
  • Reels Academy by Anneke Odendaal Training.com.ve

    Download Now: https://training.com.ve/downloads/reels-academy-by-anneke-odendaal/

    Get this course: Reels Academy by Anneke Odendaal

    ✅ Academy Workbook

    ✅ Nail Your Niche Workbook

    ✅ Reel Dimensions guide

    ✅ Caption Writing prompts 

    ✅ Story Ideas for engagement 

    ✅ 4 Step Engagement Checklist 

    ✅ Content pillars workbook

    ✅ Batching Workbook

    ✅ Success Checklist 

    ✅ Reels Academy Story Graphics

    ✅ Hashtag Workbook

    ✅ Challenge Story graphic 

    ✅ Challenge Workbook

    ✅ Challenge Planner

    ✅ Private Community with challenges and the opportunity to ask questions and connect with Anneke and the other students.

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  • Repeatable by Ryan Lee Training.com.ve

    Download Now: https://training.com.ve/downloads/repeatable-by-ryan-lee/

    Get this course: Repeatable by Ryan Lee

    Turn tiny PDF's into mighty dependable,  monthly, recurring revenue 

    Everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) is feeling the overwhelm. We're flooded with content and A.I. has only added gasoline on the overwhelm inferno.

    Which is why right now is the PERFECT time to start a "small and mighty" recurring revenue program.

    I'm serious. BUT, you must do it the right way...


    The old days of pressure to build a massive, bloated membership site with never-ending videos, endless worksheets and handouts, useless bells 'n' whistles, and private groups are officially over.

    The tide has officially turned.

    They're overwhelmed and looking for someone to organize, curate and just give it to 'em straight.

    Fluff 'n' bulk are sooo 2005.

    Light 'n' lean are is 2023 AND the future!


    A long-time friend and client recently sold his health company and it was the perfect business model.

    He had spent years building a complex membership complete with forums, videos and constant updates - but members weren't signing up - and those did, were canceling. 

    Not to mention, they were working hard to create new content every week and grow their community.

    So he tested something different. He shifted to LESS.

    He removed all the bulk and complexity and got it down to exactly what they wanted... a simple, monthly PDF. 

    But here's the kicker - it was 100% evergreen.

    He created a PDF ONCE and automatically dripped it to members once they joined.

    Not only did his workload decrease by 90%, but both his conversion and retention skyrocketed.

    His health PDF program had 26,000 members paying $15 per month.

    Not too shabby.

    Goodbye bulk, hello light.26,000 Members. $15/month. Evergreen PDF?

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  • 11 Universal Laws of Success by Mary Morrissey Bob proctor Training.com.ve

    Download Now: https://training.com.ve/downloads/11-universal-laws-of-success-by-mary-morrissey-bob-proctor/

    Get this course: 11 Universal Laws of Success by Mary Morrissey Bob proctor

    The Law of Attraction Is Just One of Eleven Spiritual Laws
    That Govern the Creation of All Results in the Universe

    The world’s most successful people use them,
    but until now, these ancient laws have never been fully DECODED...You’ve heard of the Law of Attraction.

    You may have even tried using it to attract more love, abundance, good health and wealth into your life... Only to feel disappointed that the results you desired didn't manifest into your reality.

    You may have thought that the Law of Attraction “doesn’t work.” Or that you did something wrong.

    But that isn’t the case at all.

    Unfortunately, due to the way in which media portrays this Universal Law, the Law of Attraction you and most people are familiar with is actually INCOMPLETE – which means that you only access the tiniest tip of the iceberg when it comes to utilizing its immense potential.

    The second reason most people are unable to see results from the Law of Attraction is because...

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  • Playful Millions 2023 by Cat Howell Training.com.ve

    Download Now: https://training.com.ve/downloads/playful-millions-2023-by-cat-howell/

    Get this course: Playful Millions 2023 by Cat Howell

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  • Unlock Your Quantum Powers by Jean Houston Training.com.ve

    Download Now: https://training.com.ve/downloads/unlock-your-quantum-powers-by-jean-houston/

    Get this course: Unlock Your Quantum Powers by Jean Houston

    Activate The 5 Quantum Powers That Will Draw To You The Resources, People & Skills You Need To Live A Remarkable Life And Make A Greater Difference In The WorldTap into deep sources of energy within you, accomplish more in less time, and experience a profound sense of clarity about how to best achieve your goals.

    “I now know more clearly what I want to do and have started doing it. Due to Jean’s teaching of how the Universe works, I see the big picture of my life and I feel more confident and peaceful with what is happening. That alone has given me so much positive energy and I’m truly grateful for it. The training provided everything I need to live a life of greater meaning, love and peace. I’m listening to it again and again!”

    –Petra, Cologne, Germany, Health coach and editor

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  • 8 Spiritual Secrets for Multiplying Your Money by Mary Morrissey Training.com.ve

    Download Now: https://training.com.ve/downloads/8-spiritual-secrets-for-multiplying-your-money-by-mary-morrissey/ Get this course: 8 Spiritual Secrets for Multiplying Your Money by Mary Morrissey You’re Ready for This Program If…

    • You’ve grown in your awareness of spiritual principles and many other areas. Yet, you’re feeling increasingly frustrated – and even embarrassed at times – because your bank account doesn't reflect what you know to be true: That we live in an abundant Universe.
    • You have a deep desire to help your kids, grandkids and even your parents have what they would love… but you feel limited in your ability to serve or give to your loved ones in the way you really want.
    • You make good money – but at the cost of your time freedom. You don’t have enough time with your loved ones, and your stress levels (and guilt!) are through the roof.
    • You feel trapped because you fear that you’ll lose the success you’ve worked so hard to create if you take your foot off the accelerator.
    • You want to increase your income but a part of you feels guilty and greedy for wanting more, because your life is already good.
    • You have family, friends or team members at work who don’t support (and maybe even sabotage) your personal growth or dreams… and you know this lack of support is holding you back.
    • You love to learn, and you’re close to having a breakthrough. You know that if you just had the right system, you could create a massive increase in your impact, feeling of fulfillment and financial results.

    If any of these statements resonate with you, 8 Spiritual Secrets for Multiplying Your Money is the vehicle to the greater abundance that you’ve been waiting for.

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  • Magnetic Money Mindset Bundle by Christine Luken Training.com.ve

    Download Now: https://training.com.ve/downloads/magnetic-money-mindset-bundle-by-christine-luken/ Get this course: Magnetic Money Mindset Bundle by Christine Luken READY TO WIN WITH MONEY?

    Ever feel like you are in a constant push-pull battle with your money?

    Contrary to popular belief, the battle for your money begins in your MIND, not in your bank account.


    The power of your unconscious mind, and its role in your financial success

    How to successfully uncover & correct negative money stories that are holding you back

    Why you see others making money with ease and wonder how they do it

    The secret formula for creating  Magnetic Money Mantras that actually WORK. 

    How to cure the root of your money problems instead of  trying  to fix your symptoms

    How to get your money sh*t together, once and for all!

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  • Manifestation Reset by Kathrin Zenkina Training.com.ve

    Download Now: https://training.com.ve/downloads/manifestation-reset-by-kathrin-zenkina/

    Get this course: Manifestation Reset by Kathrin Zenkina

    There’s this magical thing that happens the moment you accept that there truly IS more out there for you. And that not only does it exist, but it’s also *possible for you.*
    And It worked for a while.
    Like REALLY worked for a while.
    But then?
    Something about it just stopped working

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