• #Discipleship #Occupy till I #Come; #Refuge and #Deliverer Pt14a
    Refuge and Deliverer for the Christian Believer brings to the table that life is indeed dangerous at times. People get in trouble, face hate, endure trials, and at times face death at the hands of people who dislike something about someone so much, they want their blood. In other words, they seek to kill, murder, rape, and devour their enemies. Although, today in #America we do not have a #Civilwar as there was so long ago, this nation is in a divisionary war and the atmosphere can be so cold as to find Americans literally hating and wanting to murder each other. We see Christians also facing #persecutionglobally and in some nations like #NorthKorea and #China #believers in Jesus Christ are forbidden to be #Christian in the #truest and most #biblical of #experiences. Therefore, the #nationsofmen indeed need a Refuge in #timeoftrouble and a Deliverer from trouble and death. However, there are many more dangers which the #soulsofmen need deliverance from. Thus, enter #JesusChrist, #Yeshua #HaMassiach who is our #Saviour, #Lord, #Refuge and #Deliverer To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com Visit https://Warn-Usa.com 🎧Listen now, go to Post:
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  • #Gospel Among #Nations, #Christian #Persecution, #Faith & #Testimony
    #Gospel Among #Nations, #Christian #Persecution, #Faith & #Testimony, #Jesus #Christ, #Advocacy #Persecuted @WarnRadio Gospel Among Nations comes right at us this week on our Advocacy for the Persecuted Church @WarnRadio. In spite of those who work to destroy the faith of Christ, we find #revivals, #evangelism, and #salvation spreading even amidst the troubles of these troubled times. Even in America as we face a globalist takeover while Americans are saddled with left-wing sympathy for the change that these leftists want, there is another enemy of America. That is the Globalist machine of billionaires, #Globalistsystems, and a governmental push among nations that will lead to a massive divisionary conflict and more #chaos as the #SonofPerdition will arrive at the most in opportune time. #Revivals are and have been breaking out throughout #America. At the same time, we find the #GospelofChrist spreading amidst #persecution. As Mark chapter thirteen and verse ten says "The #gospel must first be #published among all #nations." Buckle up #Saints, #God is moving, and the #Gospel is upon the lips of the #believers on a global scale. #GospelAmongNations 🎧Listen now, go to Post: To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com Visit https://Warn-Usa.com
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  • Discipleship Occupy till I Come Nighttime in America
    Occupy till I Come Nighttime in America. There are times when in the course of daily living, you stand and look up to see who is poisoning your water. This is a way to express that today's show took a turn to see clearly the year and the experience this nation has gone through. Join me by listening to the show. Today in #America we do not have a #Civilwar as there was so long ago. This nation is in a divisionary war and the atmosphere can be so cold as to find Americans literally hating and wanting to murder each other. We see Christians also facing #persecutionglobally and in some nations like #NorthKorea and #China #believers in Jesus Christ are forbidden to be #Christian in the #truest and most #biblical of #experiences. Therefore, the #nationsofmen indeed need a Refuge in #timeoftrouble and a Deliverer from trouble and death. However, there are many more dangers which the #soulsofmen need deliverance from. Thus, enter #JesusChrist, #Yeshua #HaMassiach who is our #Saviour, #Lord, #Refuge and #Deliverer To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com Visit https://Warn-Usa.com 🎧Listen now, go to Post: To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com Visit https://Warn-Usa.com 🎧Listen now, go to Post:
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  • #Discipleship #Occupy till I #Come; #Lord #Redeems Pt13
    Lord Redeems brings us to a point where the world today currently exists. People are waiting on the Lord in many areas of the globe. But in the midst of such tribulation, we have hope. For the Lord will Redeem us, rescue us, save us, and bring the believers in #JesusChrist, #Yeshua #Massiach unto himself. The Lord will wait until the proper time, yet the Lord can and will deliver his #believers in #Yeshua the #Messiach. He is #LordofLords and #KingofKings, yet it may not be time for the #Church to exit as yet. But and however, the Lord can and will #deliver us from "The Evil" in the world. We are #overcomers and we also face troubles in every nation on earth. As the Psalmist says, "Many are the #afflictions of the #righteous, but the Lord delivered him out of them all -Psalm thirty-four, verse nineteen." This week we remind and encourage all who hear to #seektheLord and be assured the Lord can and #willdeliver us from "The Evil". #LordRedeems, #TheEvil To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com Visit https://Warn-Usa.com 🎧Listen now, go to Post:
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  • #Prophetic #Warning, #Forced #Conversion, #Faith of #Saints, #Deliverance
    Prophetic Warning first came via Jesus Christ. He addressed the Apostles in Matthew twenty-four, Mark chapter thirteen, and Luke chapter twenty-one. Yet one warning was the Lord saying to the disciples at that time saying "The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you." This is found within the context found in John chapter fifteen, verses eighteen to twenty-one. Herein also lay the truth, the "Servant is not greater than his Lord." If they #Persecuted #JesusChrist, #Yeshua #HaMassiach; which they did, then the followers also will meet with persecution. Today globally as we report on the Persecuted church, we never are lack for the true stories of #persecutedChristians. However, also trouble comes via #naturaldisasters, #war, #prison, #famine, and more. In the world #Christians will have #tribulation. We are to keep the faith, letting the #SpiritofGod fill us with #Joy, #love, and other fruits of the Spirit. #PropheticWarning 🎧Listen now, go to Post: To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com Visit https://Warn-Usa.com
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  • Discipleship Occupy till I Come; Isaiah's Apocalypse Pt12
    Isaiah's Apocalypse describes a world that is literally coming apart at every angle, area, and this falls on absolutely every person on the earth at that time. However, one note to look at here is that the #earth is #defiled under the #inhabitants thereof. The #Curse has #devoured the #earth, Isaiah points out. There is no doubt that what the #prophet saw was unlike anything anyone had seen before. Then came John the Revelator who updated the vision in #Revelation bringing it up to date with what #modernman, who has gained knowledge of secret things, technology, modern weaponry, and weather control to mention a few items. Take #Isaiah, add in #JohnsRevelation, then add a large splash of #technology, #weapons, #science, and man's push for #godhood and you can see where it is going. However, unless the #Lord comes then at the proper timing, "there shall no flesh be saved." - see Matthew 24:22. #IsaiahsApocalypse To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com Visit https://Warn-Usa.com 🎧Listen now, go to Post:
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  • #Contending Faith, #Corruption, #Algeria, #Nigeria, #Aid for #Christians, #Chris
    #Contending Faith, #Corruption, #Algeria, #Nigeria, #Aid for #Christians, #Christians #Starve, @WarnRad Contending Faith has various degrees or levels of conflict. In #America, we still face troubles and issues; but take for example overseas, Christians face corrupt officials, government oversight, and murderous outlaws who contend for their #faith by #murdering #Christians. We also see Christian #Starving and in need of aid from fellow believers and #Christianorganizations who bring life sustaining support to such persecuted families and individuals. Thus #Aid, #food, #doctors, and #employment or wage-earning ability all are vitally and equally important to a #lifelong viable #Christiancommunity. It is far too easy for #Christians in the west to forget after one donation or two and go back to their ritual of going to work, paying bills, and other items. But for the #persecutedChristians especially in #NorthKorea, #China, and other areas the threat is staying alive while an entire #government of a nation wants all #Christians #jailedforlife, hung, thrown in a dungeon until they rot, or are #murdered by the so-called outlaws I mentioned above. So, take time today and look into this issue with #donations, #prayers, and #love. #ContendingFaith 🎧Listen now, go to Post: To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com Visit https://Warn-Usa.com
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  • #Discipleship #Occupy till I #Come; #HeComes #Awaken Pt11
    He Comes Awaken to the prospect that when He does, judgment of both the righteous and unrighteous will be seen in perspective to their relative positions, #faith, and #discipleship regarding the #TrueFaith, #TrueWay, and #TrueSavior Jesus Christ, #YeshuaHaMassiach. There will be no going back to changing things. Life as we know will totally change. They warnings to repent will no longer be heard, church choirs will be replaced by heavenly voices of a multitude no man could count. No more preaching on street corners, no more street revivals, no; all will be changed totally. There will be the #Messiah in full glory, and he will reign on the Throne of David for a thousand years, and then the new #heavens, #newearth, and the finality of all time will have the #kingdomofGod on #earth. Today's show focuses on Awakening to a new era of #peace, #love, #joy, and much more. Yet, there will be #weeping of #joy, and #wailing of #agony for those who rejected our #savior #JesusChrist. Realize the prospect that one day, life as we know it will end. No more #life and #death, but #Eternal and the rule of #Yeshua overall things. #HeComesAwaken To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com Visit https://Warn-Usa.com 🎧Listen now, go to Post:
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