The crew are back at it tryinng to figure out what makes them different from other channels. They are not famous, they aren't Publishers, to really call them a crew might be laughable. They are just players across the table from you. Once they figure that out they decide to take a look at some of the lesser played classes in #dungeonsanddragons and how #baldersgate3 helped them to become relevant. Was it because the classes were always good or is there a factor that only BG3 can pull off. What about having a party without a healer? Is there a way it can be done or is it just a lost cause. A writer put togethera few ways to do this and the crew look to figure out if it would work. Finally is the bell tolling for #wotc? The crew looks at the history of the game and try to decide will it ever recover. If you found this episode entertaining, enlightening or just down right ridiculous please like and subscribe to the the channel. As always Happy Adventures!