Doug Townson is a car salesman from Watson, Louisiana. He has gained a massive following for his humorous videos and commentaries, many of which involve or discuss women.
I find Doug fascinating in all his brutal weirdness, and, on a whim, I reached out to him to see if he would be willing to do a Superfreak interview. Surprisingly, he obliged. I hope you find the following podcast episode as entertaining and surprisingly heartwarming as I did. Doug has some whack opinions, but I believe his honesty and self-reflection will inspire the same qualities in listeners. You’ve never met anyone like Doug—unless you’ve been to rehab as many times as he has.
I enjoyed this interview through all its twists and turns. Remember: Doug’s opinions are Doug’s. I was channeling Terry Gross and trying to ask engaging questions in service of a greater story—and I think we got at least the beginning of that story.
Doug, you’re a legend. And possibly a tall tale. Love and respect, my friend. Come holla!
Early bird ticket link to Mary Ryan's performance of her new hour Gifted & Damaged in New York on July 20: https://www.caveat.nyc/events/gifted-...
ADDED NYC SHOW at Don't Tell Mama on Friday, July 19: https://shows.donttellmamanyc.com/835...
Superfreak with Mary Ryan Brown is sponsored by Simply Chic Boutique. Use code MARYRYAN at https://simplychic.boutique/ for 15% off new arrivals!
Use the following link or code MARYRYAN at energybits.com to enjoy 20% off algae and spirulina supplements: https://energybits.com/discount/MARYR...
Title and closing music: Grits & Greens, "The Fall" (permissions obtained)