
  • Content That Offends with Marcus Pittman

    Unfiltered by Hollywood or church ladies, Loor is a crowdfunding platform that enables film makers to build whatever they want without the restrictive woke agenda, and get paid while doing it.

    Marcus is on a mission to cancel Hollywood.


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  • Advocating For Our Gender with Rudy Dajie

     Rudy Dajie is a business advisor, board member and proud dad. He came up without a silver spoon or MBA but with the gut instincts it takes to see through the bullshit and make moves that matter. After graduating from medical school, he moved to buying and growing Apothecare, an institutional pharmacy. His life’s work now is about helping others achieve the same type of success he was able to create. Rudy works directly with business owners and entrepreneurs, helping them overcome barriers, improve operations, grow revenue and build value. Today he advocates for our gender on the uncensored advice for men podcast!

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  • How To Fight An Invisible War With Joseph Warren

     Joseph Warren grew up on welfare and government cheese. He started his first seven-figure business at age 19 and wasted away his twenties trying to find happiness through money, success, and pleasure. He made millions—but then lost it all, considered taking his own life, and came back from the brink to host Broken Catholic: The #1 Podcast on iTunes for Protestants AND Catholics! His show has been ranked under the Top 100 Christian podcasts in the world since 2019. Today he teaches us how to fight an invisible war.

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  • Depression Picked The Wrong F'ing Guy with Ian Hill

    Humanitarian, Business Leader, Award Winning Social Innovator, Professional Development Pioneer, and World Record Breaker; these are some of the words often used when referring to Ian Hill. Whether running a multi-million-dollar business operation with over 1000 employees or spearheading first-of-their-kind life-changing community projects, Ian Hill is recognized for being a catalyst for positive change throughout the world.

    Today, Ian is CEO of the National Grassroots Media Corporation and its family of networks. These Digital TV and Radio networks reach 185 million households across the US and 3.1 billion mobile devices around the world.

    Ian is also a professional development expert who launched one of the most innovative professional and personal development models ever created.  From the use of live video streaming starting as early as 2010, to a proprietary behavioral change model that helps participants maximize their potential personally and professionally, whole cities and major corporations have participated in his programs and benefited from demonstrated, quantifiable, and lasting change.

    Currently, Ian is attempting to set another world record by becoming the oldest man to play college football. The effort is to save lives by de-stigmatizing mental health for men, as middle-aged men are 70% more likely to commit suicide than any other segment of the population, as well as introducing them to partner programs that will provide meaningful information and tangible tools that foster mental wellness, resiliency, and strength. Ian has partnered with the #1 long-snapping coach in the nation to achieve the record and already has interest from several top colleges.

    Ian is also known for his humanitarian effort, “Let Them Be Kids”, of which he is the founder and volunteer CEO. This first-of-its-kind initiative builds playgrounds in areas of extreme need. “Let Them Be Kids” has impacted over 170 communities across North America and as far away as Africa. The World Leisure Congress named the Let Them Be Kids program one of the foremost innovative social leisure programs in the world.

    The National Council for Community and Justice and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission, recognized Ian for his commitment to positive change, by naming Ian Humanitarian of the Year. The Stand for Children Organization named Ian its Child Advocate of the Year.

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  • Hunting For Your True Self with Mike Van Pelt

    What creates a comeback story? We’ve all heard them; in fact, we gravitate to them. Whether it is a recovery from a deadly disease, an athlete coming back from a severe injury, a story about someone overcoming all the odds to achieve success, we all want to hear the story. We want to learn, be inspired, and root for the underdog. What causes one person to come back from the depths of despair, while another person lives a life of quiet desperation? Why do some people achieve great success after tremendous loss, while others are willing to walk away defeated? 

    I’ve wondered about these questions for much of my life. I’ve seen many motivational videos, movies, speeches, and more, but the lingering question for me has always been what was the turning point for that person that changed everything? The answers vary from one person’s story to the next because every situation is different. If comeback stories are so inspirational, why do they seem hard to achieve sometimes? The answer to that question seems to lie in the mystery of what that critical turning point is for each individual. I believe that’s what makes the comeback so special.

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