
  • Terrance Adams - Parenting & Politics

    Terrance Adams discusses raising children in a woke world!

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    58 分
  • Keith Lewter - Trump Tales

    Keith Lewter shares stories of generosity Donald Trump displayed which he learned about growing up 20 minutes away from where the president was raised

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    58 分
  • The Biblical Conservative

    I had the pleasure of interviewing Shawn Crenshaw the Biblical Conservative and we discussed many issues pertaining the Black Christians and their over representation within the Democrat Party

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    58 分
  • California needs Trump!

    Instead of trying the Trump proof the state, Californians need President Trump to get the fire ravaged areas rebuilt. Gov. Newsom needs to think about the citizens of his state instead of the liberal, godless agenda he pursues.

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    49 分
  • California Democrats, Listen Up!

    If ever there was a testing ground to determine how good complete Democrat rule would be, California is the place. Since Democrats have a super majority in California, all laws and regulations are made and enforced by that party. All of their utopian promises which they claim Republicans get in the way of, cannot happen is California; therefore, will unfettered rule, things should be great. Well the opposite is true!

    Proof is in the pudding and the taste of complete Democrat rule since 2012 in California is awful.

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    40 分
  • Pastor Wiliam Green & Mordecai Mission

    Pastor Green the founder of Mordecai Mission is on a mission to recruit, train and encourage Christians to enter all levels of government from the school board to the White House. Mordecai Mission is dedicated to bringing biblical principles back into public life and strengthen the moral foundation of the United States of America.

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    59 分
  • Goodbye Joe & 2024

    2024 is gone and so is Joe, but both gave us more pain than joy. The media fed us the illusion of a Commander in Chief in control when in reality we do not know who has been running the country. We went from a great economy to high inflation, but the media was telling us that the economy was good! We were not supposed to believe what food cost, just believe what people who never worry about the cost of food say! We were supposed to have forgot what life was like when Trump was in charge and believe that he would become a dictator and make our lives miserable. We were already miserable and no media illusions convinced us otherwise. The American people had enough of Joe and the lies of 2024. We are looking forward to the future and lower prices like before.

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    32 分
  • Money Meltdown!

    American citizens are tired of politicians waiting until the last minute to produce bills too large to read and expect them to be approved immediately. We must demand bills small enough for everyone to read. I suggest nothing larger than 50 pages with 12 point fonts for a single item. Congress needs to submit separate bills for separate issues. The public should have a week to read the bills and submit opinions to our representatives.

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    52 分