• The Therapy Designed For Alien Abduction Survivors Mary Rodwell and Barbara Lamb

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    What do you do when your child talks about aliens or UFOs and they are too young to know anything about the topic? Alien Abduction expert therapists Barbara Lamb and Mary Rodwell answer this and other questions. Such as: how to find the right therapist, and what steps you take to become an abduction therapist.

    From there, the conversation goes into the darker side of things with the phenomena known as Milab, when a military group conducts an abduction on a contactee in an effort to extract information that may have been given to them during an actual ET Abduction. - This second half of the conversation might be disturbing for some listeners.

    Links to our previous conversation with:

    Mary Rodwell: https://youtu.be/wExoiKL651g

    Barbara Lamb: https://youtu.be/-Moxt1J7wvk
    00:00 Introduction
    05:36 Guests join the conversation
    06:02 Parenting young experiencers
    13:52 Emerging therapists, QHHT
    15:14 Choosing a regression therapist
    22:13 Mary & Barbara, soul sisters
    23:41 Advice to aspiring therapists
    27:04 Healed or harmed during encounters?
    31:09 Barbara Lamb leaves the conversation to consult with a client
    31:38 More on heal or harm with Mary: Military Objectives
    35:27 Milab experience
    38:23 experiencer motive for coming forward
    40:19 Milab target identification
    42:02 Restricted activity detection
    44:32 Locations of heightened activity
    47:02 Biological attributes of interest; rh neg blood
    51:49 Client suitability for therapy
    53:41 Accuracy of retrieved experiential memories
    56:54 Barbara & Mary mentorship opportunities?
    01:00:17 Debrief
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    Find out more about this and other episodes at https://www.universaldisclosurepodcast.com

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    1 時間 9 分
  • President Trump's UFO Announcement Will Change Everything

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    UFO Lobbyist Stephen Bassett makes a case for President Donald Trump making an announcement for UFO Disclosure in the near future. Representatives Mace, Luna, Burchett and others have been pushing things along behind the scenes and it sounds like the big Presidential UFO Disclosure Announcement is being teed up.
    0:00 Intro
    2:32 Show Start
    4:33 Stephen Bassett joins the conversation about Presidential UFO Disclosure from Donald Trump
    5:06 Psionic and Spirituality layer to UAP / UFO Disclosure
    13:09 What is the ultimate goal for Congressional and Senate UFO Disclosure?
    15:29 What is the current status of UFO Disclosure as of 2/22/2025?
    26:46 Controversial topics of UFO Disclosure
    31:31 Trump Administration disclosing non-UFO secretes is encouraging
    50:32 UFO Disclosure is next in line?
    51:51 Rep. Tim Burchett dichotomy of UFO bases underwater and evil aliens?
    1:05:47 UFO Eminent Domain and Private industry involvement of UFO reverse engineering
    1:24:22 What is the fair market value of non-human technology?
    1:32:44 Would Trump UFO Disclosure also solve the nuke problem?
    1:38:55 UFO Disclosure organizations to join or help fund
    1:45:54 The mysterious location of UDP studio
    1:46:31 Debrief
    1:49:17 Next talk with Mary Rodwell and Barbara Lamb

    Find out more about this and other episodes at https://www.universaldisclosurepodcast.com

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    1 時間 51 分
  • UAPs: The Greatest Religious Revelation in Human History

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    We respond to a listener comment claiming we are deceiving people and pulling them away from God with our conversations. Perhaps this short conversation is the elephant in the room nobody wants to address. But we will! Join us for another exhilarating talk most people are afraid to have.

    No chapters in this one because it's only 21 minutes. :)

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    Find out more about this and other episodes at https://www.universaldisclosurepodcast.com

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    21 分
  • This is why UFO Disclosure will not happen (the way you want it to)

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    In this conversation we explore why UFO Disclosure will not happen the way you want it to and talk about how it actually happened already. And because of that, Mike floats the idea to go around the Government and host an “Intergalactic Town Hall Meeting”. Rev. Stu offers an opposing view of this idea and we talk it out. What will we decide? Listen to find out!


    0:00 Why is the Big “D” UFO Disclosure not happening?

    18:46 Leading the leaders, they will follow us.

    24:05 Intergalactic Town Hall Meeting, how would that go?

    37:36 Have Y’all considered this spiritual element?

    47:05 What could possibly be bigger than Aliens?

    50:32 A positive conclusion for now

    #UFOdisclosure #UFOpodcast #Intergalactictownhallmeeting

    Find out more about this and other episodes at https://www.universaldisclosurepodcast.com

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    54 分
  • Mantis Alien Beings: The Interview that will change your perspective

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    We talk directly with Mantis Alien Beings through Toni Ghazi's channeling. In this conversation we ask many questions from the difficult to the more superficial (because they are all relevant and important). Join us in this amazing interaction that will absolutely open your mind, awareness and understanding in ways you are not expecting. You may also find ease with these answers to the more "frightening" ideas some people have.

    0:00 Intro
    2:51 Show Start
    8:53 Toni joins conversation
    12:20 What got you into UFOs
    25:30 Are you afraid of possible possession with channeling?
    33:00 Shifting your paradigm
    38:10 Did the Mantis Beings give you this knowledge?
    43:54 Antares Map / Mantis Beings join the conversation
    50:16 How do you know when someone is trying to connect?
    52:15 Have we become lost and are we in danger of becoming separated from the whole?
    55:35 Are the Mantis Beings physical or ethereal?
    56:34 Do the Mantis Beings oversee abductions?
    1:00:05 The appearance of the Mantis can induce fear, why do you take that from?
    1:02:29 Is Earth currently in transition with UFO Disclosure?
    1:12:07 Are we being lied to?
    1:16:02 Is there a Gov't prohibition against direct contact with the public?
    1:20:01 Can you describe how you communicate telepathically?
    1:27:03 Are their star seeds here on Earth?
    1:28:08 Were Humans created by Mantis geneticists?
    1:33:21 Do artists have more connection with other beings than non-artists?
    1:34:30 How can we ease the UFO Disclosure conflict?
    1:41:19 Are emotions real and do they help us?
    1:48:48 Toni returns to the conversation
    2:00:44 Toni Ghazi Contact Info
    2:04:12 Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    2:08:14 Debrief

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    #mantis #alien #channeling #ufopodcast

    Find out more about this and other episodes at https://www.universaldisclosurepodcast.com

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    2 時間 11 分
  • ET Abductions and Interacting with Aliens, Barbara Lamb, Psychotherapist

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    Barbara Lamb, Psychotherapist, specializing in Alien Abductions talks about some cases and common themes among those who encounter non-human entities from elsewhere. We learn that abductions can happen in the day and with a group of people, not just at night, alone!

    Barbara also talks about 'walk-ins' and has co-written a book with a walk-in, named Sheila Seppi.

    0:00 Intro
    3:48 Show Start
    6:22 Barbara Lamb enters conversation
    7:04 What started Barbara's interest in abductions?
    26:20 Do any alien abductions happen in the day?
    34:00 How do you know the person is not making up a story in regression?
    34:40 Communicating with the beings during regression
    39:00 Understanding the Alien Proctological exam
    40:54 A Spiritual Expansion Post-Abduction
    41:30 Sometimes the beings interact with Barbara during the regression
    47:00 Alien Human Hybrids among us
    54:30 "Walk-In's" (a soul exchange in a physical body)
    1:04:35 Mike's questions being answered without being asked!
    1:05:36 Barbra's writing partner Sheila Seppi, a Walk-in
    1:08:58 Does the Walk-in have access to the pervious memories of the person?
    1:11:49 Can we speak with Sheila at some point?
    1:17:45 Are we 'stuck' on the reincarnation wheel?
    1:29:44 What if we are all Aliens projecting into these human bodies?
    1:30:33 How do you know if you are a Star seed?
    1:33:01 How to find Barbara's newest book about Star seeds
    1:34:03 Is going through a wall or ceiling physical or non-physical?
    1:39:15 Have you ever seen a UFO or non-human entity?
    1:49:42 What protocol did you use to witness a crop circle production?
    1:56:14 Have you ever been approached by intelligence or aerospace about your research?
    1:58:39 Why do people not remember abductions most of the time?
    2:05:18 Why do we need to be immobile before going through a wall?
    2:06:18 Are abductions demonic?
    2:09:48 Being told "You are special" what is that all about?
    2:14:09 Do experiencers have difficulty in holding a job?
    2:18:48 Why are some people taken and others not?
    2:24:27 Can your soul "walk-out" and then "walk-back in"?
    2:25:47 Have you had any high-profile people ask for help?
    2:26:42 What is the most common theme to abductions?
    2:41:26 Barbara's direct experience with the beings in her living room
    2:57:14 Debrief

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    Find out more about this and other episodes at https://www.universaldisclosurepodcast.com

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    3 時間 10 分
  • UAP UFO and the Intelligence Community Operations

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    Did you ever wonder how the intelligence community really works and who they work for? Daniele Irandoost, an intelligence expert explains how these organizations operate and some of this is pretty dark. Rev. David William Parry is here for this conversation and provides his own input on the subject.

    0:00 Introduction
    05:22 Guests join the show
    05:33 Who is Daniele Irandoost?
    07:48 Who is Rev. David Perry?
    17:02 Compromise & blackmail
    21:19 Intelligence activities in UAP Disclosure
    26:29 Spies & the occult
    31:45 Who do intelligence agencies ultimately work for?
    34:31 Intelligence MO internationally
    37:37 Classified JFK files
    42:47 Mafia as pseudo intelligence agency?
    45:41 Intelligence agencies are secret societies?
    49:09 Protocol for dealing with UAPs
    52:51 Men in Black
    54:34 Rev. David’s ‘Men in Black’ perspective
    01:15:32 Advice for young spies
    01:20:07 More information about our guest
    01:20:42 Final thoughts from Rev. David
    01:21:50 Debriefing

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    Find out more about this and other episodes at https://www.universaldisclosurepodcast.com

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    1 時間 24 分
  • The 2024 UAP / UFO Disclosure Revolution: Everything You Need to Know

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    We talk about where the conversation will be focused next year and review what we learned this year.
    UAP / UFO disclosure continues to trickle out with more speed and impact than ever before.

    But what happens after the Official Confirmation takes place? What do we talk about then? The answer is easy to state but hard to grasp: Alien Contactees - What have they been shown, what were they told? We intend to find the common threads and invite the collective to actively participate in the conversation.

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    Find out more about this and other episodes at https://www.universaldisclosurepodcast.com

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    1 時間 23 分