Episode 45: This week, Angie discusses the topic of triggers & addiction recovery. Often times, triggers are associated with people, places & things. There’s so much talk about this topic; and it tends to be quite confusing. There aren’t any “things” that can make a person to use any substance. The decision to use comes from within. Angie explains a much easier way to identify & understand your triggers; and can be an integral part of creating long term recovery. You can regain control over your thoughts, emotions, and actions, empowering yourself to overcome triggers and embrace a life of recovery and overall wellness. Also, Angie discusses the concept of “Dry January” and why it can be very misleading. Along with a discussion about why non-alcoholic beverages are a scam & don’t align with the goals of living & healing in a life of recovery. If you just started your journey, or have been in it for years this episode will prove to be beneficial. The Hope Chase podcast aims to prove that a life of recovery is possible for anyone and everyone who wants it for themselves. We do recover ox