
  • 106. When the Path is Unclear: One Step at a Time

    After a nine-month break, I'm back! Life has been full of changes, including my dad's cancer journey. During that time, I chose to step away from some things to spend time with my family. While it's been a difficult path, there's been tremendous growth and lessons learned. Sometimes life forces us to transform in unexpected ways.

    In this episode, we'll talk about taking those next steps when you feel lost or overwhelmed. You'll learn how to break free from feeling stuck and gain strategies to identify immediate actions, even when the grand plan is unclear. We'll discuss why consistency, not intensity, is the key to sustainable progress.

    Let's connect! Share how you've navigated life's transformations and what's the next step on your journey?

    How to Connect With Pamela:


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    About the host:

    Hi, friend! My name is Pamela Hughes and I’m a former talk show host turned life coach. After 20 years in the news business, I walked away from what people thought I should do and I did what I wanted to do … coach people who are stuck like I was and help them find relief, awareness and control within themselves.

    This was no easy task and I’m not here telling you it was. I had to take full responsibility for where my life was and then decide where I wanted it to go. It was time to stop complaining about my situation and do something about it. I had to stop looking for others to validate me and start having my own back. This required looking inside myself for the answers instead of looking outside myself.

    I told you it wasn’t easy … but I wouldn’t change one thing about my journey because it led me right here to you reading about it, maybe identifying with aspects of it and hopefully being inspired to get UNSTUCK.

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    18 分
  • 105. Setting Boundaries: Practical Strategies for Empowered Living

    Welcome to an empowering episode where we dive deep into the world of personal boundaries, unraveling their transformative power in our lives. I'm your host, Pamela Hughes, and together, we'll embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

    In this episode, we explore the concept of personal boundaries, those essential guidelines we establish for ourselves and effectively communicate to others. These boundaries act as guardians of our well-being, protecting our mental, emotional, and physical health. We'll debunk common myths surrounding boundaries, shedding light on their true nature and dispelling any misconceptions that may hold you back.

    Join me as we address the challenges individuals face when setting boundaries, offering practical strategies and insights to overcome them. From identifying and communicating boundaries effectively to navigating the different types of boundaries and their significance, we'll equip you with the tools you need to establish healthy limits that empower you and transform your relationships.

    Tune in and get ready to unleash your personal power as we delve into the world of boundaries. It's time to embrace the life you deserve. Let's dive in!

    How to Connect With Pamela:


    ⁠⁠Facebook ⁠⁠



    About the host:

    Hi, friend! My name is Pamela Hughes and I’m a former talk show host turned life coach. After 20 years in the news business, I walked away from what people thought I should do and I did what I wanted to do … coach people who are stuck like I was and help them find relief, awareness and control within themselves.

    This was no easy task and I’m not here telling you it was. I had to take full responsibility for where my life was and then decide where I wanted it to go. It was time to stop complaining about my situation and do something about it. I had to stop looking for others to validate me and start having my own back. This required looking inside myself for the answers instead of looking outside myself.

    I told you it wasn’t easy … but I wouldn’t change one thing about my journey because it led me right here to you reading about it, maybe identifying with aspects of it and hopefully being inspired to get UNSTUCK.

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    25 分
  • 104. Escape the Hamster Wheel: The Power of Taking Real Action in Your Life

    In this episode of the Unstuck Your Life podcast, host Pamela Hughes tackles the big question: what's the difference between motion and action? And, more importantly, why does it matter for your life? Pamela will have you laughing and thinking as she explains the difference between just spinning your wheels and actually hitting the gas pedal to make real progress.

    Here are some of the key moments in the episode:

    • (0:00-2:00) Introduction to the topic of motion vs action and why it's important (or, you know, life-changing)
    • (2:00-5:00) Explanation of motion as being like a hamster on a wheel, while action is like taking a road trip to your dreams
    • (5:00-7:00) Discussion of the importance of taking small, daily actions, or "planting the seeds" of your future success
    • (7:00-10:00) Explanation of how breaking down big goals into smaller steps can help you take action and make real progress (or, you know, finally start that garden)
    • (10:00-12:00) Discussion of how taking action can help you get unstuck and make real progress towards your goals (or, you know, escape the hamster wheel)
    • (12:00-15:00) Conclusion of the episode and encouragement for listeners to take action in their own lives (or, you know, take that road trip to your dreams)

    How to Connect With Pamela:





    About the host:

    Hi, friend! My name is Pamela Hughes and I’m a former talk show host turned life coach. After 20 years in the news business, I walked away from what people thought I should do and I did what I wanted to do … coach people who are stuck like I was and help them find relief, awareness and control within themselves.

    This was no easy task and I’m not here telling you it was. I had to take full responsibility for where my life was and then decide where I wanted it to go. It was time to stop complaining about my situation and do something about it. I had to stop looking for others to validate me and start having my own back. This required looking inside myself for the answers instead of looking outside myself.

    I told you it wasn’t easy … but I wouldn’t change one thing about my journey because it led me right here to you reading about it, maybe identifying with aspects of it and hopefully being inspired to get UNSTUCK.

    続きを読む 一部表示
    16 分
  • 103. Self-Confidence vs. Confidence: What You Need to Know to Succeed

    Hey there, folks! Today on "Unstuck Your Life with Pamela Hughes," we're talking about the difference between self-confidence and confidence. Now, I know what you're thinking, "aren't they the same thing?" Nope, not at all! Pamela explains that confidence comes from experience, like being a pro at putting on your pants or hitting a 90mph fastball. But self-confidence, on the other hand, is all about how you feel about yourself, your worth, and your value as a person.

    So, how do you build up that self-confidence muscle? Well, Pamela's got some great tips, like self-reflection, journaling, and replacing those pesky negative thoughts with positive ones. Remember, building self-confidence takes time and effort, but it's so worth it for personal growth and success. So go ahead, believe in yourself, upgrade that thinking, and don't be too hard on yourself if you have a bad day.

    >The difference between confidence and self-confidence. (4:47)

    >We tend to have more self-confidence when we’re kids.(6:12)

    >Pamela’s story of how she learned to swim.(8:10)

    >If you want to gain confidence, you have to stop being an asshole to yourself. (15:03)

    >Self-confidence is not arrogance. (17:24)

    >How to change the story in your brain. (19.44)

    Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Unstuck Your Life with Pamela Hughes. Please subscribe and leave a review if you enjoyed this podcast.

    How to Connect With Pamela:


    ⁠⁠⁠Facebook ⁠⁠⁠



    About the host:

    Hi, friend! My name is Pamela Hughes and I’m a former talk show host turned life coach. After 20 years in the news business, I walked away from what people thought I should do and I did what I wanted to do … coach people who are stuck like I was and help them find relief, awareness and control within themselves.

    This was no easy task and I’m not here telling you it was. I had to take full responsibility for where my life was and then decide where I wanted it to go. It was time to stop complaining about my situation and do something about it. I had to stop looking for others to validate me and start having my own back. This required looking inside myself for the answers instead of looking outside myself.

    I told you it wasn’t easy … but I wouldn’t change one thing about my journey because it led me right here to you reading about it, maybe identifying with aspects of it and hopefully being inspired to get UNSTUCK.

    続きを読む 一部表示
    24 分
  • 102. Cultivating Resilience: How to build mental toughness

    On this episode of Unstuck Your Life with Pamela Hughes, we're diving deep into the superpower that is resilience. Think of it as a tool to help you navigate the ups and downs of life with ease - like a superhero power that helps you bounce back from tough times. And who doesn't need a little superpower in their life, am I right?

    Throughout the episode, Pamela shares some practical tips and tricks to help build mental toughness, like having a strong support system, practicing self-care, focusing on things that can be controlled, and even embracing failure. Yep, you heard that right. Embracing failure is actually a crucial part of building resilience. It's all about seeing it as an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve, and not as the end of the world. And with these powerful tools, you'll be able to bounce back from any adversity that comes your way. So, remember to be kind and gentle with yourself, while also pushing yourself to grow and become stronger. Because girl, you are capable of so much more than you realize!

    • Tip #1: Build a strong support system: 4:16
    • Tip #2: Practice self-care: 8:22
    • Tip #3: Focus on the things you can control: 13:35
    • Tip #4: Embrace failure: 17:43

    Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Unstuck Your Life with Pamela Hughes. Please subscribe and leave a review if you enjoyed this podcast.

    How to Connect With Pamela:


    ⁠⁠Facebook ⁠⁠



    About the host:

    Hi, friend! My name is Pamela Hughes and I’m a former talk show host turned life coach. After 20 years in the news business, I walked away from what people thought I should do and I did what I wanted to do … coach people who are stuck like I was and help them find relief, awareness and control within themselves.

    This was no easy task and I’m not here telling you it was. I had to take full responsibility for where my life was and then decide where I wanted it to go. It was time to stop complaining about my situation and do something about it. I had to stop looking for others to validate me and start having my own back. This required looking inside myself for the answers instead of looking outside myself.

    I told you it wasn’t easy … but I wouldn’t change one thing about my journey because it led me right here to you reading about it, maybe identifying with aspects of it and hopefully being inspired to get UNSTUCK.

    続きを読む 一部表示
    18 分
  • 101. Why We Know What to Do But Never Do It: A Guide to Getting Unstuck

    In this episode of "Unstuck Your Life," Pamela Hughes explores the reasons why you know what you should do, but you don't do it. She shares the story of her friend Jane, who struggled to lose weight despite knowing what she should be doing. Pamela explains the science behind your tendencies to resist change, the role of the subconscious mind, and the need to align it with our conscious mind to meet our goals. She then dives deep into six mindset hacks that can help you get unstuck, including developing healthful habits, being aware of our thoughts, having clarity about our goals, taking small action steps, being consistent, and celebrating our successes. Here are the key moments of the episode:

    • Introduction (00:00)
    • Pamela's personal story about her friend Jane (02:10)
    • Explanation of the subconscious mind and its role (05:14)
    • Six mindset hacks to get unstuck (07:50)
    • Conclusion (19:25)

    Episode Resources:

    To schedule your free mini session: https://www.pamelahughescoaching.com/

    UNSTUCK YOURSELF #8: Are You Living in the Gap or the Gain?: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/JIl4LLw9Syb

    How to Connect With Pamela:





    About the host:

    Hi, friend! My name is Pamela Hughes and I’m a former talk show host turned life coach. After 20 years in the news business, I walked away from what people thought I should do and I did what I wanted to do … coach people who are stuck like I was and help them find relief, awareness and control within themselves.

    This was no easy task and I’m not here telling you it was. I had to take full responsibility for where my life was and then decide where I wanted it to go. It was time to stop complaining about my situation and do something about it. I had to stop looking for others to validate me and start having my own back. This required looking inside myself for the answers instead of looking outside myself.

    I told you it wasn’t easy … but I wouldn’t change one thing about my journey because it led me right here to you reading about it, maybe identifying with aspects of it and hopefully being inspired to get UNSTUCK.

    続きを読む 一部表示
    25 分
  • 100. What's Your Word?

    I want to celebrate a huge milestone with you - Episode #100! I can’t believe we’ve made it this far and I want to take a moment to thank you for being a part of this amazing journey.

    In today’s episode, I’m going to share one of my secrets to staying focused, and it’s simple, yet powerful. 

    Seven years ago, I started wearing a bracelet on my wrist with a metal circle that had one word on it - MY WORD. This word was meant to remind me of what I was focusing on, who I was becoming, and to inspire, ground and push me forward.

    I’ve gone through different seasons in my life and my word has changed several times.

    In today’s episode, I want to inspire you to choose your own word and help you discover what that word may be. 

    Think about your season, what you’re focusing on, and what resonates with you. Your word could be anything that inspires and motivates you, and it could change as you go through different seasons in life.  

    I'll also be sharing some of my favorite words and the stories behind them, hoping to inspire you to choose your own word.

    Thank you again for your support and I can’t wait for you to join me for Episode #100 and to discover you're own WORD! 

    How to Connect With Pamela:





    About the host:

    Hi, friend! My name is Pamela Hughes and I’m a former talk show host turned life coach. After 20 years in the news business, I walked away from what people thought I should do and I did what I wanted to do … coach people who are stuck like I was and help them find relief, awareness and control within themselves.

    This was no easy task and I’m not here telling you it was. I had to take full responsibility for where my life was and then decide where I wanted it to go. It was time to stop complaining about my situation and do something about it. I had to stop looking for others to validate me and start having my own back. This required looking inside myself for the answers instead of looking outside myself.

    I told you it wasn’t easy … but I wouldn’t change one thing about my journey because it led me right here to you reading about it, maybe identifying with aspects of it and hopefully being inspired to get UNSTUCK.

    続きを読む 一部表示
    25 分
  • 99. UNSTUCK YOURSELF #8: Are You Living in the Gap or the Gain?

    You find what you're looking for in life. 

    If you're looking for all the things that are going wrong, holding you back and what you can't do, YOU'RE GOING TO FIND IT!

    On the flip side, if you start challenging yourself to start looking for all the things that are going well, the progress you've made and the small steps you've taken forward, YOU'LL FIND THEM TOO! 

    Life is full of both fulfilling and stressful moments.  As humans we experience both joy and pain.  We have both positive moments and negative ones. It's the duality of life.  But which experiences are you choosing to focus on more?  Not sure? Answer this, if ten people give you a complement and one person gives you a criticism, what do you pay more attention to most the many complements or the one criticism? 

    In this episode, I'll explain the biological wiring that guarantees you find what you're looking for and ways to rewire your brain so you find more of what you say you want. 

    I'll do this with the help of one of my favorite self help books, The Gap and the Gain by Dan Sullivan. 

    If after listening to this podcast, or this series, you're ready to get out of your own way and create the life you know you're capable of having ...  but you need someone to guide you along the way, teach you tools and concepts that will get you there and support you on this journey, click here  to schedule a free 1:1 zoom call with me to dive into where you are, where you want to go and how I can help get you there. 

    How to Connect With Pamela:





    About the host:

    Hi, friend! My name is Pamela Hughes and I’m a former talk show host turned life coach. After 20 years in the news business, I walked away from what people thought I should do and I did what I wanted to do … coach people who are stuck like I was and help them find relief, awareness and control within themselves.

    This was no easy task and I’m not here telling you it was. I had to take full responsibility for where my life was and then decide where I wanted it to go. It was time to stop complaining about my situation and do something about it. I had to stop looking for others to validate me and start having my own back. This required looking inside myself for the answers instead of looking outside myself.

    I told you it wasn’t easy … but I wouldn’t change one thing about my journey because it led me right here to you reading about it, maybe identifying with aspects of it and hopefully being inspired to get UNSTUCK.

    続きを読む 一部表示
    34 分