1:30 Ryan ponders what product failure means?
3:37 The true definition of failure is identified
6:33 Todd speaks to the categories of product failure
9:33 Todd assumes the role of therapist and tells Ryan and Joe they didn’t fail
12:13- We discuss how we turn failure into a learning opportunity
15:06- Joe discusses the most underrated product management skill
19:08- We bring back the Jobs to be done framework when dealing with our co-workers
22:25- Todd shares a tip on how manage friction with a co-workers (brilliant)
25:44- We talk about the temptation to take short-cuts with process
29:00 Todd tells us why he didn’t win any newsroom awards one year
31:00 Ryan comes up with a new PM slogan “It's the scars that make you and not the successes” (Joe thinks it should be on a bumper sticker)
32:34- The “learning” is knowing how we can do it better next time (Hallmark card time)
35:00 - Todd reminds why we shouldn’t never give up when the going gets tough
36:08 - We talk about the fear of using AI to make product management short cuts
37:09 - We all share our product failure war stories
44:30- Wayne’s World reference makes its way into our podcast- Success!
48:00- Thoughts on how you respond to failure drives who you are as a product manager
52:00 Wrap Up
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