True Stride

著者: Mary Tess Rooney
  • サマリー

  • Realizing your True Stride means moving forward in alignment with you heart, mind, body, energy and soul. This podcast offers thoughtful conversations to help you discover your groove at work, at home, during play and with your community. Empowerment coach, author and fellow Strider, Mary Tess Rooney, inspires heart-centered views to elevate your Heart Value, relationships and joy. Tune-in every Thursday for wise walks to get your stride on!
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Realizing your True Stride means moving forward in alignment with you heart, mind, body, energy and soul. This podcast offers thoughtful conversations to help you discover your groove at work, at home, during play and with your community. Empowerment coach, author and fellow Strider, Mary Tess Rooney, inspires heart-centered views to elevate your Heart Value, relationships and joy. Tune-in every Thursday for wise walks to get your stride on!
  • 232: Reunions & Rekindling Relationships
    I'm headed to the United Kingdom, specifically Wales, to watch a Wrexham football match. Wrexham is in the European Football League, which we Americans call soccer, and it's been incredibly exciting. I don't know if you've seen the Netflix documentary by Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney, but they bought this team, and it's been amazing to watch them evolve and earn promotions. They've been doing really well, and it's a blast to cheer them on. I wouldn't have discovered Wrexham or its strong sense of community if not for my good friends, Jenn and Cass. They live on the West Coast, and we've known each other for over 28 years. I haven't seen them in person since before COVID, which is more than five years ago. What I love about this Wrexham excitement is how it has reconnected us in a meaningful way. We've always been friends and supported each other, but this shared interest reignited and deepened our bond. So for today's Wise Walk, let's slow down, check our reality, and ask ourselves these questions. What relationship in your life do you want to rekindle, reconnect, or reinvigorate? What shared interests might you bring in to energize it? How can you approach it differently and find new common ground? Could setting aside time for consistent reunions, virtual or in person, help? How can you reinvigorate meaningful relationships that have faded due to time, distance, or busyness? What steps can you take to refocus them in your life? Is there someone in your life that you would love to share one of your passions with? Do you think of a person often, still talk on the phone, and stay connected, but feel that life has evolved? What new interest could you find to bond over and elevate your conversations? How can you get energized and find reasons to show up and do things together, either in person or virtually? How can you grow together and show up for each other in this rekindled connection? How can you support each other as you reestablish and strengthen your friendship? What steps can you take to ensure your rekindled connection keeps getting better over time? Is there a relationship in your life that maintains deep connections across time, distance, and space? Have you expressed to that person how important your connection is to you? Have you let them know you appreciate being in this together and look forward to evolving together? Are you open to finding new shared interests to strengthen your bond? Do you make an effort to learn about what's happening in their life beyond your shared interests? How can you show up and pay more attention to deepen your connection? What is the rhythm of your relationships and how can you honor that rhythm to keep them alive? Are you in a relationship where you can naturally ebb and flow, calling and catching up as you can? Do you need to be more scheduled and intentional about securing time to nurture your relationship? Can you plan a joint activity that you both look forward to, whether it's local or abroad? How can you maintain consistent touchpoints while also planning special events to cherish together? What steps can you take to create a balance between regular communication and memorable shared experiences? As we wrap up, remember to stay curious and open-minded in your relationships. Embrace new opportunities for joy and fun, allowing your connections to evolve while fostering personal growth. Keep the spirit of friendship alive, whether you're cheering for your favorite team or embarking on your own adventures. Until our next Wise Walk, tune in every Thursday for a new episode. In this episode: [03:46] A quick recap of my relationships with Jenn and Cass. [05:13] We've reunited because of our shared interest in football. [06:02] It's so nice to know that you can rekindle a relationship and that passion you share spans time and distance. [07:51] I'm in Northern Florida and Jenn and Cass are in Northern California. We're 3,000 miles apart and Wales is across the pond. [08:30] Technology has a beautiful way of bringing us all together. [10:59] I'm excited about the match and a reunion with Jenn. Unfortunately, Cass isn't going to be able to make the trip. [11:31] We are open to appreciating the friends we have, and expanding and growing our circles. [14:14] It's important to be open and curious in relationships. Memorable Quotes: “When you have a relationship with those deep roots, and even if life has evolved and things have changed, it's so easy to reestablish that connection with just a little bit of spark.” - Mary Tess“It's beautiful when you can figure out what is the rhythm of the relationships and how can you keep them alive honoring that rhythm.” - Mary Tess“We are at a phase in life where we are appreciating the friends we have. And then we're also growing in relationships with individuals that share common interests.” - Mary Tess Links and Resources: Mary Tess Rooney Email Facebook | LinkedIn | ...
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  • 231: Gratitude for Growth
    I had an unexpected moment this week that made me stop and reflect. My trusty 2019 MacBook Pro - my sidekick through writing a book, producing this podcast and countless creative projects - finally reached the end of the road. As I stood at the Apple Store and heard the words “It’s time to say goodbye” I felt an emotional pang I didn’t expect. Why is letting go so hard even when we know we need to? What happens when we hold on too tightly to things - objects, identities, relationships, beliefs - that have served us well but no longer serve us? In this episode we explore the art of releasing what no longer fits so we can make space for what’s next. We’ll talk about embracing change, honouring the past with gratitude and stepping into new phases of life with intention. I’ll share some personal stories about outgrowing old habits, shifting perspectives and the freedom that comes with leaving the past behind. Join me on this Wise Walk as we look at what we’re ready to release and how we can step forward with clarity and confidence. Even when it is hard to let something go, can you find gratitude for the growth it brought you? Can you appreciate everything that item, relationship, or experience gifted you during your time with it? Can you honor it, release it, and make space for something new in your life? Are you ready to step into the new version of yourself that you are evolving into? What do you need to let go of right now? Is there something you are holding onto too tightly because it has gotten you to where you are today? How can you release it? What do you want to invite into that space intentionally? Instead of leaving it to chance, what are you consciously welcoming in? Are there relationships in your life that no longer feel aligned, and would you benefit from releasing them to make space for new ones? Are there interests that were once part of your identity but no longer serve you, even though they brought you joy? Are you in a different phase of life where new interests might better serve you? Are there beliefs, thought patterns, or ideas that no longer support your growth, and are you open to releasing them? Do you feel shame about things you shouldn’t, or compare yourself to others in ways that hold you back? Are you holding onto clothing, habits, or identities that once served you but no longer align with who you are becoming? Can you open yourself up to growth, expansion, and new possibilities by letting go of what no longer fits? I’d love to hear about the changes you are intentionally making to create space for growth and expansion. Share what’s on your heart and how you plan to move forward. As always, I’d love to know what resonated with you from today’s episode. Feel free to reach out and share your thoughts. I look forward to hearing from you. In this episode: [02:39] I was attached to my old computer, because of all I accomplished with it. I know it's time to grow and embrace the new. [03:58] Healthy plants need to be transferred to larger pots or they won't be able to grow. We need to create space for expansion. [05:23] There are so many things I've outgrown from heels to relationships. [06:50] With each release we can grow more and more into the people that we are meant to be. [07:08] I've also outgrown shame. [08:24] I'm also embracing my gray hair and the idea of who I once was. [10:03] It took me a while to accept and release that I became a walker and a hiker instead of a runner. [11:44] It's a beautiful thing when we can let go of what we want and possessions that got us where we are. [14:09] Let's just honor where we are. Let's give gratitude for the growth in your life, whether it is forced upon you or of your own choosing. Memorable Quotes: “Even when it is hard to let something go, can you find gratitude for the growth it brought you?” - Mary Tess“We are all in this perpetual evolution, looking to release things in order to reach our highest and best selves.” - Mary Tess“Every phase of life invites us to shed the old and step into the new with clarity and confidence.” - Mary Tess Links and Resources: Mary Tess Rooney Email Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram Heart Value
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  • EP230: How Constructs Shape Emotions
    Last week was Valentine’s Day and as I ran errands I saw so many emotions about this holiday. At one store I saw people sending beautifully packaged gifts to their loved ones and at another I heard someone complaining about how much they hate the day and find it stressful or depressing. These conversations led to a fun realization that many things like Valentine’s Day are just social constructs, things we attach emotions to for better or for worse. This got me thinking: What else in life do we accept as given when in reality we have the power to redefine our experience? In this episode we explore how social agreements like holidays and traditions affect our emotions, and how our personal experiences shape our perception of certain events. We’ll talk about how to reclaim control over expectations and create meaning that aligns with our values. I’ll also share a new way to celebrate love not just on Valentine’s Day, but everyday and give you questions to help you examine what’s really important in your life. Join me on this Wise Walk as we talk about societal expectations and how we can choose to shape our own reality. As you reflect on Valentine's Day, what emotions surface? Are they highs, lows, or somewhere in between? Does your experience change year to year based on what’s happening in your life? Why do you think this holiday affects your energy so strongly? How does the idea of love and caring influence your feelings about this holiday? Where are you giving your power away? What do you want to do about it? How do you want to design this day in your life? How can you take it one step further and apply this beyond Valentine's Day? How are you designing your daily life around constructs that influence your energy? Can you recognize how these agreements shape your emotions? Can you shift them in a way that better serves you? Can you make strategic decisions to create a different experience for yourself? What feelings surface for you, and what choices or actions can you take to shift your energy? What areas of your life do you want to explore to determine what is made up and what is truly serving you? What can you start to examine and peel back to understand what is real? What is rooted in an agreement you made that you still want to honor? What is rooted in an agreement that no longer aligns with you? What steps can you take to change what no longer serves you? Where can you get curious about the belief systems or constructs shaping your life? How can you use them to your benefit so they align with you? How can you let go of what no longer serves you? I'm so grateful you join me on these Wise Walks each week. So whether it’s Valentine’s Day, a Valentine’s year, or even a Valentine’s decade, let’s celebrate love, appreciation, and self-love in whatever way feels right to you. I hope this episode gave you a fresh perspective and the freedom to create your own rules, or let go of the ones that no longer bring you joy. Stay curious, stay true to yourself, and I’ll see you on our next Wise Walk. In this episode: [04:03] As I reflect back, I realize there's a lot of pressure around this holiday. I feel differently about it now that I'm single. [05:15] My friend had a similar experience. Acknowledging people with a loving heart centered connection makes them light up. [06:58] I was thinking of ways to practice self love and self care on Valentine's Day and make up my own rules. [07:19] I was even thinking about getting my taxes done as a way to practice self-love. [09:15] What is real? So much is rooted in agreement as made up rules. [10:50] In my conversations with Paul Cuneo, I'm exploring what is made up, what is true, and what is coded. [13:56] Peeling back names and labels of religions out there, you realize a lot of the belief systems are more similar than not, but coded language creates differences, which are not necessarily true and real. [14:27] We're all entitled to our individual experiences. [15:11] Deadlines are made up. Often we need them in order to get things done. Memorable Quotes: “Valentine’s Day is every day. I don’t need a holiday to mark loving and caring and nurturing.” - Mary Tess“You are completely entitled to your individual experience. I am entitled to my individual experience.” - Mary Tess“There are so many things that are made up in this lifetime, like truly made up. There are made up constructs. There are made up holidays. And we attach emotions to them.” - Mary Tess Links and Resources: Mary Tess Rooney Email Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram Heart Value Paul Cuneo:
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