Welcome to the Well Mind Podcast! I'm excited to share my recent conversation with retired Major General Gregg Martin in this episode. He is a 36-year army combat veteran celebrated for his remarkable career commanding engineer units and holding prestigious roles such as president of the National Defense university and commander of Fort Leonard Wood. An accomplished author, his book Bipolar General: My Forever War with Mental Illness, candidly shares his journey. He is a graduate of West Point and he went on to earn advanced degrees from MIT, the Naval War College, and the Army War College. In our conversation, we walk through his storied military career and simultaneously unpack his private battle with bipolar disorder. As his story unfolds, I found it fascinating how for many years, the periods of elevated (hypomanic) mood that accompany bipolar disorder actually enhanced his ability to perform under intense conditions. However, as you will hear, this diminished over time as his mental health condition worsened to the point of personal crisis.Yet Gregg's indomitable spirit and the support of his loved ones helped him move out of crisis and into triumph. Gregg's story is truly one of hope, resilience, faith, and recovery. His new mission is to break down the stigma around mental illness and empower others through education and sharing his journey.
Notes from Episode 39
Contact Information: https://www.generalgreggmartin.com/ or greggmartin79@gmail.com
Bipolar General My Forever War with Mental Illness: https://www.amazon.com/Bipolar-General-Forever-Illness-Association/dp/1682473805
The Well Mind Podcast email: thewellmind@blc.edu