ep. 17 - Two Weeks
coach tammie and coach chris are back after two weeks. get used to it because two coach bennetts talking is now going to roll out every two weeks. this episode talks about the importance of great communities and specifically about the growing show up society community and the community that was found at the chicago marathon this past weekend. as always you get some petty grievances and hear about what's floating both coach bennetts fancies. so press start and start having a great time because episode 17 is exactly that.
some links to investigate:
watch and listen to coach chris and his pre-race message for the chicago marathoners
check out Muji - where coach tammie got swag for her show up society community
send questions to our mailbag and we'll answer them on the show :
9220 SW Barbur Blvd, STE 119, #322 Portland OR 97219
Get all the details about the Best Runner Ever Winter Edition and Best Runner Ever Summer Edition programs and learn how you can be a part of it here: https://showupsociety.com/brewe
be sure to check out the Two Coach Bennetts Merch Store for t-shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, pint glasses and more! - https://twocoachbennetts.com/merch
for more coach chris bennett
instagram - https://instagram.com/coachbennett
for more coach tammie bennett
instagram - https://instagram.com/showupsociety
website - https://showupsociety.com
the show up society podcast
join the show up society community https://showupsociety.com/tsus