• Vince Miller Podcast

  • 著者: Vince Miller
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Vince Miller Podcast

著者: Vince Miller
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  • Get ready to be inspired and transformed with Vince Miller, a renowned author and speaker who has dedicated his life to helping men become the best versions of themselves. With over 36 books under his belt, Vince has become a leading voice in the field of manhood, masculinity, fatherhood, mentorship, and leadership. He has been featured on major video and radio platforms such as RightNow Media, Faithlife TV, FaithRadio, and YouVersion, reaching men all over the world. Vince's Men's Daily Devo has touched the lives of thousands of men, providing them with a daily dose of inspiration and guidance. With over 28 years of experience in ministry, Vince is the founder of Resolute, a platform that aims to build better men through its bible studies. If you're looking for a way to improve your life and become a better man, then look no further than Vince Miller and his inspiring work at www.vincemiller.com
    2025 Resolute
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Get ready to be inspired and transformed with Vince Miller, a renowned author and speaker who has dedicated his life to helping men become the best versions of themselves. With over 36 books under his belt, Vince has become a leading voice in the field of manhood, masculinity, fatherhood, mentorship, and leadership. He has been featured on major video and radio platforms such as RightNow Media, Faithlife TV, FaithRadio, and YouVersion, reaching men all over the world. Vince's Men's Daily Devo has touched the lives of thousands of men, providing them with a daily dose of inspiration and guidance. With over 28 years of experience in ministry, Vince is the founder of Resolute, a platform that aims to build better men through its bible studies. If you're looking for a way to improve your life and become a better man, then look no further than Vince Miller and his inspiring work at www.vincemiller.com
2025 Resolute
  • The Only Satisfaction That Satisfies | Ecclesiastes 6:7-9
    Think about the last time you were really hungry. I mean, stomach-growling, weak-in-the-knees kind of hungry. You finally eat a great meal, and for a moment, you’re satisfied. But what happens a few hours later? The hunger returns. Life works the same way. Welcome to The Daily. We go through the bible verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter, every single day. Our text today is Ecclesiastes 6:7-9. All the toil of man is for his mouth, yet his appetite is not satisfied. For what advantage has the wise man over the fool? And what does the poor man have who knows how to conduct himself before the living? Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of the appetite: this also is vanity and a striving after wind. — Ecclesiastes 6:7-9 Solomon, in his wisdom, puts it plainly: “All the toil of man is for his mouth, yet his appetite is not satisfied.” (Ecc. 6:7). It’s a picture of the endless chase. We labor to feed our bodies, satisfy cravings, and meet desires, but nothing ever truly fulfills. And this isn’t just about food—it’s about everything we chase in life. Money, status, possessions, relationships. We think that one more promotion, one more purchase, or one more experience will be enough. But it never is. It is never enough. Then Solomon asks a probing question: “What advantage has the wise man over the fool?” (Ecc. 6:8). From a worldly perspective, wisdom and self-control don’t necessarily bring greater fulfillment. Even the poor man who “knows how to conduct himself” is still subject to the same cravings. No one escapes the hunger of the soul. But here’s where Solomon drops a profound truth: “Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of the appetite.” (Ecc. 6:9). In other words, it’s better to appreciate what’s in front of you than to live in constant dissatisfaction, always chasing what’s next. Contentment is greater than craving. The problem is that our natural appetites are never satisfied because they were never meant to be. God designed us with a deeper hunger—one that no earthly thing can fill. Jesus spoke directly to this when he said, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.” (John 6:35). The only satisfaction that satisfies is satisfaction in Christ. If you’re tired of striving, of running after things that don’t last, Jesus invites you to come to Him. To lay down the weight of your searching and receive the life only He can give. He died for your sins, rose again in victory, and now offers you forgiveness, peace, and eternal life. So, will you come to Him today? Will you trust Him to be your satisfaction? Right now, wherever you are, you can surrender your life to Jesus. Pray something like this: "Jesus, I’m done chasing what doesn’t satisfy. I believe You are the only One who can fill this hunger in my soul. Forgive me of my sins. I trust You as my Lord and Savior. Fill me with Your life. Amen." If you made that decision, I’d love to hear from you. Drop a comment or send me a message saying, "I Choose Jesus." And then join me for this discipleship journey through the entire bible. #TrueSatisfaction, #EcclesiastesWisdom, #JesusFulfills ASK THIS: What are you chasing in life that never truly satisfies?How does Ecclesiastes 6:7-9 challenge your view of fulfillment?Why do you think contentment is so difficult in today’s world?What steps can you take to trust Jesus as your ultimate satisfaction? DO THIS: Stop chasing what doesn’t last—turn to Jesus and let Him satisfy your deepest hunger. PRAY THIS: Jesus, I confess that I have been chasing things that don’t satisfy. Fill me with Your presence and help me find true contentment in You. Amen. PLAY THIS: Fall Afresh.
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  • More Years Won’t Satisfy Your Soul | Ecclesiastes 6:3-6

    We fight to extend our lives—better health, more wealth, more years. But what if a longer life without joy is actually worse?

    Welcome to The Daily. We go through the bible verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter, every single day.

    Our text today is Ecclesiastes 6:3-6.

    If a man fathers a hundred children and lives many years, so that the days of his years are many, but his soul is not satisfied with life's good things, and he also has no burial, I say that a stillborn child is better off than he. For it comes in vanity and goes in darkness, and in darkness its name is covered. Moreover, it has not seen the sun or known anything, yet it finds rest rather than he. Even though he should live a thousand years twice over, yet enjoy no good—do not all go to the one place? — Ecclesiastes 6:3-6

    A Life Without Satisfaction

    We often believe that more time, more success, and more family will bring us fulfillment. Solomon shatters that illusion. He paints a sobering picture: a man with everything—countless children, a long life—yet no satisfaction.

    And then, he makes a shocking comparison. He says a stillborn child is better off. Why? Because that child never experiences the emptiness of a life filled with years but void of joy.

    This is a brutal but necessary wake-up call. Life is not measured by how long we live or what we accumulate—it’s measured by whether we truly enjoy the good God gives us. You could have everything the world offers, yet if your soul is restless and unsatisfied, what’s the point?

    How Do We Find True Satisfaction?

    First, seek joy in God, not in things. If possessions or experiences could satisfy, Solomon—who had everything—wouldn’t call life “vanity.” True joy is found in God alone.

    Second, stop postponing joy. Don’t wait for some future achievement to bring contentment. Joy is found today, in the presence of Christ.

    #TrueJoy, #EcclesiastesWisdom, #FindingSatisfaction


    1. What worldly things do you tend to seek satisfaction in, and why do they fall short?
    2. How does Solomon’s comparison to a stillborn child challenge your view of success?
    3. What are small ways you can embrace joy in Christ today instead of postponing it?
    4. How can you remind yourself daily that joy is found in God alone?

    DO THIS:

    Ask yourself: Am I seeking joy in God or in things? Shift your focus to Him in prayer and gratitude.


    Lord, help me to find my satisfaction in You, not in the things of this world. Teach me to embrace the joy You offer today. Amen.


    Stand In Your Love.

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  • The Mistake of Wealth Without Joy | Ecclesiastes 6:1-2
    4 分

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