
  • Michelle Obama

    In this episode, Verde Arzu reflects on the significance of Michelle Obama, particularly in relation to Black women's empowerment. Inspired by an article written for the Grio by Natasha S. Alford, Verde shares a powerful poem dedicated to Michelle Obama, emphasizing themes of self-assertion, mental health, and reclaiming personal time. The poem serves as a celebration of Michelle Obama's impact and a call for Black women to prioritize their well-being.

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    4 分
  • Giving Tuesday 2024

    Today is #givingtuesday and I’m stepping outside of my comfort zone and asking for your support in giving to this Black queer indie author!

    Being small (but mighty) and independent has many rewards. Being able to write the stories that are often missing from major publishing houses is one of them. Your support will help me continue to do just that.

    “Radical generosity invites people in to give what they can to create systemic change.” givingtuesday.org

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    3 分
  • A Call to Action: Vote YES on Proposition 6!

    In this conversation, Verde Arzu and Liberation Attorney Carmen Nicole Cox pulls up to the table again to discuss the historical context of slavery in California, the implications of involuntary servitude as a form of modern slavery, and the importance of voting YES for Proposition 6. Tune in now! You don't want to miss this historic conversation, RP&F!

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    27 分
  • An Authentic Conversation w/Author O'Jay Barr

    In this episode of VFC, Author O'Jay Barr pulls up to the table to discuss her published Black queer series, The Other Side and authors like Alice Walker who inspire her to keep writing. Barr is authentic and unapologetic as she shares her coming out story, staying fulfilled after the nest is empty, and the power she finds in her sisterhood circle of writers. Rainbow Peeps & Friends, some priceless gems are dropped in this one that can't be missed!

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    55 分
  • Meet The Writer Verde Arzu Pt. I

    The Writer Verde Arzu is interviewed by photographer and community activist, and educator Kachiside Madu of Make-It-Madu Images. On this episode Arzu is pulling up HER chair and giving her Rainbow Peeps and Friends an inside look!

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    16 分
  • Verde Arzu's Thank You!

    VFC's Pop-up Podcast:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, Rainbow Peeps & Friends!! 🙏🏾❤️

    I appreciate all the love & support! Welcome and I hope my stories, my posts, my art inspires you, uplifts you, and entertains you in all the ways!

    As an #indieauthor ✍🏾 I am the author, publisher, marketer, etc. It’s all meeee!! (And my wife! 😉) So, every click, like, comment, purchase, watch ▶️, visit is #priceless

    And I don’t take my RP&Fs for granted!

    🗣️ If you’re new to my page, watch the full video on my #youtubechannel to win some free stuff!! 🫶🏾


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    7 分
  • Tuesday Harper: Unapologetic AF

    In this conversation, Verde Arzu interviews Black queer author Tuesday Harper. Tuesday discusses why her characters are unapologetically Black and queer AF, and why these stories are important to the publishing world. She also delves into her unapologetic era & what that means. From romance, to lesbian erotica, and fantasy, Tuesday sheds light on her writing practices and how she gets it all done! And did somebody say, "smutty lesbian witches?" Maybe...pull up to the table and enjoy this discussion, Rainbow Peeps & Friends!

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    47 分
  • Black Womxn Deserve Better!

    Black womxn deserve better! Today's episode shines light on the most disrespected person in America: the Black womxn. From Sonya Massey rebuking the devil she saw standing right in front of her, to Black womxn going missing without adequate media coverage, attention, and resources, while Vice-President Kamala Harris is being called upon to save America from promised evil & destruction. WE ARE TIRED, "dying but fighting back!" May Sonya Massey, Octavia Redmond, and others live on forever. Ase & Amen.

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    10 分