal Coach of Lee Heiss Coaching, Helen Lee coached thousands of clients worldwide and multinationals in Asia-Pacific in the last three decades. She created a powerful ontological coaching methodology that ignites the true greatness or invincibility in people. Thoroughly tested and honed over 20 years, this methodology consistently and rapidly produces desired results.

    Helen was also a journalist who later ran her own communications consultancies in Australia and Asia. The Business Times listed her in its “Who’s Who of Women Shaping Singapore” while The Straits Times named her “The Leader Prodder” in a feature on Singapore’s top coaches.

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